I got my Walker from GS and thank God he came well packaged....I think it just depends on the person packing unfortunately.

Yeah that quality assurance sucks especially for getting what appears to be such a rare pop.

I got 2 false gods, black widow & something else.

My boy copped 4 or 5 as well. All came perfect.
If anyone has an extra GG that is the only thing I didn't end up getting. Didn't want to order it from PC when I only want that 1.
I'm not a rides collector but that seems dope, hope whoever wants him, gets him....hopefully Funko shop drops more stuff tofay
Since it isn't a limited numbered piece it will pop back up at some point. Funko said the only pieces they release that won't restock are the limited number pieces. I'm passing on this one, one of the few I haven't bought over the last couple months.
Lol its all commons and not much.

Rhodes and patriot are pending for some major trade
Purple regina was through a another member here i was going to custom but decided not to custom
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I've only ever ordered 4 pops from gamestop & thats never happened

But edge cases scare me too

even jumpy in here got his gamestop order messed up :smh:

Mine came in separate boxes, cardboard dividers and everything - very impressed with the shipping.

Mini update on my issue - they shipped my Doctor Strange Pops 2 Day shipping and let me keep the Luke Pops. #Blessed
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