Fragment Design x Retro 1 High OG - Dec 27, 2014

Guy I bought the frags from just got it in from and shipped them out to me today, but I noticed the laces in the bag weren't as neatly packaged as they normally are from the one pic he sent me :nerd: he said that's how he got them from he def got a pair from NDC as he has receipt with his name on it for the frags

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But something To Feed the Beasts in Here!
everyone knows, that site is cooked already 
Biting the bullet at resale.
i got them from reseller..just not that i sent many messages with the price i wanted to pay, everyone ignored me but i got it from that guy..the last few days most of the resellers i contacted asked me if i am still interested in their guess their plans did not work as they expected.
Will be getting at resell as well. After following this thread for a while now, I think the hype is definitely crazy and real for these 1's. Especially for only being out a week.

Resell was high right off the bat, not even Royal and Breds sold for this high when they released. Shoot not even Banned's if I recall correctly.

I personally liked this shoe for the colorway, me being an Orlando Magic fan makes these a must for me. In all honestly if I could get these without the Fragment logo I would like em even better. The fact that they paid more attention to this shoe makes it more appealing to me as well. I know the Banned's are gonna be tough to top, but I guess I'll find out whenI get them.

I love 1's and have gotten all the cw's Ive wanted, except these. Im gonna be getting rid of some stuff I don't wear and get for $770 locally. Assuming everything works out. Best price Ive been able to find in my size and after seeing what FC is selling for, not gonna depend on a restock or END to try and get

Good luck to all on the hunt!
DS Pantone 11s, DS Legend 11s, 9/10 obsidian ice blue 10s.. What should I use for trading options to grab these Frags? I also have DS Balenciaga Blk Pleateds.. Am I reaching and trying to do the most?
Those 85's just shut down the whole thread. Going through a bout of flu right now but those gave me a quick shot in the arm, awesome pick up.
DS Pantone 11s, DS Legend 11s, 9/10 obsidian ice blue 10s.. What should I use for trading options to grab these Frags? I also have DS Balenciaga Blk Pleateds.. Am I reaching and trying to do the most?
ive seen hear soo many negative stories about people trading shoes, just don't do it.  there's so many gm and fakes. I would hate to see you get got
DS Pantone 11s, DS Legend 11s, 9/10 obsidian ice blue 10s.. What should I use for trading options to grab these Frags? I also have DS Balenciaga Blk Pleateds.. Am I reaching and trying to do the most?

What size are you?
As mentioned, I skipped on the Fragment 1s, but ended up with these..


Congrats brutha! REPPED!

But IMO if I had the opportunity to cop those or frags, I would go for frags [[Flame suit on]] I'm speaking if your intentions of copping were to wear. I would rather cop frags and wait for the remastered Chi's that are set to release this year. If I had those DS 85s tho, they'd go straight to a glass case for display. Hopefully get them signed some day lol. I don't have a single pair that I don't plan on wearing, but if I did it would be those. No doubt they're def a collectors item. Nowadays every shoe I buy, I wear or at least plan on it. Who knows how much longer/great they'll look if you wore them.

Not tryin to disrespect. Just my opinion.
Leather is soft, cut higher and as said better padding. Can't compare to lm but I think they maybe equal from pics I've seen. All in all great shoe.
With the resale prices if you know anyone trickling pairs of these out, keep it on the low pms etc like you guys did pre release lol. Y'all were acting like cia agents when you thought they'd resell for 400. 
Guy I bought the frags from just got it in from and shipped them out to me today, but I noticed the laces in the bag weren't as neatly packaged as they normally are from the one pic he sent me :nerd: he said that's how he got them from he def got a pair from NDC as he has receipt with his name on it for the frags

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Duno laces in bag don't look as tight as they usually are. Anymore oppinions from people who have got them in ?
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