FORMER Tree Smokers, When Did U Quit & Why?

I used to love smokin dro. Back in high school mainly tho. Even went to my finals baked.
I quit because it really killed my short term memory and most of the time after smoking i would spend all my money on food.
Dont get me wrong weed was always a good time with the boys but as an everyday thing i think i would be super lazy and unproductive.
I dont have any amazing stories as to why I quit like you guys but one day I just woke up and didnt want to smoke so I stopped. that was back in 08-09
Originally Posted by ChrisPhenephom

quit this year.

-losing ALOT of $
-I have asthma, its getting worse

-I feel as if im dumber/slower/not as witty.(never thought this would happen to me
-anxioty/paranoia has gotten substantialy worse.

basically im gonna get ripped and healthy as i can this year. then burn on bdays/holidays/trips & vacations/special ocasions.
i used it for stress but im convinced good ol excersise and health can bring that.
I was doin way to much and that cant be good.
once i get a better job and a place of my own ill come back.

i miss mj already.
kinda fiendin for some right nao

I swear we're the same fam. Like the last time i smoked I had a panic attack which messed me up in the head bigtime. So needless to say i'm done forgood. I thought i was having an effin heart attack. I started cheifin like 08' and it got to a daily point 09 fall semester. So i realized as much money asi was wasting, so it was no point in going on. However my GPA went to 3.0 from a not that goes hand in hand, but im more motivated now after quittingweed i feel waaaay more comfortable and relaxed, working out everyday, and the women are coming in flocks to the point i have to turn down sex. So i'mpretty much down with the green because them withdrawl symptoms are bananas had a brotha all depressed and going through anxiety....
Originally Posted by JOE CAMEL SMOOTH

yeah im from socal but norcal/bc +%!! is def the best

i got to school out east and live out there part of the year......ill get good stuff like jack herrer or nyc diesel but nothing compares to the stuff back out west.

and the regular stuff.....mediocre high usually. not nearly as euophoric or relaxing.
Also with regular or crap grade stuff, the aroma and taste aren't as good.
ima tell ya'll this... half of yall who say you smoke dont smoke.

im constantly high all day. i run thru an 8th every 2 or 3 days depending on what im doing.

its a huge trade - off. i have very serious anger management issues and also a sleeping disorder...
so if i dont smoke, im very angry. and i cant sleep, which makes me angrier. its a terrible cycle.
on the other hand when i do, my production level slows by half, but im more creative.
but cannabis has given me a way to live a normal life.

cause seriously, prescription meds have terrible side effects. i was addicted to sleeping pills for like a year.
I'm gonna take breaks... No quitting here.... My next break is coming up this weekend... hopefully I can go about 3 - 4 weeks.... Gotta get somethingsright in life and purple haze won't help me overcome them....

"We got it a lil cheaper"
Originally Posted by ChampionEdition

ima tell ya'll this... half of yall who say you smoke dont smoke.

im constantly high all day. i run thru an 8th every 2 or 3 days depending on what im doing.

its a huge trade - off. i have very serious anger management issues and also a sleeping disorder...
so if i dont smoke, im very angry. and i cant sleep, which makes me angrier. its a terrible cycle.
on the other hand when i do, my production level slows by half, but im more creative.
but cannabis has given me a way to live a normal life.

cause seriously, prescription meds have terrible side effects. i was addicted to sleeping pills for like a year.
Come to NJ bro and you can live the life as ya boy
Originally Posted by snakeyes17

Overall, I have nothing against weed, but it's counterproductive for me and really has no place in my life at this point in time and I'm fine with that.

Same here, man.
Used to smoke habitually, in hs but I stopped, and just dropped it cold turkey
Now everytime I blaze I just get paranoid/anixety..
I think its cuz I ###%#! up my tolerance
I still burn prolly like once a week, but I'm just chasing my old high- when the %@++ was fun for me
habitual smoker for about 4-5 years quit in october and honestly i feel like im getting my intellectual savvy back im much more concious of everything aroundme but i mean thats just me though
Originally Posted by Addicted To Exclusives

Aint nothing wrong with smoking. If it gets in the way of your priorities thats your fault. You just have to know when to smoke and when not to

Quit dec. 31st...... but only for a month.... sucks when your tolerance is so high, you can't even get, well.. high....
Originally Posted by luvkicks

Quit dec. 31st...... but only for a month.... sucks when your tolerance is so high, you can't even get, well.. high....

That's why you gotta take breaks every now and then.
some people get paranoid/anixety because they worried of getting paranoid/anixety. correct? or is it just because you do it too much
Originally Posted by Mangudai954

Originally Posted by luvkicks

Quit dec. 31st...... but only for a month.... sucks when your tolerance is so high, you can't even get, well.. high....

That's why you gotta take breaks every now and then.

for reals.. I think its time for me to take a break again.. Last time I went a year without smoking.
Originally Posted by Shaq DIESEL 34

Originally Posted by da boy boyy

i ddnt smoke for 2 FULL DAYS last week, and let me tell u i was proud of myself! ive cut down on smokin tho, used to smoke 10+ blunts a day, now im down to 1 blunt and thats before i go to sleep

Ducktales my freind. 10 blunts? Get outta here. Nice lie bro.
lol like i said, we burn out here like we smokin cigarettes. i aint gotta prove nada to you.
I started smoking freshman year of college (07). Smoking just seemed to unite everybody I hung out with. We used to burn before going to the cafe and murkedeverthing in sight.. Wake and bake and hit breakfast.. Between classes..Before going out.. inside the party. Definately good times But it seemed I never hadtime to myself bc somebody would always hit me up with a blunt plus suitemate was the weedman so he'd blaze with us and throw us some extra buds if wecopped. I was not focused with school at all so grades slipped. End up getting kicked out for being drunk n high doing some dumb @@%$ Transfered. Burned withppl that I never burned with in hs. But when I was burning was when I did the most thinking when I did have a min to myself. So I went cold turkey as of11/1/2009. Just to see how long I can go but I have no intentions of starting back! Passed on some many blunts this holiday season. But I felt empowered byeach no I dished out. Me and mj had a good run though. but im straight on it now.
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