Former Christians: What Made You a Skeptic?

Originally Posted by Russ tha G

A book full of vague stories that can be interpreted to mean just about anything isn't enough proof for me. Nostrodamus "predicted" a lot of vague things, too - nobody's running around worshipping him.

Vague stories. A book written thousands of years ago right? OK how do you feel about China and Russia asking for a global economy/government? How do you feelabout the micro-chips that are being created to hold massive info such as SSN, I.D., Medical history and maybe even money? The bible speaks about it bro.
Originally Posted by LESfamilia

Originally Posted by 360wavesandxbox

Originally Posted by LESfamilia

Originally Posted by RKO2004

Originally Posted by retrospect90

Originally Posted by RKO2004

Originally Posted by retrospect90

Hell was probably started just to scare people into doing the right thing. Is not even in the bible, there is no such thing

Well in that case, there will be some splitting up. People who have lived right (I'm not the judge of that so don't ask) and people who chose not to. I highly doubt we're here just to live and do whatever, every system we have in place stems from actions having reactions. For all the wrong that people cause, there has to be an atonement.
IMO that is what death is for. Romans 6:23. Why would a loving god allow someone to be tortured?
Why would his creations rebel against him? But maybe Hell is just a place with God. Maybe that's torture enough.

Well for those that would look at the bible and research it without notions of what pastors shove down your throats you would see that God is allowing all this badness on earth to teach not only us a lesson but his angels as well. When Lucifer rebelled at first and took some rebellious angels with him, God could have easily destroyed them and ended the whole thing right there..Then adam and eve wouldnt have been led astray or anything..

But what would any other onlookers in heaven have thought? What would stop another one from trying again to do the same thing? Nothing..So this is why God is allowing Lucifer (or Satan) to influence the world soo much. From the very beginning he prophesied that the dragon(luficer, Satan) would be hurled down on earth, and be like a lion knowing he has a Short period of time. Jesus went on to say things would get worse during the "last days". Notice how things seem to be getting worse worldwide? Famine,War, terrorism? Its because the Devil has such heavy iinfluence on everything.
Because God wants everyone to see what will become of the world if anyone were to have their way and rule over it like Satan is trying to do now. And we can see how everything shambles..WHen he comes back and restores everything after judgement day, the devil will be crushed along with his rebellious angels, and everything will be peaceful...
Just a little glimpse in the thought process i was taught..

And its funny how for years i have been taught that the world was going to come to an end at a point when no one will expect it...when mankind will think they have reached their Height of Peace and Security...And the night Obama was announced as the winner of the election in his first speech..what did he emphasize? Bringing about "Peace and Security!" Coincidence..
Just remember this, the bible also tells of the Government turning on false religion, and ultimately destroying when you guys start seeing and hearing about this stuff on the news dont even be shocked...most of you have heard it here first..
Exactly, bro. I don't want to sound like some conspiracy theorist, but I remain ever-vigilant on a daily basis, and the headlines flashing across the marquees everyday only do more to reinforce my mentality.
I'd say people thinking the world is getting worse are just caught up in the 24 hour news cycle. You just think things are worst because youhear more about it now.
Originally Posted by DL2352

Originally Posted by LESfamilia

And its funny how for years i have been taught that the world was going to come to an end at a point when no one will expect it...when mankind will think they have reached their Height of Peace and Security...And the night Obama was announced as the winner of the election in his first speech..what did he emphasize? Bringing about "Peace and Security!" Coincidence..
Just remember this, the bible also tells of the Government turning on false religion, and ultimately destroying when you guys start seeing and hearing about this stuff on the news dont even be shocked...most of you have heard it here first..
Exactly, bro. I don't want to sound like some conspiracy theorist, but I remain ever-vigilant on a daily basis, and the headlines flashing across the marquees everyday only do more to reinforce my mentality.
I'd say people thinking the world is getting worse are just caught up in the 24 hour news cycle. You just think things are worst because you hear more about it now.

Exactly DL2352

and to the bolded that just pisses me off. People always predicting the end (prolly since the beginning of time), ok yall been wrong all this time. Shoot sayyall right in say 3 years (2012) SO WHAT? will you feel better knowing you finally guessed right? i just dont get it. A coincidence that the imcumbentpresident is "preaching" peace and security? Um i imagine every leader of every country is stating this. so whats the coincidence? are you sayinObama's evil? Thats cool if you think that, but wheres your proof? what makes you think that?
Originally Posted by jthagreat

Originally Posted by DL2352

Originally Posted by LESfamilia

And its funny how for years i have been taught that the world was going to come to an end at a point when no one will expect it...when mankind will think they have reached their Height of Peace and Security...And the night Obama was announced as the winner of the election in his first speech..what did he emphasize? Bringing about "Peace and Security!" Coincidence..
Just remember this, the bible also tells of the Government turning on false religion, and ultimately destroying when you guys start seeing and hearing about this stuff on the news dont even be shocked...most of you have heard it here first..
Exactly, bro. I don't want to sound like some conspiracy theorist, but I remain ever-vigilant on a daily basis, and the headlines flashing across the marquees everyday only do more to reinforce my mentality.
I'd say people thinking the world is getting worse are just caught up in the 24 hour news cycle. You just think things are worst because you hear more about it now.

Exactly DL2352

and to the bolded that just pisses me off. People always predicting the end (prolly since the beginning of time), ok yall been wrong all this time. Shoot say yall right in say 3 years (2012) SO WHAT? will you feel better knowing you finally guessed right? i just dont get it. A coincidence that the imcumbent president is "preaching" peace and security? Um i imagine every leader of every country is stating this. so whats the coincidence? are you sayin Obama's evil? Thats cool if you think that, but wheres your proof? what makes you think that?

Calm down. Nobody said a year. Nobody is going to say "Yeah I was right!". When I talk about this stuff, its for the sake of warning my fellowpeople. As for Obama, who knows? But it does say that all the world leaders will eventually give their power over to the beast. That includes our leader,whoever that may be. Calm down.Your coming off hostile. Nobody even predicted the end

Oh and keep in mind. ONLY God KNOWS when the end will be. Not us, his angels or Jesus I believe. Someone correct me if I'm wrong.
Originally Posted by RKO2004

Originally Posted by Russ tha G

A book full of vague stories that can be interpreted to mean just about anything isn't enough proof for me. Nostrodamus "predicted" a lot of vague things, too - nobody's running around worshipping him.

Vague stories. A book written thousands of years ago right? OK how do you feel about China and Russia asking for a global economy/government? How do you feel about the micro-chips that are being created to hold massive info such as SSN, I.D., Medical history and maybe even money? The bible speaks about it bro. doesn't. I don't know why people are scared of global economies and technology.
Originally Posted by ninjallamafromhell

Originally Posted by RKO2004

Originally Posted by Russ tha G

A book full of vague stories that can be interpreted to mean just about anything isn't enough proof for me. Nostrodamus "predicted" a lot of vague things, too - nobody's running around worshipping him.

Vague stories. A book written thousands of years ago right? OK how do you feel about China and Russia asking for a global economy/government? How do you feel about the micro-chips that are being created to hold massive info such as SSN, I.D., Medical history and maybe even money? The bible speaks about it bro. doesn't. I don't know why people are scared of global economies and technology.

So the bible doesn't speak of a ONE WORLD GOVERNMENT that is every nation combined and led by the Anti-Christ? Are you serious?

Come on man. Its there. I will say, there is no telling if it will be micro chips, but it has to be a system where the world will have to convert to it inorder to buy and sell and pretty much do anything. Those Real I.D. cards they are planning will be needed to do pretty much everything so who knows whats next.

Not saying I'm right but all this is looking fishy man.
Originally Posted by RKO2004

Originally Posted by jthagreat

Originally Posted by DL2352

Originally Posted by LESfamilia

And its funny how for years i have been taught that the world was going to come to an end at a point when no one will expect it...when mankind will think they have reached their Height of Peace and Security...And the night Obama was announced as the winner of the election in his first speech..what did he emphasize? Bringing about "Peace and Security!" Coincidence..
Just remember this, the bible also tells of the Government turning on false religion, and ultimately destroying when you guys start seeing and hearing about this stuff on the news dont even be shocked...most of you have heard it here first..
Exactly, bro. I don't want to sound like some conspiracy theorist, but I remain ever-vigilant on a daily basis, and the headlines flashing across the marquees everyday only do more to reinforce my mentality.
I'd say people thinking the world is getting worse are just caught up in the 24 hour news cycle. You just think things are worst because you hear more about it now.

Exactly DL2352

and to the bolded that just pisses me off. People always predicting the end (prolly since the beginning of time), ok yall been wrong all this time. Shoot say yall right in say 3 years (2012) SO WHAT? will you feel better knowing you finally guessed right? i just dont get it. A coincidence that the imcumbent president is "preaching" peace and security? Um i imagine every leader of every country is stating this. so whats the coincidence? are you sayin Obama's evil? Thats cool if you think that, but wheres your proof? what makes you think that?

Calm down. Nobody said a year. Nobody is going to say "Yeah I was right!". When I talk about this stuff, its for the sake of warning my fellow people. As for Obama, who knows? But it does say that all the world leaders will eventually give their power over to the beast. That includes our leader, whoever that may be. Calm down.Your coming off hostile. Nobody even predicted the end

Oh and keep in mind. ONLY God KNOWS when the end will be. Not us, his angels or Jesus I believe. Someone correct me if I'm wrong.

the "pisses" me off thing was a lil harsh, but handed over to the beast. pretty vague dont you think? The way the "believers of religion"speak cause me to be skeptical.

"And its funny how for years i have been taught that the world was going to come to an end at a point when no one will expect it..."
so if you always expect it, it should never happen correct. Personally i believe in God, and Jesus. Jesus is (to me) more andmore becoming a man (a reg person) who died in representation of everyones sins. IF we are all God's children, couldnt i die for the sake of everyone'ssin? IT wont get followed by as many people as the real Jesus did, but is it no different?

These arent questions directed to anyone in particular, cause i have also ask myself the same thing aka im not upset or angry.

I think the bible as mentioned is a group of stories used to showcase right and wrong. nothin more nothin less. If you feel you are living right, and not doinanyone wrong, you are right in MY BOOK. and thats the one that means most to me.
Originally Posted by RKO2004

Originally Posted by ninjallamafromhell

Originally Posted by RKO2004

Originally Posted by Russ tha G

A book full of vague stories that can be interpreted to mean just about anything isn't enough proof for me. Nostrodamus "predicted" a lot of vague things, too - nobody's running around worshipping him.

Vague stories. A book written thousands of years ago right? OK how do you feel about China and Russia asking for a global economy/government? How do you feel about the micro-chips that are being created to hold massive info such as SSN, I.D., Medical history and maybe even money? The bible speaks about it bro. doesn't. I don't know why people are scared of global economies and technology.

So the bible doesn't speak of a ONE WORLD GOVERNMENT that is every nation combined and led by the Anti-Christ? Are you serious?

Come on man. Its there. I will say, there is no telling if it will be micro chips, but it has to be a system where the world will have to convert to it in order to buy and sell and pretty much do anything. Those Real I.D. cards they are planning will be needed to do pretty much everything so who knows whats next.

Not saying I'm right but all this is looking fishy man.
A one world government =/= the coming of the anti-christ. ID cards with lots of info on them (like the military is already using and areincredibly helpful) =/= the coming of the anti-christ.
Originally Posted by jthagreat

Originally Posted by RKO2004

Originally Posted by jthagreat

Originally Posted by DL2352

Originally Posted by LESfamilia

And its funny how for years i have been taught that the world was going to come to an end at a point when no one will expect it...when mankind will think they have reached their Height of Peace and Security...And the night Obama was announced as the winner of the election in his first speech..what did he emphasize? Bringing about "Peace and Security!" Coincidence..
Just remember this, the bible also tells of the Government turning on false religion, and ultimately destroying when you guys start seeing and hearing about this stuff on the news dont even be shocked...most of you have heard it here first..
Exactly, bro. I don't want to sound like some conspiracy theorist, but I remain ever-vigilant on a daily basis, and the headlines flashing across the marquees everyday only do more to reinforce my mentality.
I'd say people thinking the world is getting worse are just caught up in the 24 hour news cycle. You just think things are worst because you hear more about it now.

Exactly DL2352

and to the bolded that just pisses me off. People always predicting the end (prolly since the beginning of time), ok yall been wrong all this time. Shoot say yall right in say 3 years (2012) SO WHAT? will you feel better knowing you finally guessed right? i just dont get it. A coincidence that the imcumbent president is "preaching" peace and security? Um i imagine every leader of every country is stating this. so whats the coincidence? are you sayin Obama's evil? Thats cool if you think that, but wheres your proof? what makes you think that?

Calm down. Nobody said a year. Nobody is going to say "Yeah I was right!". When I talk about this stuff, its for the sake of warning my fellow people. As for Obama, who knows? But it does say that all the world leaders will eventually give their power over to the beast. That includes our leader, whoever that may be. Calm down.Your coming off hostile. Nobody even predicted the end

Oh and keep in mind. ONLY God KNOWS when the end will be. Not us, his angels or Jesus I believe. Someone correct me if I'm wrong.

the "pisses" me off thing was a lil harsh, but handed over to the beast. pretty vague dont you think? The way the "believers of religion" speak cause me to be skeptical.

Vague? Well it does describe what the beast is. I haven't read up on it in months but I believe its used to describe all the nations combined.The nations have animals that represent them don't they. Someone with a better memory
should be of better assistance. But my question is, how many signs (vague signsto some people
) are needed before people start saying "wait a tic?this is looking like something I read before."
Originally Posted by ninjallamafromhell

Originally Posted by RKO2004

Originally Posted by ninjallamafromhell

Originally Posted by RKO2004

Originally Posted by Russ tha G

A book full of vague stories that can be interpreted to mean just about anything isn't enough proof for me. Nostrodamus "predicted" a lot of vague things, too - nobody's running around worshipping him.

Vague stories. A book written thousands of years ago right? OK how do you feel about China and Russia asking for a global economy/government? How do you feel about the micro-chips that are being created to hold massive info such as SSN, I.D., Medical history and maybe even money? The bible speaks about it bro. doesn't. I don't know why people are scared of global economies and technology.

So the bible doesn't speak of a ONE WORLD GOVERNMENT that is every nation combined and led by the Anti-Christ? Are you serious?

Come on man. Its there. I will say, there is no telling if it will be micro chips, but it has to be a system where the world will have to convert to it in order to buy and sell and pretty much do anything. Those Real I.D. cards they are planning will be needed to do pretty much everything so who knows whats next.

Not saying I'm right but all this is looking fishy man.
A one world government =/= the coming of the anti-christ. ID cards with lots of info on them (like the military is already using and are incredibly helpful) =/= the coming of the anti-christ.

Look? It may sound helpful like a lot of things, but like a lot of good things, evil people use them for evil reasons. The Micro-Chip idea is very close in myopinion. It may sound good, but for something to be able to hold all that information and with the potential of being used across the globe, it sounds damnfishy to me.

Marriage is good, but people use it for material gain so whats so far fetched with people using technology that way? Basically I'm saying I think thoseMicrochips have the possibility to be the "Mark of the Beast".

That's just my opinion though.
Originally Posted by ONHOLLOWEDGROUND821

This will be fun for you RKO2004

I'm just saying dude. All this stuff is starting to ring bells.

Now go run down a flight of stairs blind folded with scissors. "The possibilities are endless!"
RKO2004 wrote:
Originally Posted by ONHOLLOWEDGROUND821

This will be fun for you RKO2004

I'm just saying dude. All this stuff is starting to ring bells.

Now go run down a flight of stairs blind folded with scissors. "The possibilities are endless!"

CALM DOWN!!!!!!!

Hell is not the fiery pits of torment and torture. What makes Hell so putrid is the separation from God. I just wrote a 3 page paper on the Bible'steaching of Hell. If anybody wants to read more about Hell, PM me and I'll gladly send you my paper. I got an A on it btw.
minor things bug me though

people saying "He rose on the 3rd day"

from friday afternoon to sunday morning is normally barely considered 2 days

Originally Posted by tmukg21

minor things bug me though

people saying "He rose on the 3rd day"

from friday afternoon to sunday morning is normally barely considered 2 days


You're thinking about hours. Friday Saturday Sunday Third day.
Originally Posted by tmukg21

minor things bug me though

people saying "He rose on the 3rd day"

from friday afternoon to sunday morning is normally barely considered 2 days

You thought you were the first person to think of that, huh?
Originally Posted by RKO2004

Originally Posted by jthagreat

Originally Posted by RKO2004

Originally Posted by jthagreat

Originally Posted by DL2352

Originally Posted by LESfamilia

And its funny how for years i have been taught that the world was going to come to an end at a point when no one will expect it...when mankind will think they have reached their Height of Peace and Security...And the night Obama was announced as the winner of the election in his first speech..what did he emphasize? Bringing about "Peace and Security!" Coincidence..
Just remember this, the bible also tells of the Government turning on false religion, and ultimately destroying when you guys start seeing and hearing about this stuff on the news dont even be shocked...most of you have heard it here first..
Exactly, bro. I don't want to sound like some conspiracy theorist, but I remain ever-vigilant on a daily basis, and the headlines flashing across the marquees everyday only do more to reinforce my mentality.
I'd say people thinking the world is getting worse are just caught up in the 24 hour news cycle. You just think things are worst because you hear more about it now.

Exactly DL2352

and to the bolded that just pisses me off. People always predicting the end (prolly since the beginning of time), ok yall been wrong all this time. Shoot say yall right in say 3 years (2012) SO WHAT? will you feel better knowing you finally guessed right? i just dont get it. A coincidence that the imcumbent president is "preaching" peace and security? Um i imagine every leader of every country is stating this. so whats the coincidence? are you sayin Obama's evil? Thats cool if you think that, but wheres your proof? what makes you think that?

Calm down. Nobody said a year. Nobody is going to say "Yeah I was right!". When I talk about this stuff, its for the sake of warning my fellow people. As for Obama, who knows? But it does say that all the world leaders will eventually give their power over to the beast. That includes our leader, whoever that may be. Calm down.Your coming off hostile. Nobody even predicted the end

Oh and keep in mind. ONLY God KNOWS when the end will be. Not us, his angels or Jesus I believe. Someone correct me if I'm wrong.

the "pisses" me off thing was a lil harsh, but handed over to the beast. pretty vague dont you think? The way the "believers of religion" speak cause me to be skeptical.
Vague? Well it does describe what the beast is. I haven't read up on it in months but I believe its used to describe all the nations combined. The nations have animals that represent them don't they. Someone with a better memory
should be of better assistance. But my question is, how many signs (vague signs to some people
) are needed before people start saying "wait a tic? this is looking like something I read before."

I grew up going to a Christian private school so I'm pretty familiar with what Christians believe the book of Revelations is saying. What Irealize now though is that nobody knows what's going to happen and that it's all human interpretation right now. Even if you do believe in the book ofRevelations, nothing in it is described in detail. I mean, Revelations is basically the visions of John who saw the future and tried to describe what he saw(of course he couldn't seeing as how none of what he was seeing could possibly make sense to him.) Like, the book describes a beast and people interpret itto be some world government? Something about a system where you can't buy anything if you're not marked by the beast equals a microchip system ofidentification? Didn't they barter chickens and goats and use little pieces of silver as currency back in the day?

I guess what I'm trying to say is, I think Christians jump the gun when they try to predict the future and all the doom that's going to happen becausethey think it sort of matches what John might have saw.

For the record, I'm not sure what I believe in anymore. I think there is a God but the whole idea of organized religion is really sketch in my opinion.I've been around Christians all my life (since preschool) and while I have encountered many genuinely good people, I have also encountered just as manyI'd consider to be hypocrites.
Originally Posted by DL2352

Originally Posted by RKO2004

Originally Posted by jthagreat

Originally Posted by RKO2004

Originally Posted by jthagreat

Originally Posted by DL2352

Originally Posted by LESfamilia

And its funny how for years i have been taught that the world was going to come to an end at a point when no one will expect it...when mankind will think they have reached their Height of Peace and Security...And the night Obama was announced as the winner of the election in his first speech..what did he emphasize? Bringing about "Peace and Security!" Coincidence..
Just remember this, the bible also tells of the Government turning on false religion, and ultimately destroying when you guys start seeing and hearing about this stuff on the news dont even be shocked...most of you have heard it here first..
Exactly, bro. I don't want to sound like some conspiracy theorist, but I remain ever-vigilant on a daily basis, and the headlines flashing across the marquees everyday only do more to reinforce my mentality.
I'd say people thinking the world is getting worse are just caught up in the 24 hour news cycle. You just think things are worst because you hear more about it now.

Exactly DL2352

and to the bolded that just pisses me off. People always predicting the end (prolly since the beginning of time), ok yall been wrong all this time. Shoot say yall right in say 3 years (2012) SO WHAT? will you feel better knowing you finally guessed right? i just dont get it. A coincidence that the imcumbent president is "preaching" peace and security? Um i imagine every leader of every country is stating this. so whats the coincidence? are you sayin Obama's evil? Thats cool if you think that, but wheres your proof? what makes you think that?

Calm down. Nobody said a year. Nobody is going to say "Yeah I was right!". When I talk about this stuff, its for the sake of warning my fellow people. As for Obama, who knows? But it does say that all the world leaders will eventually give their power over to the beast. That includes our leader, whoever that may be. Calm down.Your coming off hostile. Nobody even predicted the end

Oh and keep in mind. ONLY God KNOWS when the end will be. Not us, his angels or Jesus I believe. Someone correct me if I'm wrong.

the "pisses" me off thing was a lil harsh, but handed over to the beast. pretty vague dont you think? The way the "believers of religion" speak cause me to be skeptical.
Vague? Well it does describe what the beast is. I haven't read up on it in months but I believe its used to describe all the nations combined. The nations have animals that represent them don't they. Someone with a better memory
should be of better assistance. But my question is, how many signs (vague signs to some people
) are needed before people start saying "wait a tic? this is looking like something I read before."
I grew up going to a Christian private school so I'm pretty familiar with what Christians believe the book of Revelations is saying. What I realize now though is that nobody knows what's going to happen and that it's all human interpretation right now. Even if you do believe in the book of Revelations, nothing in it is described in detail. I mean, Revelations is basically the visions of John who saw the future and tried to describe what he saw (of course he couldn't seeing as how none of what he was seeing could possibly make sense to him.) Like, the book describes a beast and people interpret it to be some world government? Something about a system where you can't buy anything if you're not marked by the beast equals a microchip system of identification? Didn't they barter chickens and goats and use little pieces of silver as currency back in the day?

I guess what I'm trying to say is, I think Christians jump the gun when they try to predict the future and all the doom that's going to happen because they think it sort of matches what John might have saw.

For the record, I'm not sure what I believe in anymore. I think there is a God but the whole idea of organized religion is really sketch in my opinion. I've been around Christians all my life (since preschool) and while I have encountered many genuinely good people, I have also encountered just as many I'd consider to be hypocrites.

I don't disagree with you at all. The biggest problem is that people confuse a relationship with God or any Higher Power with organizedreligion, when in reality they are not the same. You can believe in and worship and praise a Higher Power without relegating yourself to some of the moremundane and recondite tenets of organized religion.

lol @ everyone calling RKO 'some sort of zealot,' in as many words...
Originally Posted by Donny Walker Blaq

Originally Posted by FreddyPee

COllege....taking courses and learning more about religion made me question and denote..... Im just spiritual now...I believe in god but not religion

"he who increases knowledge...increases sorrow"

no truer words have ever been spoken/written
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