Mar 15, 2006
In short, 10-15 mph over the posted speed limit is now $3,500 (after a new points tax that was introduced) in the state of Virginia.
Here is the link

Virginia Introduces $3550 Speeding Ticket. Virginia legislator introduces new speeding ticket tax that boosts penalties beyond $3550, driving business to his traffic law firm.

Virginia motorists convicted of minor traffic violations will face a new, multi-year tax beginning July 1. Led by state Delegate David B. Albo (R-Springfield), lawmakers slipped a driver responsibility tax into a larger transportation funding bill signed by Governor Tim Kaine (D) in April. Albo, a senior partner in the Albo & Oblon, LLP traffic law firm, can expect to see a significant increase in business as motorists seek protect their wallet from traffic tickets that come with assessments of up to $3000 in addition to an annual point tax that tops out at $700 a year for as long as the points remain.

Driving as little as 15 MPH over the limit on an interstate highway now brings six license demerit points, a fine of up to $2500, up to one year in jail, and a new mandatory $1050 tax. The law also imposes an additional annual fee of up to $100 if a prior conviction leaves the motorist with a balance of eight demerit points, plus $75 for each additional point (up to $700 a year). The conviction in this example remains on the record for five years.

Other six-point convictions include "failing to give a proper signal," "passing a school bus" or "driving with an obstructed view." The same
$1050 assessment applies, but the conviction remains on the record for eleven years.

Although the amount of the tax can add up quickly, the law forbids judges from reducing or suspending it in any way. The tax applies only to Virginia residents, so that out-of-state motorists only need to pay the regular ticket amount. Michigan, New Jersey, New York and Texas also impose a somewhat more modest driver responsibility tax which they apply to out-of-state residents.

The Virginia Supreme Court provides a full explanation of the new penalties for each traffic infraction in the 34k PDF file at the source link below. Update: View which legislators support a repeal, link to online petition
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"The purpose of the civil remedial fees imposed in this section is to generate revenue," the new law states. (Virginia Code 46.2-206.1)

NO *+!+ Sherlock................................................
The tax applies only to Virginia residents

Puts me at ease a lil', but it's still OD.
*waits for an NTer to get caught slippin' and then make a thread about it*
This law is some bull crap. $3500 #$%^&*% bucks for 10-15 miles over the limit? #$%& outta here.
Originally Posted by bigj505

note to self:
stay out of the Va area

Pretty much......everyone to my father to my uncles told me to never do dirt in the commonwealth

My man told me a couple of weeks ago how his man got arested for speeding in VA

It's just crazy to me how, in times like these, "they" always squeezing blood from turnips...

People can't even keep their jobs at this point, or live comfortable and at ease.

Now you gonna demand something unrealistic from people who are broke due to circumstance?

Demands that are crazy even if the economy was in a boom?


Putting a ban-aid on a man bleeding to death never saved his life........................................................
Calm down everyone...according to the date of the article, it was published June 21, 2007. And if you visit the link and read the story you will see the link to the follow up article that states this law was repealed on March 27, 2008. So this is pretty much old news that ended up getting repealed anyway.
Originally Posted by Fantastic4our

*wipes brow*

I just peeped that too, once I ACTUALLY read the whole thing.

This was in an e-mail from the corporate office of my company, so I will have to look into this further.
I received a couple emails on this also and then once i saw it posted on here, i thought it was concrete...had me tellin friends/fam all about this....sooo relieved this is old news......fairfax county already got me nervous when im not even doing nothin
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