Fools Wildin', Volume 2

Because i didnt actually ever say anything false and the clip with Tariq is still not evidence of anything other than a lady made a hand gesture. Without knowing her personally, i can not say, that purely by association, she is a white supremacist.

Knowing that this is a known sensitive thing, i certainly wont direct anymore "oks " at you .

However im not going to apologize or cower when i think you may be wrong.
Fighting for equality does not make you infallible or give you the right to attack other people and cultures.
who did i attack? where?

stop making stuff up

you were wrong and just ashamed to admit it

the video i posted aint sufficient but the link meth put up convinced you foh

tbh the moderator posted an opinion article from a page titled hate watch.
It explained that some had coopted the sign. Not that the video you showed correctly identified white supremacists.

Im laying off this now, not because you are right but because obviously management feels the need to throw you a life ring when you cant swim yourself.
no management can sometimes recognize when right is right

you came in this thread to troll me and got sonned by the admin

why you dont tell him you dont believe his link

cuz you pie
Kavanaugh has calendars from 1982 that do not list a party as the one his accuser describes and he's handing them over to the Senate Judiciary Committee
  • Brett Kavanaugh has calendars from 1982 that list basketball games, movies, and some parties - but not one with people named by Christine Ford in her allegation
  • He is handing the calendars over to the Senate Judiciary Committee
  • His team will argue there is no corroboration for Ford's account
  • Kavanaugh is refusing to answer some questions on his drinking and sex life in private practice sessions ahead of his Senate testimony
  • He is 'incredibly frustrated' with some of the stories out there it was reported
  • Democrats, meanwhile, plan to ask him about partying culture at his prep school
  • Sen. Mazie Hirono: 'I would be wanting to hear what kind of environment it was in high school. Apparently there was a lot of drinking and partying going on'
  • Kavanaugh is in hours of practice sessions with White House aides pretending to be senators as he works to save his Supreme Court nomination
  • A White House aide said the questions are designed to cross a line as part of how they are preparing him for a grilling for Democrats
  • Republicans have to consider the optics of having 11 male members of the Judiciary Committee questioning accuser Christine Ford

Brett Kavanaugh has calendars from the summer of 1982 that do not list any party like the one Christine Blasey Ford described in her allegation of sexual assault against him, it was revealed on Sunday.

He plans to give the calendars to the Senate Judiciary Committee, The New York Times reported, ahead of his testimony on Thursday.

While the calendars don't disprove the charge against him as he could have attended a party not listed, his team will argue there is no corroboration for Blasey Ford's account of a small gathering when they were teenagers were she claims he pinned her to a bed and tried to remove her clothing.

The calendars reveal Kavanaugh was out of town much of that summer - either at the beach or away with his parents.


Brett Kavanugh reportedly refused to answer some questions on his private life in practice sessions for Senate testimony


Christine Ford's lawyer said she is willing to testify before the Senate Judiciary Committee

When he was at home, the calendars list basketball games, movie outings, football workouts and college interviews, The Times reported. A few parties are mentioned but include names of friends other than those identified by Ford in her account against him.

The latest revelation comes as Ford's attorneys and staff on the Senate Judiciary Committee have comes to terms for an open, public hearing on Thursday.

And frustrated Kavanaugh was refusing to answering some questions on his private life during mock practice sessions for his upcoming Senate testimony, it was revealed, as Democrats are preparing to grill him about the drinking and partying culture of his prep school days.

Kavanaugh, who was accused by Ford of sexually attacking her when they were teenagers at a high school party in the 1980s, bristled when asked about his private life.

Questions about his drinking habits and his sexual proclivities saw President Donald Trump's nominee to the Supreme Court get visibly frustrated, sources told The Washington Post.

He declined to answer some of the questions altogether, saying they were too personal.

'I'm not going to answer that,' Kavanaugh said at one point, The Post reported.

But a senior White House official told the paper the questions were designed to go over the line and Kavanaugh struck the right tone in his responses.

Kavanaugh joined White House aides playing the role of senators on the Senate Judiciary Committee in mock sessions in the Eisenhower Executive Office Building designed to prepare him for this week's high-stakes showdown that could make or break his Supreme Court nomination.

His hours of practice are designed to prepare him for tough questioning from Democrats about his days at Georgetown Prep, a private all-male Washington D.C. high school he attended.

On Tuesday, Kavanaugh was reported to have spent more than two hours practicing his responses with aides, where he condemned sexual assault while trying to avoid placing blame on Ford.
White Tax Tears: Trump Voters Are Now Realizing They've Been Had

Photo: Mark Wilson (Getty Images)

Americans with a full set of teeth and a healthy disdain for Liam Neeson tried to warn the rest of the massive amount of dummies that Trump wasn’t for y’all, either. Of course, that didn’t stop the midwestern MAGAts from running to the polls to vote for the reality TV charlatan who had no foreign policy skills but did manage to handle both Clay Aiken and Arsenio Hall on The Celebrity Apprentice, so there is that.

Now, several Trump voters are in their feelings after doing their taxes and realizing that the president’s signature tax cut plan was a really a cash grab for the rich.

From RawStory:

Even though the 2017 GOP tax cut is leading to spiking federal deficits thanks to its generous benefits to corporations, many middle-class Americans are winding up having to pay more because the bill eliminated multiple deductions used by middle-class families to lower their annual tax payments.

Among other things, the tax bill ended deductions for taxes paid to state and local governments, while massively increasing the amount of money you must donate to qualify for a charitable giving deduction.

Below is a cornucopia of white tears and regret:

Trevor Noah and Seth Meyers Explain Why Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Terrifies Trump, Fox News, Billionaires

When President Trump took a moment in Tuesday's State of the Union speech to warn about encroaching socialism, Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-N.Y.) told ABC News, "it was great," she said. "I think he's scared," and "it shows that we've gotten under his skin" and "he knows that he's losing the battle of public opinion." On Thursday night, The Daily Show's Trevor Noah and Late Night's Seth Meyers basically agreed.

House Democrats are going after Trump's tax returns, but "many real billionaires are also worried about the Democrats coming after their taxes," Noah said. Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) and Ocasio-Cortez "are coming for the super-rich — which, by the way, sounds like the most useless superhero ever" — and taxing the super-rich turns out to be really popular. "If you ask the super-rich, they've got a billion reasons why their taxes shouldn't go up," Noah said, but "you don't have to be a genius to see" that "these billionaires are fear-mongering. Right? They're making it seem like there are only two options in life: Either they have low taxes or we starve to death in Trumpezuela. And it's bulls--t."

"Scaremongering about socialism might have worked a few years ago but it's lost its punch now that Republicans have used it over and over and over again," Meyers said on Late Night. And "if you thought billionaire Donald Trump would be the least effective messenger against the supposed dangers of socialized medicine, you'd be wrong." He showed a clip of Duck Dynasty's Phil Robertson talking health care on Fox Business, marveling: "The anchor actually had so say, 'People get sick on Earth in human form.'"

"The reason they're all freaking out about Medicare-for-all is because they know it makes basic sense to people," Meyers said. "Most people don't care whether it's called socialism or capitalism or whatever, they just know it's inherently unfair for mega-billionaires to hoard their wealth while millions of Americans don't even have health care."
Diamond and Silk: Trump Did More for Blacks than ‘Any Other President’

Willy Sanjuan/Invision/AP

The popular YouTube video duo Diamond and Silk tweeted Saturday that President Donald Trump did “more for black people than any other president” and posted a photo of them posing with the president.

Diamond and Silk— who currently have more than 1 million Twitter followers and 1.7 million Facebook page followers— became famous on social media by being some of President Trump’s earliest supporters, creating viral YouTube videos in support of the president.

The duo had supported Trump since 2015 before the Republican primaries were in full swing, the Daily Mail reported.

By December 2015, the two sisters appeared on stage with Trump at a rally in Raleigh, North Carolina, when he was still considered a longshot candidate.

Both women are former Democrats who backed Trump and urged black Americans voting for Democrats to leave the Democratic Party.

Once Trump became president, Diamond and Silk became regulars on Fox News programs like Hannity and Fox & Friends.

The president reportedly told a senior aide that he liked how the duo defended him on television so much that he considered them de facto “senior economic advisers,” according to a March 2018 report from the Daily Beast.

The dynamic social media celebrity duo also gained a lot of attention in April 2018 after Facebook limited their page, deeming their videos and content “unsafe to the community.”

Diamond and Silk said the social media giant’s notice led to a decline in video viewership and page views, eventually prompting Republican members of the House Judiciary Committee to invite the two to Capitol Hill to testify against Facebook.

The attention around the dispute eventually forced Facebook to apologize and backtrack on their decision to limit the sisters’ reach.

Former Campaign Staffer Alleges in Lawsuit that Trump Kissed Her Without Her Consent. The White House Denies the Charge.

Washington Post
Former campaign staffer alleges in lawsuit that Trump kissed her without her consent. The White House denies the charge. - The Washington Post

A staffer on Donald Trump’s 2016 presidential campaign says he kissed her without her consent at a small gathering of supporters before a Florida rally, an interaction that she alleges in a new lawsuit still causes her anguish.

In interviews with The Washington Post, and in the lawsuit, Alva Johnson said Trump grabbed her hand and leaned in to kiss her on the lips as he exited an RV outside the rally in Tampa on Aug. 24, 2016. Johnson said she turned her head and the unwanted kiss landed on the side of her mouth, which she called “super-creepy and inappropriate.”

“I immediately felt violated because I wasn’t expecting it or wanting it,” she said. “I can still see his lips coming straight for my face.”

Johnson said she told her boyfriend, mother and stepfather about the incident later that day, an account all three confirmed to The Post. Two months later, Johnson consulted a Florida attorney about the unwanted kiss; he gave The Post text messages showing that he considered her “credible” but did not take her case for business reasons. The attorney gave Johnson the name of a therapist, whose notes, which The Post reviewed, reference an unspecified event during the campaign that had left her distraught.

In a statement, White House press secretary Sarah Sanders dismissed Johnson’s allegation as “absurd on its face.”

“This never happened and is directly contradicted by multiple highly credible eye witness accounts,” she wrote.

Two Trump supporters that Johnson identified as witnesses — a campaign official and Pam Bondi, then the Florida attorney general — denied seeing the alleged kiss in interviews with The Post.

While more than a dozen other women have publicly accused Trump of touching them in some inappropriate way, Johnson is the only accuser to come forward since he took office and the only one to allege unwanted contact during the campaign. Trump faces adefamation lawsuit in New York brought by Summer Zervos, a former “Apprentice” reality TV contestant, who claims he forcibly kissed and groped her in 2007.

Johnson, an event planner who lives in Madison County, Ala., is seeking unspecified damages for emotional pain and suffering. The federal lawsuit, filed Monday in Florida, also alleges that the campaign discriminated against Johnson, who is black, by paying her less than her white male counterparts. A campaign spokeswoman, Kayleigh McEnany, rejected that claim as “off-base and unfounded.”

The Post first contacted Johnson nearly a year ago, while reporting on misconduct allegations against Trump, but she declined to comment. In recent days, Johnson’s attorney gave The Post a draft copy of her complaint, and Johnson and others connected to the lawsuit agreed to be interviewed.

Johnson said she began to consider coming forward in October 2016, after video surfaced of Trump bragging about kissing and groping women without their consent. That was the moment, she said, when she came to view the kiss as part of a pattern of Trump doing whatever he pleased to women.

She said she was nervous about speaking out but had come to regret having worked on the campaign. “I’ve tried to let it go,” she said, beginning to cry. “You want to move on with your life. I don’t sleep. I wake up at 4 in the morning looking at the news. I feel guilty. The only thing I did was show up for work one day.”

She said she talked to a few other lawyers as she considered her options before, in June of last year, finally hiring Hassan Zavareei, the Washington attorney bringing the lawsuit. Three months later, she moved to seal a years-old court case in which two family members had briefly sought a temporary restraining order against her. The family members joined her request to have the records sealed, documents show.

Johnson, a 43-year-old mother of four, does not have a long history of political activism. She registered as a Democrat in California several years ago. She said she voted for Barack Obama in 2008 and 2012 but thought Trump might be able to use his business experience to help struggling black communities.

Johnson got interested in the Trump campaign through her stepfather, Jacob Savage, a retired microbiology professor who said he has been active in Republican politics for decades. She met Trump at a November 2015 rally in Birmingham, Ala., where Johnson said the candidate looked her up and down. “Oh, beautiful, beautiful, fantastic,” he said, according to the lawsuit.

She said she looked past the comment and, two months later, took a job as the campaign’s director of outreach and coalitions in Alabama. Johnson said she thought she could put her background in human resources and event planning to use on a political campaign.

For the three months before the general election, Johnson was assigned to Florida. Her main responsibility was managing the recreational vehicles that traversed the state as mobile campaign offices. It was inside one, on a rainy afternoon in Tampa, where Johnson said the candidate pressed his lips against hers.

Wearing a dark suit and red tie, carrying an umbrella, Trump walked up to the RV as Johnson stood back and took video. “Good job, boss,” she said as he greeted supporters, according to footage she provided to The Post.

Johnson brought volunteers into the RV to take pictures with Trump. She noticed that Trump was attempting to make eye contact with her, she said in the interviews and lawsuit. When it was time for the rally, Johnson said Trump passed her as he exited the RV.

“I’ve been on the road for you since March, away from my family,” she told him, according to the lawsuit. “You’re doing an awesome job. Go in there and kick ***.”

Trump grasped her hand, thanked her for her work and leaned in, she said.

“Oh, my God, I think he’s going to kiss me,” she said in an interview, describing the moment. “He’s coming straight for my lips. So I turn my head, and he kisses me right on corner of my mouth, still holding my hand the entire time. Then he walks on out.”

She said she stood there, feeling humiliated, and Bondi gave her a smile as she walked out of the RV. Karen Giorno, director of the Florida campaign, grabbed Johnson’s elbow and gave it a tug, Johnson said in the interviews and lawsuit.

Bondi and Giorno said they do not recall seeing Trump kiss Johnson. They denied reacting the way Johnson described.

“Do I recall seeing anything inappropriate? One hundred percent no,” Bondi said in an interview. “I’m a prosecutor, and if I saw something inappropriate, I would have said something.”

Giorno dismissed the allegation as “ridiculous,” saying “that absolutely did not happen.”

Sanders urged The Post to speak with Stephanie Grisham, a spokeswoman for first lady Melania Trump. Grisham, who was Trump’s press director in 2016, said she did not see the alleged kiss and was in front of Trump as he exited the vehicle.

Later that day, Johnson called Miguel Rego, her boyfriend of several years. He, too, was working on the campaign in Florida. “I thought it was crazy that he had kissed her. I didn’t know how to process it,” said Rego, recalling the conversation.

Then Johnson called Savage, her stepfather. “I felt it was a betrayal of trust,” Savage said. “I felt I was responsible because, had I not introduced her to the campaign, she would not have been in that position.”

Johnson also discussed the incident with her mother, Anne Savage. “She was hysterical,” Savage said.

Johnson, however, continued working for Trump, even after an opportunity to work in the campaign’s New York headquarters was offered and abruptly rescinded in mid-September, according to her and campaign officials. The position was never filled.

About six weeks after the alleged kiss, on Oct. 7, 2016, The Post published the videotape of Trump boasting about his sexual aggression to an “Access Hollywood” host. “You know I’m automatically attracted to beautiful — I just start kissing them,” Trump said in 2005. “It’s like a magnet. Just kiss. I don’t even wait. And when you’re a star, they let you do it. You can do anything.”

Johnson said she was stunned.

“I felt sick to my stomach,” she said. “That was what he did to me.”

Johnson said she stopped going into the office and, about three weeks before the election, she quit. “She is having nightmares because of what happened,” therapist Lisheyna Hurvitz wrote on Oct. 27, according to notes that Johnson obtained and provided to The Post.

Johnson also was talking to attorney Adam Horowitz, who represents sexual abuse victims, including children. “I believe you and want to see you gain justice and expose this behavior,” Horowitz wrote to Johnson in a text dated Oct. 28, 2016. “Right now my practice simply cannot dive into something like that which would be so time-consuming with an uncertain outcome.”

She said she once again tried to put the event behind her and even attended one of the inaugural balls. She also twice applied for jobs in the administration. She said she felt she had earned those opportunities through her work on the campaign. Johnson said that, while she was disappointed, being passed over for those jobs had no bearing on her decision to sue.

Johnson said she grew agitated as the #MeToo movement emboldened women to speak up about sexual misconduct. She said she was also motivated to act as she saw the impact of the president’s policies, specifically the detention of immigrant children. “Babies in cages — I didn’t think it was going to be this bad,” she said.

In September, acting on the request from Johnson and her relatives, a Georgia judge sealed the court records stemming from the years-ago family dispute. According to the records, Johnson’s half sister and her father, on behalf of a younger half sister, briefly obtained a temporary restraining order against Johnson in 2006. They alleged that she was calling the younger sibling’s school and falsely claiming that the teenager was using drugs. The older sibling wrote that she fired Johnson from her business for using “company property” to arrange extramarital affairs for herself online.

The family members withdrew the petitions less than three weeks later, before the case could be heard by a judge and before Johnson had the opportunity to respond in court. A clerk inadvertently provided the sealed records to The Post.

“These false allegations came in the context of a family dispute that was resolved amicably years ago,” Zavareei said. “Ms. Johnson’s family stands firmly behind her pursuit of justice against Donald Trump for the sexual assaults he has committed against Ms. Johnson and so many other women over the course of decades.”

Her father and two half siblings either could not be reached or declined to comment.
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