Fools Wildin Thinking They Doing It Unappreciation Vol Get The @#*+ out

Did my man seriously try to hold a giant *** truck back from rolling? :lol:

Man was lucky asf, missed that Porsche by a hair
Doin it. That's why you can't be greedy eating everything that people bring in.

Also, doin it. Coach Prime teaching grown men to be themselves.

I see Prime’s intent, but I don’t know that reporter— he may just be trying to stay in the business and can’t afford to be himself. Black folks are routinely fired for “unprofessional” behavior, hairstyles, clothing… Code-switching is almost necessary to stay employed in some fields, and the media is one of them. Corporations only have room for so many folks keeping it real.

I hope it changes, I really do, but here we are in 2022 and black folks are still under crazy amounts of scrutiny.

To be clear: I am NOT advocating for White Talk, “Respectability” or anything like that, just saying Prime is leveraging power not everyone can.
Is that a student or a teacher? Regardless, that lil ***** who beat up the girl needs a serious attitude check. (As in a grown man beating his ***)

Can’t believe all the other ppl in the class didn’t even move

Did you not see her pushing and intimidating him in the beginning? This an old *** video, she been bullying him apparently and she thought her vag made her invincible.
I see where you guys are coming from. My professional dialog and my casual conversation has definitely been different in certain circles. I viewed this moment as Coach Prime letting him know that he's worked hard enough to get to a level where he can have the conversation with him off camera on camera. Especially at his stage and age. Also, based on their relationship. IF I don't have a relationship with you, I keep things very professional in our conversation.

Definitely agree when you're younger you're finding your voice. Either way, whether wildin' or doin' it, I think this was the right thread to put it.

In other news:

DJ Akademiks is always Wildin' and never doin it. Same with those dudes in his circle allowing that altercation. Get your mans out of public with that behavior.

Homecoming is wild. I used to be out there only focused on the women. Dudes out here rather shoot a gun than shoot their load.
I was ready to see that car crushed or scratched up :lol:

I was laughing as that guy was trying to stop that big *** truck by holding on to the side door handle failing to slow it down sliding across :lol:

I think it only stopped cuz that parking lot is not leveled and the closer it got to the cars the higher the incline albeit slightly.
mplsdunk mplsdunk Saw this one just a few mins ago


We should go half on a company that makes these signs and you can just type whatever and it makes a sign looking like that.

“In my house Mexican food is GOAT
Black pepper is welcome
All eggs matter as long as they are cooked
In this house we believe wrestling is real”
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