Fools Wildin Thinking They Doing It Unappreciation Vol Get The @#*+ out

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My question is how did they expect to get away with that? You’d figure the judges and everyone else involved in the tournament would be able to ballpark how much a fish weighs based off of its size.
Probably did it a few times and just got much more egregious with it. In the fu vid they mentioned that people have been suspecting foul play since previous tournaments which indicates that they've been winning several tournaments. This is when they've called them on it. When a thief gets away with things for a while, they start to get sloppy.
The only explanation is that she’s a complete idiot or she somehow was cheating. Wild to me that someone can play that high a level and be that dumb though. Her reasoning is ABSURD.

“This is a bluff catcher.”

Biiih you have NOTHING. And was behind the entire time until the river. I would have reacted the same way as dude.
Who cares, she beat his ***, no cheating from what y'all explained. I'm not seeing the issue unless I'm missing the unwritten rules in poker of "dumb broad must not beat man, must explain self". If anything if this was an amateurish move you look stupid for getting caught by it.
Who cares, she beat his ***, no cheating from what y'all explained. I'm not seeing the issue unless I'm missing the unwritten rules in poker of "dumb broad must not beat man, must explain self". If anything if this was an amateurish move you look stupid for getting caught by it.

No unwritten rule, she just made an insanely idiotic move STATISTICALLY. If she herself put him on ace high, then she knows EXACTLY the odds of winning in that situation. She knows how many cards are available to beat that hand, with what she herself has. Not too complicated. But she made the call anyway.

Look at it like this: she’s playing Russian roulette for her life. A 6-shooter revolver can carry 6 bullets in the cartridge. She watches a person, with her eyes, put 6 bullets in the cartridge and spin it, and ask her if she wants to pull the trigger. She thinks about it and thinks about it. She knows every bullet is in the chamber. She could just pass and not die for sure. Or she could pull the trigger knowing there’s 100% chance she’ll die. SHE DECIDES TO PULL THE TRIGGER AND SHOOT HERSELF.

“Why did you pull the trigger, you thought there were 5 bullets? Wait, you thought there were SIX BULLETS AND YOU STILL PULLED THE TRIGGER?!”

I think is the general gist of the situation……
I really don’t get what’s so hard to understand about that poker vid.

If you play it or at least understand it you know why her winning that hand had nothing to do with skill and was a pure gamble.

It has nothing to do with their gender.

The whole thing definitely belongs in here for several reasons.
I read and watched videos trying to understand the outrage over what happened in the poker vid.

And the outrage comes off as kinda silly as hell to me.

Even if people didn't like her "gambling" (which just sounds silly to me because they are literally gambling) some dudes so worked up about it, I start to suspect some sexism is fueling some of the anger.

Unless people can prove she cheated, so what if she got lucky?
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No unwritten rule, she just made an insanely idiotic move STATISTICALLY. If she herself put him on ace high, then she knows EXACTLY the odds of winning in that situation. She knows how many cards are available to beat that hand, with what she herself has. Not too complicated. But she made the call anyway.

Look at it like this: she’s playing Russian roulette for her life. A 6-shooter revolver can carry 6 bullets in the cartridge. She watches a person, with her eyes, put 6 bullets in the cartridge and spin it, and ask her if she wants to pull the trigger. She thinks about it and thinks about it. She knows every bullet is in the chamber. She could just pass and not die for sure. Or she could pull the trigger knowing there’s 100% chance she’ll die. SHE DECIDES TO PULL THE TRIGGER AND SHOOT HERSELF.

“Why did you pull the trigger, you thought there were 5 bullets? Wait, you thought there were SIX BULLETS AND YOU STILL PULLED THE TRIGGER?!”

I think is the general gist of the situation……
That analogy does not make sense, like statistical sense.
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