Fools Wildin Thinking They Doing It Unappreciation Vol Get The @#*+ out

Obviously, dude shouldn't have put hands on the driver, but the driver had that slick mouth. Never seen someone get punch so pleasurable, well I have ...

You can clearly see driver was annoyed before any dialogue and then try to belittle dude when he asked to try to speed up. Then dude wasnt even disrespecting him, but driver wanted to show he has the power. LoL

Like feel empathy, tell him you'll try, etc.

I don’t think the driver did anything to warrant being sucker punched like that. He could have told dude he was trying, but if the lanes were blocked what is he supposed to do? Go into oncoming traffic while being recorded?

Obviously, dude shouldn't have put hands on the driver, but the driver had that slick mouth. Never seen someone get punch so pleasurable, well I have ...

You can clearly see driver was annoyed before any dialogue and then try to belittle dude when he asked to try to speed up. Then dude wasnt even disrespecting him, but driver wanted to show he has the power. LoL

Like feel empathy, tell him you'll try, etc.

Slick mouth? What did the driver say that was slick?

I am the proud uncle of three nieces. Each is doing amazing in their own respect but seeing this young lady's ELITE hand speed, coordination, power and defense deserves it's own recognition. This young lady has all the tools to be a great fighter. Her father CLEARLY works at the Mayweather boxing club. Uncle Roger and Floyd taught him the pad routine and his daughter knows what she's doing. Looking forward to her future fight with the Feline. That fight would be Ali/Frazier 1 and would truly be a 50/50 fight. Let's hope that Top Rank and Golden Boy can work out the financials so we get the fight before the end of the year.
Yeah duke shoudnt of put hands on him, clearly has some type of mental problem or having a real rough day.

Driver looked annoyed the whole ride but who can blame him.

The way he was laying down, kept moaning and took his shirt off the driver looked like he thought dude might get sick in his car.

Obviously, dude shouldn't have put hands on the driver, but the driver had that slick mouth. Never seen someone get punch so pleasurable, well I have ...

You can clearly see driver was annoyed before any dialogue and then try to belittle dude when he asked to try to speed up. Then dude wasnt even disrespecting him, but driver wanted to show he has the power. LoL

Like feel empathy, tell him you'll try, etc.

Nah yo. Zero passes for the passenger.

It sucks to be sick, but if you're so sick that you expect to be whisked away to a hospital then you should've called an ambulance if you're in such a rush. Dude played himself because that just meant he was slowing down his trip to the ER by waiting for the cops to arrest him and escort him there. Also if you're THAT sick/incapacitated to where everyone kowtowing to your demands is warranted then you wouldn't be in any shape to fight.

It doesn't matter how fast the driver got there, that dude was gonna be waiting in the ER for hours upon hours before anything got done. He's also (clearly) the type of ******* that would stir up some **** about not being seen right away even though the doctors and nurses are busy trying to save people in the throws of death/getting whisked away to ICU. People are coming in the hospital straight up dead and you're ready to throw fists on a Lyft driver over a god damn belly ache.

**** that dude.
Man I work in a hospital and I see wild entitled crazy people like that fool all the time, I just walk away from them, not trying to get myself caught up in a situation where I’ll lose my job over some idiot...because some MFker starts swinging on me I’m stabbing him in the eye with a needle.
The driver was annoyed from the time the passenger started moaning.

Then he tried to tell the passenger he was blind and dumb when in the video you can see other cars passing the Lyft driver. Then he threatened the passenger to kick him out because he cursed, because he didnt want him in the car to start.

Obviously he didn't deserve to get hit, but his tone, demeanor and threats got him handle.

I can see ya point of view, but driver because of his annoyance handle the situation bad.

That's my opinion ....
A lot of people in the comments of that video are making claims that the dude was going through withdrawals, and I wouldn't be surprised by his behavior and mannerisms (taking off his shirt because he's sweating).

I hate to say it, but a lot of drug addicts are insufferable to deal with as patients. Impulsive, childish, entitled, manipulative, and flat-out liars a good chunk of the time. On the rare occasion you get the person that just went down the wrong path but is honestly trying to do the right thing for themselves, but the rest are just overgrown children with no coping skills.

Most recent story: I was in charge on my unit this past weekend and we had a 35 year old dude coming in with alcohol withdrawal. He was a couple of days in and was asking for his Ativan. The nurse informed him he wasn't due for another hour so he threw his half-full urinal in her direction, cursed her out, went on a rant about how the hospital was "run by teeny-boppers," and left against medical advice. He got outside the hospital and called his mom to come pick him up, and she rightfully told him to go **** himself and that she wasn't going to pick him up. He walked back around the building to the ER and demanded that he get re-admitted immediately and go to the same exact room he was in, then caused a scene when he was told he'd have to go through the entire process of an ER evaluation all over again. That's the type of person you're dealing with the majority of the time.
Man I work in a hospital and I see wild entitled crazy people like that fool all the time, I just walk away from them, not trying to get myself caught up in a situation where I’ll lose my job over some idiot...because some MFker starts swinging on me I’m stabbing him in the eye with a needle.
If an alert and oriented patient wants to throw a punch at me I'm sure as **** not gonna provoke it, but I'm not gonna sweat it either. The second I see a situation heading in the direction of physicality, I remind them that assaulting a health care professional is a felony and that's usually all it takes. I've only been in this situation twice in my 6+ years of working in healthcare and I'll always try to defuse things by playing politician first, but if they think throwing that punch is warranted after my best efforts then I say let them go for it. I can get them arrested and while guaranteeing that I have no involvement in a case with a (clearly) problematic patient or family member. I'd rather take the punch than have hours taken out of my day trying to appease crazy people.

Obviously, dude shouldn't have put hands on the driver, but the driver had that slick mouth. Never seen someone get punch so pleasurable, well I have ...

You can clearly see driver was annoyed before any dialogue and then try to belittle dude when he asked to try to speed up. Then dude wasnt even disrespecting him, but driver wanted to show he has the power. LoL

Like feel empathy, tell him you'll try, etc.

Good that’s what he gets for wearing USPA
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