Fools Wildin Thinking They Doing It Unappreciation Vol Get The @#*+ out

I've seen amateur fights, street fights, professional fights, drunk fights, human v animal fights, animal v animal fights but I have never seen a bug vs bug fight. The Northern Praying Mantis style of Kung Fu was inspired by the Mantis so I shouldn't be surprised by the technical fighting skills of insects but this match was amazing. The fighter in gray worked off of his left right combo all right long. The fighter in black had no answers for this combo. I think if he had used a few more feints he could've made the fight more competitive but he didn't. Fellas, if you have insects in your home I encourage you to video tape their fights to add something to your fighting style. Animal planet had exceptional camera work.


this gif just makes me uncomfortable. white dude was about to hit that blocboi jb shoot dance in the middle. but then it just turns into humping


this one also makes me uncomfortable.... for the one guy on the left lmaoooooo
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Second 'Civil War' is Coming, Say 31% of Americans, Prompting Wartime Letters on Social Media


The partisan divide in the U.S. is increasingly looking impassable, and that has a lot of Americans worried.

31 percent of motivated U.S. voters polled for a recent Rasmussen Reports survey said "it's likely that the United States will experience a second civil war sometime in the next five years."

This is actually one of the few things on which Republicans and Democrats can agree: A similar number of Americans from both parties expressed concern that we're headed for a sequel to the 1861-65 conflict that took the lives of more than 600,000 soldiers. Thirty-seven percent of Dems believe a civil war is coming, and 32 percent of GOPers think it could happen.

The Associated Press

Only 29 percent of Americans polled say it's "not at all likely" there will be a second civil war in the near future. And some of those 29 percent apparently decided to have some fun with their fellow Americans' worries. Inspired by a comment from political conspiracy theorist Alex Jones -- as well as by Ken Burns' "Civil War" documentary, in which actors read letters from those who lived through the 19th-century conflict -- they've taken to Twitter to write humorous #secondcivilwarletters.

Go to Twitter for more Second Civil War letters.

Oh, and Rasmussen says its June survey has a margin for error of +/- 3 percentage points.
Reminds me of the time when me and my brother got pulled over in his brand new car because it wasn’t highway certified

my initial reaction was WHAT?!?! IT WASNT WHAT?!? then i remembered... oh. silly me. us minorities have the secret ruleset to play by lol. back when i was at UCF, a cop turned his lights on behind me. i wasnt doing anything wrong so i figured he was doing his job and going somewhere. i tried to get out of the way and jumped into the left turning lane. he did too. i turned into a plaza, he did too. i pulled over into a parking lot of a restaurant realizing he was pulling me over. i parked in a parking spot and he parked his car behind mine blocking it in.

dude walks up to my car yelling asking me why i didnt get out of the way for him. i told him i was trying to get out of his way but had no idea what he was doing because the road was empty so he wouldve went around if he wanted to go somewhere. he asks me if ive been drinking or if im on drugs. i told him no im just tired cuz its 2am and im picking my homie up from the movie theater in that very plaza. he tells me to get out of the car. i ask why am i getting out of the car? I dont get how i get pulled over....for not getting out of your way fast enough, when you werent trying to go anywhere. he yells to get out, so i do. dude starts giving me a field sobriety test. im passing everything cuz i really am not on anything. its making a scene now so people are all at the restaurant staring out the window and huddled by the front door watching.

a second police car pulls up and the cops talk for a minute. meanwhile im still hands down on the hood of the police car while they talk. the 2nd officer walks up to me and asks me what happened. i tell him apparently i didnt get out of the way fast enough when the other officer turned his lights on. dude tells me to get back in my car and go about my business. **** was super degrading and embarassing but u know.... live to tell the tale.
my initial reaction was WHAT?!?! IT WASNT WHAT?!? then i remembered... oh. silly me. us minorities have the secret ruleset to play by lol. back when i was at UCF, a cop turned his lights on behind me. i wasnt doing anything wrong so i figured he was doing his job and going somewhere. i tried to get out of the way and jumped into the left turning lane. he did too. i turned into a plaza, he did too. i pulled over into a parking lot of a restaurant realizing he was pulling me over. i parked in a parking spot and he parked his car behind mine blocking it in.

dude walks up to my car yelling asking me why i didnt get out of the way for him. i told him i was trying to get out of his way but had no idea what he was doing because the road was empty so he wouldve went around if he wanted to go somewhere. he asks me if ive been drinking or if im on drugs. i told him no im just tired cuz its 2am and im picking my homie up from the movie theater in that very plaza. he tells me to get out of the car. i ask why am i getting out of the car? I dont get how i get pulled over....for not getting out of your way fast enough, when you werent trying to go anywhere. he yells to get out, so i do. dude starts giving me a field sobriety test. im passing everything cuz i really am not on anything. its making a scene now so people are all at the restaurant staring out the window and huddled by the front door watching.

a second police car pulls up and the cops talk for a minute. meanwhile im still hands down on the hood of the police car while they talk. the 2nd officer walks up to me and asks me what happened. i tell him apparently i didnt get out of the way fast enough when the other officer turned his lights on. dude tells me to get back in my car and go about my business. **** was super degrading and embarassing but u know.... live to tell the tale.

**** Like This Is Why WE Need Dash Cam’s & All That ****
Dogs Swipe Mail Carrier's Lunch and Reaction Goes Viral

SMITHFIELD, Va. (WAVY) -- Many dog owners can tell you their babies can be a handful.

However, one thing is for certain: with all dogs -- they love to eat.

That's the case with two Smithfield dogs, just this time, they helped themselves to the mail carrier's lunch.

Bear and Bull are 6-year-old Labrador mastiffs. Bull has a few pounds on his partner in crime - and his name matches his personality.

He's been bit by a copper head snake -- twice. Meanwhile, Bear is the quiet type and his white spot is unique.

"They are big goofs," said their owner Carol Jordan.

They say you can't teach a dog new tricks, but these two don't need any help in that department.

They wouldn't hurt a fly, but apparently they'll swipe your lunch. The proof is in a note left by the mail carrier.

Dogs with mail carrier's letter. (Provided Photo/WAVY)

The note reads: "Hey, I drove up to deliver a package, and both of the dogs crawled into my truck they got into my lunch and ate an egg and some carrots and some pumpkin seeds. I don't know if that will upset their tummies, just FYI."

Jordan was not surprised, and quickly drafted up this apology note on behalf of the brothers.

Dogs with Subway gift card. (Provided Photo/WAVY)

It reads: "My humans said thank you for the note but we didn't like the note because we got in trouble."

Jordan included a Subway gift card, too.

"We wanted to shame them so we took a picture of the note and a picture of them and oh my gosh."

That reaction is right -- thousands and thousands of likes and shares, and it went viral.

Dog owners in Australia, New Zealand and Denmark have reached out thanking the dogs for all the smiles.

"This is just something funny and so many people can relate to this because they have labs and dogs."

And while Jordan hasn't seen the mail carrier since the dogs put their paws in her lunch box, she's grateful they've left paw prints on so many hearts.

"I guess everyone got a good laugh out of it and it's just so funny."

Jordan says she rescued Bull and Bear from a shelter and as puppies they were put into a high kill shelter.
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