Fools Wildin Thinking They Doing It Unappreciation Vol Get The @#*+ out


White students at Mountain View High School in Stafford VA, from the class of '16, wear "NI16GA We Made It" shirts. 
im just wondering how the school OKd this. That wouldve been instant write up for having a shirt with the N word on it. INSTANT writeup. and whats up with their style in general? why she got handprints on her calves? is that whats hot in the streets?
How exactly do you determine if a school might be racist? They shouldn' have been allowed in with that on their shirts, but I'm not understanding how you came up with that conclusion from a pic of two girls
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How exactly do you determine if a school might be racist? They shouldn' have been allowed in with that on their shirts, but I'm not understanding how you came up with that conclusion from a pic of two girls
I think some people are assuming that those are the class shirts that high school's vote on and allowed it. To me that's clearly a homemade shirt that those two decided to wear to school. 
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I think some people are assuming that those are the class shirts that high school's vote on and allowed it. To me that's clearly a homemade shirt that those two decided to wear to school. 
yea I was thinking that was a home made shirt. I can't see any school anywhere letting that slide
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A school in San Francisco banned tees with the American flag.


I am all for freedom of speech, but how are you gonna' let your child go to school with a tee that says that on the back?
So many L's in this article. School for banning the shirts, school again for assuming the mexican students would resort to violence, and the 5 students that just had to wear the american flag shirts on Cinco De Mayo. You know they did it on purpose to start something. 
I'll never understand this line of thinking ******* disgusting.
I don't agree with it, but I can see what he's saying . That was one of the biggest line for a top song. You have everyone saying it .... People start to think that it's ok.
^^ You think the students went up to the principal and told them they were coming to school with that shirt? 
thats not my point. if a student even feels comfortable enough to do that... it says a lot about the leadership there. nobody at my highschool wouldve dreamed of wearing that too school. u wouldnt make it home without your permanent record being touched,
I'll never understand this line of thinking ******* disgusting.
I don't agree with it, but I can see what he's saying . That was one of the biggest line for a top song. You have everyone saying it .... People start to think that it's ok.


A school in San Francisco banned tees with the American flag. :smh:


I am all for freedom of speech, but how are you gonna' let your child go to school with a tee that says that on the back?
So many L's in this article. School for banning the shirts, school again for assuming the mexican students would resort to violence, and the 5 students that just had to wear the american flag shirts on Cinco De Mayo. You know they did it on purpose to start something. 

Probably.The intentions are irrelevant.
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They could have sneaked the shirts in their backpacks. Kids do that. Or their backpacks were hiding the letters as they were walking in so the teachers didn't see. You guys acting like schools go through a crazy security check each morning

And you guys do realize that's a line from one of drake's songs. They simply saw the opportunity and took it. Not saying it's right or wrong just what I think happened
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lets be real here now fellas that will be the saying for ALL OF 2016 graduates. GUARANTEED just wait on it 

its genius honestly 
They could have sneaked the shirts in their backpacks. Kids do that. Or their backpacks were hiding the letters as they were walking in so the teachers didn't see. You guys acting like schools go through a crazy security check each morning

And you guys do realize that's a line from one of drake's songs. They simply saw the opportunity and took it. Not saying it's right or wrong just what I think happened
Your right about it could have been snuck in. But, I work for a school district and everyone coming into the building goes through a metal detector and has any bags put through a xray machine. I don't know how schools are anywhere else but i gotta think someone that worked at the school would of seen the shirts unless they had a jacket or schoolbag covering it
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^^ You think the students went up to the principal and told them they were coming to school with that shirt? :lol:
thats not my point. if a student even feels comfortable enough to do that... it says a lot about the leadership there. nobody at my highschool wouldve dreamed of wearing that too school. u wouldnt make it home without your permanent record being touched,

If a kid wore that to any of my schools, they would get touched alright. :smh: :lol:
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How does Drake always get a pass with saying N?
He's a half-jewish kid from suburban Toronto and a child actor
Dude has a whiter pedigree than Santa Claus
How does Drake always get a pass with saying N?
He's a half-jewish kid from suburban Toronto and a child actor
Dude has a whiter pedigree than Santa Claus
because a drop of black makes u black. not only that, but honestly its not a big deal. hes an entertainer who entertains the hood. so they give him a pass. anybody can say the n word as long as the people around u feel u earned the right to say it. black people "earn the right" by being black. white people and everyone else gotta "earn it" in some peoples eyes.

imo i dont care, if its in ur vocab like it is in mine... so what. however, if u posing saying it to sound cool or sound like "one of us" i dont like that. and u can always tell. its like they make a conscious effort to sprinkle it in every sentence. i cant stand that.

then theres clearly the racist connotation that nobody likes 
Probably.The intentions are irrelevant.
to play devils advocate... gwyneth paltrow is pretty G. and a notoriously AVID hiphop head.
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however, if u posing saying it to sound cool or sound like "one of us" i dont like that. and u can always tell. its like they make a conscious effort to sprinkle it in every sentence. i cant stand that.

This is what Im getting at tho. Nobody else thinks it doesn't fit to have Drake filling up his lyrics with it?

Anyways, this probably not the thread for all that, don't want to sidetrack.
Better suited to one of Freedmind's garbage posts
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