I don’t care what region I’m in, if I ask for a butter roll and the ************ behind the counter hands me a ******* bagel, we’re gonna have problems.

And vice versa. I want a bagel and I get a god damn butter roll
1. Please use a different word, especially around all of these others.

2. Jews play very large roll in this what shouldn't even be a discussion b/c they're everywhere in NY & so are their BAGELS. No one doesn't not call Bagels "Bagels". This is like me confidently calling a platano a squash & defending my stance on some "i'm right, u wrong" ****. You gonna tell me you call donuts "swiss rolls" too?

3. See you out here buying stale *** crusty *** bodega bagels. You don't know any better. You've been eating you bread on mold, and I'm sorry to hear that.

Yemenis rolls are those rolls you pull apart similar to monkey bread, so I know definitely know no Yemenis person is handing you a buttered bagel when you ask for a roll. I'm not a Dominican.

4. Record it. Record the butter roll you're handed when you ask for your damn butter roll.
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RustyShackleford RustyShackleford please come through wit the pocketsand on this fool :lol:
He is properly referring to this thread...

It is funny he said he had me up in arms when he was trying to police when and what I posted, and was strawmanning people like crazy.

Dude used Trump's racist attacks on Bmore as a jumping off point to **** on Baltimore . Like bragging about not shaking the late Elijah Cummings hand, like it was some boss move (like anyone cares :lol:). Complaining that black politicians are the ones that have urban cities in a mess on purpose. His *** posted screenshots of Youtube comments are evidence he was right :lol: :rofl:

Was tryna lecture frshstunna frshstunna about his own city.

I take dude as seriously as a respectable bagel shop would take him if he asked for a buttered roll, and then complained when he got a Kaiser roll instead of a bagel.

Mans probably eats too much black pepper, starts feeling inadequate, then takes it out on NT.
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