Theyre both "eggs"
A hard boiled egg has a less developed bird.
Balut isn't "fully" developed

You eat chicken right?

That's a fully developed bird.
Theyre both "eggs"
A hard boiled egg has a less developed bird.
Balut isn't "fully" developed

You eat chicken right?

That's a fully developed bird.
correct but youre eating it, uncooked or whatever the hell it is. feathers and all or whatever

thats disgusting. If you eat it, thats fine but then again I think a lot of **** is disgusting cooked or not :lol:

btw I don't eat hardboiled eggs, they look and smell disgusting

And you said anybody as if absurd if anybody here eats it . What we may see as nasty is normal to others. I hate chitlins but that **** is a staple in many cultures.
Certain dishes have a higher tendency to be eaten by natives. Culture often gets lost in migration, so I would have assumed Balut was one of those dishes that younger Filipino Americans wouldn't mess with.

The same way young Black folks don't eat "Chittlins."
I don't understand the disgust for balut.

A whole rotisserie chicken is more developed
A whole pig too.

And if it's because what it looks like.
Have you ever seen a raw oyster lol?
That looks way more disgusting.
But you can find it at a fancy party.

The truth is...balut has great chicken taste, and a variety of textures.
I don't understand the disgust for balut.

A whole rotisserie chicken is more developed
A whole pig too.

And if it's because what it looks like.
Have you ever seen a raw oyster lol?
That looks way more disgusting.
But you can find it at a fancy party.

The truth is...balut has great chicken taste, and a variety of textures.

It's the imagery and fact of the matter.
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