Never understood this or groups of people drinking out of one big glass with straws (gigantic alcohol beverages). Even seen this done with milkshakes.

When I was getting Oreos and Chips, I dumped the chips onto my plate and took out the odeos with a napkin over my hand.

I really don't get people man.

People put their hands in a tin plate of asparagus. Don't use a fork, use your hands.
Eating before I go out and potentially be underwhelmed with food options

When I was getting Oreos and Chips, I dumped the chips onto my plate and took out the odeos with a napkin over my hand.

I really don't get people man.

People put their hands in a tin plate of asparagus. Don't use a fork, use your hands.
We have these big containers of those peanut butter filled pretzels, animal crackers, etc at my office. I always dump some into a little paper coffee cup, but i have seen people just sticking their hand in the containers grabbing handfuls. That **** really bothers me.
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