made some comfort food for a friend. spaghetti carbonara with pancetta, regular/
smoked parmesan, and truffle pecorino.


Finally found a good cookie spot on Long Island. Much Prefer chewy thin cookies than them monster cookies from chip city.
Thin Cookies in Hicksville, NY
How much does a box of these thin cookies run? EYE personally wouldn't pay for such thin cookies. Chip is the GOAT cookie retailer, imo. The worst cookie brand is Insomnia.
Finished product of the cinnamon raisin bread. Pretty good for my first time I’d say
Got me wondering how you add more flavor to bread versus other foods since you can’t use the regular things like onions, garlic, seasonings etc 🤔
Most countries in Latin America would call them platanos, although I think some countries and Spain say “platanos” when they mean bananas.

What you had is sweet plantains, which my people would call maduros.
One time my coworker from Honduras was making soup and asked me to get bananas. In my heart I knew he meant plantains but I got regular bananas like he said to and yep he meant plantains :lol:
I’m in agreement with this point.

Dining experience at Red Lobster was marginally cheaper than going to the highest regarded seafood restaurant in Baltimore.

Right you're spending so close to the premium experience now on regular **** you may as well reserve your time and money for the better experience. Like it's crazy I can't get out a regular *** Chinese food spot anymore with 2 apps and a main for less than 40 bucks.
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