Any of you do fasting? Was watching a clip of a neuroscientist and he tells people not to eat until 2pm and to just drink water and coffee until then. he tells this to people who want to lose weight and have more energy. Not eating until 2pm I would barely be able to function.

Find a schedule that works, suffer until it becomes a habit. :lol: :smh:
Seafood spicy vodka sauce and spinach/cheese stuffed ravioli. #orange
Got confirmation that we'll be going to this steakhouse on Thanksgiving:

This raises the question of do you order the Thanksgiving turkey entree, or just stick to what they know? I'm about ready to say **** turkey and order a ribeye.
I never thought about smoking a steak. Seems like it’d be more work than it’s worth, or did you do it in a pan or something?
Doesn’t add extra work. Only takes about 30 mins cook time plus maybe another 5 mins to crank the temp then sear. Smoke flavor is more prevalent that way and is worth it IMO.

Smoked picanha with pecan wood, salad, and test-run for new mash potatoes recipe.
Any of you dudes ever own a Ronco Showtime Rotisserie?

I won one at work (I didn't even know they still made them), I was gonna turn it down but my secretary is swearing up and down they are legit, and saying I should keep it

I love roast chicken, but none of the ways I have tried at home gets me close to the level I want.

Thinking it might be time to set it and forget it.
EYE don't think it's weird, Z. plenty of different dishes to make/bring to a friendsgiving. nothing wrong with pizza that people can snack on as an appetizer

but given the feedback you got, definitely go with a dessert. a really nice apple or pecan pie with some ice cream people can scoop on top :pimp:
Damn right nothing wrong with pizza, lol. Meh screw their feedback cuz I'm still bring pizza :lol:. They're probably reading this right now :emoji_wave:lol.
Also get new friends and family. I mean you can't get new family but yeah. It's about getting together and eating an unreasonable amount of food. I've been to a Friendsgiving where bro & his chick brought BBQ ribs & potato salad. Did we immediately clown them for confusing November for July? Yes. Did we ACTUALLY care? Not at aaaallll. Had a blast. 🔥🔥🔥 (Ribs were ffffffffiiiiiiiire, just like I'm sure the pie you bring will be.)
Yeah stuck with the family I have, lol, aren't we all :emoji_stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:. And yeah as long as those ribs were fire that's all that matters, everyone enjoyed em right? As they my fam will be enjoying my pizza.
edit: reddit link didn’t work but man cuts bread to exact weight by feel****inglevel/s/iSjDpOu3gh


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