Chorizo scramble, black beans, & potatoes with salsa roja.
Another work lunch visit to Shacob Shack:

I requested pickles and onions on my shackburger as usual and they gave me a proper amount of both. I also opted to skip the herb mayo on da chicken sandwich in favor of the Hot Ones sauce which they happily obliged.

It’s nice to be able to go to a spot that caters to my demands.
If you want the best burger in the world go to White Manna (Hackensack location).
If you want the best burger in the world go to White Manna (Hackensack location).
Been about 5 times. I’d rank it “good, not great.”

Love that style of sliders, but they don’t season or sear their damn meat. They could use a little help along the way.
Spatchcocked turkey is the way to go

Take out the spine, lay it flat, it cooks quicker, evenly, all the skin gets brown and crispy. People thought I fried it because it was so juicy and crispy. I dry brined it with kosher salt and baking powder. Then salt and pepper on the skin. Roasted thyme, carrots, celery, onion underneath. It was delicious.

Smoked turkey was good as well, made the gravy with drippings and brown sugar and it was great.

Forgot the pictures but work Thanksgiving was a success
Spatchcocked turkey is the way to go

Take out the spine, lay it flat, it cooks quicker, evenly, all the skin gets brown and crispy. People thought I fried it because it was so juicy and crispy. I dry brined it with kosher salt and baking powder. Then salt and pepper on the skin. Roasted thyme, carrots, celery, onion underneath. It was delicious.

Smoked turkey was good as well, made the gravy with drippings and brown sugar and it was great.

Forgot the pictures but work Thanksgiving was a success

There is absolutely no reason NOT to spatchcock a whole bird being cooked.
Exactly. The only downside is it doesn't look as nice when presenting.. but if you're carving it up anyway who cares not to mention it tastes so much better. It's faster, tastier, crispier, all wins
Plans changed and we’re not going to my brother in laws for Thanksgiving this year so no fried turkey, pernil, and coquito :frown:

Might have to spatchcock the bird I bought now. Sounds smart.
I’ve never spatchcocked a turkey since I fry them

Not sure there would be any benefit with such a fast cook time

I would like to do a smoked turkey one year but that is a lot more effort
Both are legit and finally available on for regular price and not the hypebeast limited edition sold out resell prices they were when they first dropped

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