My go to for pizza is usually pepperoni, spicy Italian sausage, and banana peppers.

Thai curry soup with catfish, shrimp, green peppers, mushrooms, green onion and noodles.
I usually just prefer a plain cheese, margherita, or a Buffalo chicken

but if I’m getting toppings I’ll get

meatball/sausage and ricotta
Pepperoni and jalapeño
Got some dominos pizza and wings for the first time in a long while, both had this off-putting aftertaste I didn't remember.
That's not good
Last time I had domino's everything tasted like garlic
All the sides are pointless
It's just pizza dough sprinkled with parmesan and cheese
So basically a mini pizza :lol:
These might be my new favorite thing to have with my coffee. I’ve been making my own coffee at home to save on time and I happen to stumble across these at the supermarket. And honestly so yummy. I know they have other varieties but I like this one.

This stuff is legit hot. My throat is on fire.

So I tried these


These are definitely hotter than the Cheeto counter part.
But I don't know if it's because these have a larger surface area for the "powder"
Cheetos have more of a zing while these are just flat out hot.
The heat also lingers longer than Cheetos
These are the hottest commercial name brand chips I've ever eaten.

I prefer xxtra hot Cheetos still tho.

If you like real spicy foods these will be nothing to you.
So I tried these


These are definitely hotter than the Cheeto counter part.
But I don't know if it's because these have a larger surface area for the "powder"
Cheetos have more of a zing while these are just flat out hot.
The heat also lingers longer than Cheetos
These are the hottest commercial name brand chips I've ever eaten.

I prefer xxtra hot Cheetos still tho.

If you like real spicy foods these will be nothing to you.

Yea I mean I eat spicy foods and these were hot. It's like a different type of spicy cause the little pieces with the powders gets all over your mouth and throat. They should just leave these at regular flaming hot, it's so unnecessary.
What was sketchy about it
It was one of those places where you walk in and it feels weird. I came in and there was two guys behind the counter. He took my order and just gave me the creepy stare. Was legit the only female in there. I couldn’t tell if they were looking at me weird because I was the only girl or because I was the only minority. I wish I could explain better but I felt super uncomfortable and out of place. Not to mention I shouldn’t feel like this creeped out like I’m 6 months pregnant wtf could you actually have been staring at 😂
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