Less flavor.
It IS less flavor but that is why someone would select a breast over a thigh.

It also depends on how it is prepared.

I prefer fried breasts over fried thighs. Fried thighs are too slimy for me.

I prefer my thighs to have a longer cook and to dry out some. I don't like them "juicy" like most people.
Yep. Just read about a party in NY with 400 people that got broken up tonight.

I know there’s stuff going on in LA too.
Another lockdown soon come, and with winter looming...these food/grocery apps will be booming.

This **** will remain the same into 2022, at least. I remember folks saying by summer, by fall

Nah i knew 2020 was a write off, 2021 more of the same. People are stupid.
Master Zik Master Zik what would you do in that girl's situation? Send a nawghty email? Confront every coworker?
Next day, I'm taking everybody's food and dumping it.

Except for mine. Then I'd eat my lunch and watch.

Or if I'm feeling extra petty and ppl want to act like stealing is just normal i'd start running pockets and purses for a few bills to buy lunch.
Ahh, makes sense. I’ve seen other companies retro their obscure shoes that they kinda copy that style.

Okay, so I just had one of these (impulse checkout line buy) SUCKED. Stay away from them :lol:
Is "White Chocolate" ever good?

Way too sweet.
Never ate anyone's lunch, but I threw away a co-worker’s when I was a manager a few years back. She would constantly leave her personal lunch in the refrigerator on the unit that's meant for the patients. DOH regulations state everything needs to be dated and initialed and she would do neither. I gave her 3 warnings and she didn’t listen, so I had the choice to either write her up and bring it to the attention of the director/administration or just deal with it my own way. I chose the latter.

She was pissed for the rest of the day, but she never did it again.
I love white chocolate. I prefer it over any other chocolate unless it’s a spicy chocolate. White chocolate chip cookies are the best. Not with macadamia either. That’s disgusting.
I think white chocolate is like one of those musical artists that you’ve heard of and has been around forever, but hasn’t had huge mainstream success. Has a hardcore cult following of people who think it’s the best thing ever, but the majority thinks it’s just ok or doesn’t like it. My mom loves white chocolate. I’ve had things with white chocolate that I’ve liked, but never go out of my way to get it.
And speaking of things that aren’t better when white:


Can someone tell me how to undo whatever I did to make NT look like this on my phone (when accessing it through Firefox)?
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