I don't eat pasta with a spoon but I could see like whatever those tiny fusilli (fusillini?) are called or one of my favorites, orechiette.

this article from a few weeks ago was a good read. long on the restaurant landscape being extremely crowded

there's no telling the amount of places that will have to close for good as a result of the Corona
it's not that it isn't practical or can't be done
it's that it's less practical than the traditional method
My logic is any dish that has a combination of scoopable items WITH sauce is being attacked with a spoon. Point blank period. (My logic (Personally)).

RE: Rotini
I will acknowledge difficulty/practicality is a subjective thing.
One man's practicality is another man's rocket science.

Respect though.
I don't eat pasta with a spoon but I could see like whatever those tiny fusilli (fusillini?) are called or one of my favorites, orechiette.
Even orecchiette should be eaten with a fork, IMO.

Only pastas I can think of that would make sense using a spoon with is acini di pepe and fregula.
I know NT is too good to eat this.
I know NT is too good to eat this.
I know NT is too good to eat this.
I know NT is too good to eat this.
I know NT is too good to eat this.

Step aside from what you NORMALLY eat, since I know only marikomorose marikomorose eats this,

but what are you using to eat this with? And Why? Spoon/Fork? (Assuming this is being eaten with NOTHING else)

I know NT is too good to eat this.
I know NT is too good to eat this.
I know NT is too good to eat this.
I know NT is too good to eat this.
I know NT is too good to eat this.

Step aside from what you NORMALLY eat, since I know only marikomorose marikomorose eats this,

but what are you using to eat this with? And Why? Spoon/Fork? (Assuming this is being eaten with NOTHING else)

I *** with Velveeta.

That’s a fork job right there.
I know NT is too good to eat this.
I know NT is too good to eat this.
I know NT is too good to eat this.
I know NT is too good to eat this.
I know NT is too good to eat this.

Step aside from what you NORMALLY eat, since I know only marikomorose marikomorose eats this,

but what are you using to eat this with? And Why? Spoon/Fork? (Assuming this is being eaten with NOTHING else)


How do you feel about "chop sticks"
How do you feel about "chop sticks"
I humor them every now and then but I don't feel the need to master that art/skill.

I'll eat Ramen with a Fork.
I will eat Fried Rice with a Spoon.

For those that are able to use them, more power to them.

I honestly don't care enough to put in the effort to learn THAT skill.

(No disrespect given at all)
Off Topic

I think some of these workers don't comprehend the point of using gloves in food establishments.

I saw one dude with A latex glove on his right hand. He was busing tables and doing other tasks. I was in the place for an hour and he never once changed the glove. He was handling CLEAN glasses and plates.

So he was essentially spreading the germs with that one glove.


B Sox B Sox @ Walrus

this article from a few weeks ago was a good read. long on the restaurant landscape being extremely crowded

there's no telling the amount of places that will have to close for good as a result of the Corona

It’s going to be a lot, I think. I don’t see how places that were barely making it before Coronavirus will be able to survive a lengthy period of decreased business.
It’s going to be a lot, I think. I don’t see how places that were barely making it before Coronavirus will be able to survive a lengthy period of decreased business.

a lot of restaurants have announced take out and curbside delivery - restaurants that were not really open to doing it in the past. but i'm skeptical that it will last

one day everyone announces stepped up cleaning, the next day no table service, the next day delivery and curb service only, and we're already seeing restaurants simply close

of course the same thing was happening 1-2 days ahead of us in belgium, france, netherlands, canada, etc.
it's a little crazy to watch
I can't stress this enough if you can in your area tyr to support your local restaurants that you love if they offer takeout. This industry going to be hit bad :frown:

I'm gonna get Thai and hit up a few different places during the week
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