Will prob be cooking a bit more, but will also try to support some of my spots here and there as long as they are still allowing takeout.

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I could feast on sushi. I could eat sushi everyday for the rest of my life. I want to learn how to make it on the cool..
Sushi is one of those foods that I look at and say "damn, that looks really good", then I order it and find myself only wanting a few pieces before I want to move on and eat something different.

I enjoy it, but it's not something I could feast on. And don't get me started on the all-you-can-eat/buffet spots.
Get started. What are your thoughts?
...wait you guys eat pasta with a spoon?

That's ****ed up.
D.Josey D.Josey
I eat food to eat food. I use what is the most practical utensil at the moment. If it can fit on a spoon and doesn't need to be stabbed, I use a spoon.

Fusilli comes in different lengths/widths. The Trader Joe's and Barilla versions of Fusilli, that I buy, are closer to shape and size of rotini.

If the fusilli I ate looked like what you posted Comparison Ford Comparison Ford , I would use a fork.
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