I don't know many black folk doing this now, but it was thing at one point in my youth.

Having a glass of milk for breakfast was a thing.
Y'all never had a glass of milk with cookies or brownies? so good :pimp:
Why waste a perfectly good cookie?
Caucasian milk was a staple when I would eat a farmer's breakfast before school. Pretty much never have it nowadays though,
Grew up half-raised by a super strict German grandfather that grew up during the Great Depression. Best believe I was expected to drink a glass of milk at every meal regardless.

Burger and fries? Glass of milk to wash it down. Pizza night? Tall glass of that red cap, no chaser.

Scarred me for life from drinking milk as a beverage. Don't even put it in my coffee these days.
Milk was always in the house when I was kid. We had cold cereal for breakfast a lot and always had nonfat (SMH) milk in the bowl. Didn’t always have it with meals though. Depended on what the meal was. Don’t really remember having milk with dinner much. Also drank a lot of OJ with breakfast.

I still usually have a carton of milk in the fridge now, which I use to wash down sweets or with the rare bowl of cereal.

My son is strictly Almond Milk.
anyone else just not eat cold cereal anymore? eat it maybe a couple times a year but I used to have that **** everyday growing up
I’m always keeping an eye out for the seasonal cereals or some limited remix of a classic. Otherwise it’s all about the heavy lifting
All jokes aside, that **** was the law when I was growing up.

I was eating slices of bread for fun thinking I would grow up big and strong.

Bread, spinach and 2% milk!


What is THIS!?!
Yeah I remember this from school and at home too. I had a table mat with this pyramid on it :lol:

Back when my parents were both working and my dad had 2 jobs they would embrace the hell out of this. Full breakfast, packed lunch, full dinner :lol:


This is terrible.

Burger King with another trash product.

I do not approve.
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I know this is a matter of personal philosophy, but IMO nobody has to feel bad about using the block and ignore features on NT.
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