Personal goals I’d like to reach, and I sacrificed something reasonable that I enjoyed immensely to insure that.

I think the healthiest thing I’ve posted was canned spinach. Yeah the Oreos was a bit of troll, but overall I’m clearly not on some pretentious “good health” or “I only eat “good” food” shtick.
Yea, I have no clue what you just typed. You are approaching Nawghty level of reasoning man.
My guess is you aren’t a English teacher.
I am speaking in terms of the logic used.

But you got it.

hot soppresatta, hot honey, mozzarella

arugula, prosciutto, mozzarella


What’s a fair price for a bag of gummies these days? :nerd:

not sure, they were a gift.

I ate Chick-fil-A yesterday. Took my daughter because she has a trash palate and it’s her favorite place to eat besides lavo in las Vegas which is :pimp:

I don’t *** with Chick-fil-A, I don’t get the hype at all. Id rather get caines or Popeyes.
GT Prime
River North, Chicago
Beautiful space and steak was good but doesn’t break my
Top 5 steaks in Chicago

Spanish Octopus

Tagliatelle with black truffle

2:nerd:z bone-in ribeye, medium rare
Hasselback potato
1/2 lb of king crab


garlic like this creep anybody else out?
I literally had to flip it over. I couldn’t take looking at it.
Even posting this has the hairs on my arm standing up and I feel like I could puke. The little holes, the way the garlic is sitting in the holes... ugh



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Yeah that’s a you problem, dawg.

In other news, going to Marea tonight for the chef’s tasting menu. Will post pics when I’m good and ready.
Nouss Nouss , why you hate me? Haha
I literally threw my phone, man. I can’t take that ****.

I didn’t know this was a real fear. Now I know I have it. Great.
Can you explain the Coconut cream?

1. How is it made?

2. What do you use it in/on?

3. How much do coconuts cost around you?
what’s up ahat ahat i was going to put these on and it’s been months since I’ve wore them. anyway, i found a nice easter egg when i opened the box. i’m guessing i saw a vision or something in that past that would influence me to deliver you this message today.
Can you explain the Coconut cream?

1. How is it made?

2. What do you use it in/on?

3. How much do coconuts cost around you?
Same process as making coconut milk (water and coconut). Put the coconut milk in the fridge and within a few hours the fat floats to the top and solidify.

I use it for whip cream and as an base for making ice cream.

in the store it’s called cream of coconut And it come in a can.

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