Florida School Shooting, Over 20 Casualties

First RIP to all the victims.

Second just because one shooter did a lot of damage with pistols doesn't mean banning assault rifles isn't a good idea. I don't think there is any reason for a civilian to have an automatic weapon like that. Yes a ban won't stop everyone but it is never a bad idea to make it harder for people to obtain these killing machines. I think most people if they were ever in such a situation and had the option of...well the gunman has an AR-15 or the gunman has a handgun....you would rather them have a handgun
Casualties happen and while is sad, this is what upsets me. The ******* narratives and clear bias based on color ...



These are some of the tweets that went out she someone was killed by someone not white.
its not about disabled being humans too thats not the correlation

20 able ppl kids were shot

show me a direct comparison of the same being stabbed

not the infirm and disadvantaged
RIP to all the victims

I still can't get over the fact that this happened in Parkland...right next door to where I live in Coral Springs. At the same time as ****** up as it sounds, this is the new normal. After all these shootings, I have been desensitized to be like whatevs and carry on and I'm not supposed to react this way.
My mom said recently that there's no animal as sadistic as humans. Sad to think about all the F'd up things our species does to one another.

95% of animals kill either for food or to defend themselves and/or their off-spring, another 3% kill to defend their territory (whether you're there on purpose or by accident).

The 1% humans are the only animals that kill for sport, to have what belongs to another human, or to resolve some social/economic/political problem. Unfortunately, it's the penalty to pay for being the smartest animal on the planet, we are also the most violent and most destructive to our environment.

So that's it? This is the best thing you can do? Tweet out something that's already obvious to everyone yet YOU don't have a centimeter of a brain to come up with a plan for reasonable gun restrictions/regulations to help prevent tragedies like these?

Oh yeah, I forgot, you're incapable of REASON.
And your point? You clearly said no one can killed 20 people with a knife ... 19 where killed ... disable are steal humans.

Stop ....

You can find a way to kill if you wanted too ....
The straw man arguments and false equivalencies are wild, and then considering what we're talking about that's got people going these lengths to make the point that gun control isn't the answer, it's pretty damn sad.

One side of this discussion always to seem to get defensive.

It is what it is, though. Y'all remember Columbine. It won't change, y'all just take the proper precautions.
95% of animals kill either for food or to defend themselves and/or their off-spring, another 3% kill to defend their territory (whether you're there on purpose or by accident).

The 1% humans are the only animals that kill for sport, to have what belongs to another human, or to resolve some social/economic/political problem. Unfortunately, it's the penalty to pay for being the smartest animal on the planet, we are also the most violent and most destructive to our environment.

There are other animals that kill for no reason other than just to do it. It's called surplus killing.

Humans are just the most efficient and ****** up. We're basically advanced violent parasites.
The foster family that took the kid in knew he had an ar 15 and let him keep it

The hell

Why would you let A kid who was expelled twice and whos mom just died have a gun.
Let alone an ASSAULT RIFLE
its not about disabled being humans too thats not the correlation

20 able ppl kids were shot

show me a direct comparison of the same being stabbed

not the infirm and disadvantaged
The comparison? 19 and 20 humans were killed.

You dont even need a gun or a knife .. plenty do it with cars and fires ....
One thing I think that gets lost in the discussions after these mass shootings is the effects they have on survivors. I’m not trying to make light of the deceased because obviously that’s the ultimate negative effect. But man, so many of those kids, teachers and staff will forever be traumatized because of this. Acts of violence like this branch out and negatively impact the lives of so many damn people, and sadly teenagers are the least-equipped of the victims to properly deal with **** like this. This shooting WILL screw some kids up for life.

Like imagine some of these kids the next time a fire drill happens. That PTSD is unfortunately gonna be a burden a lot of them have to bear. And that’s a damn shame. :smh:
The straw man arguments and false equivalencies are wild,

so mass incidents of killings are now strawman :lol:

news flash folks, when people wanna kill, they're gonna use anything at there disposal and find da biggest population of vulnerable people... I.E.

Both male and female attackers pulled out long-bladed knives and stabbed and slashed passengers. At the scene, police killed four assailants[3][4] and captured one injured female. The incident, targeted against civilians, left 31 civilians and 4 perpetrators[1] dead with more than 140 others injured.[5][6]

The straw man arguments and false equivalencies are wild, and then considering what we're talking about that's got people going these lengths to make the point that gun control isn't the answer, it's pretty damn sad.

One side of this discussion always to seem to get defensive.

It is what it is, though. Y'all remember Columbine. It won't change, y'all just take the proper precautions.
Who is arguing about gun control? I just pointed out the fact that anyone can kill people by any means.

Not sure where you heading, but I can give two ****s about gun control. My only problem is narratives ....
RIP to all the victims.

enough is enough. we really need to ban these killing machines.

it's not right when these mass shootings are becoming a regular thing.
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