Florida School Shooting, Over 20 Casualties


This needs to be part of the big 3 when it comes to addressing the epidemic of violence, very disproportionately by the hands of men, that we have in addition to gun control and mental health. Toxic masculinity is something that doesn't only hurt others, but also consumes the lives of men themselves.
wouldn't emasculating men be harder than taking all the guns away?
Why do people need to own assault rifles at home?
That's a good questions ...

I don't own guns, but I have handle a bunch and go to the range often. I'm assuming like people collect cars and cards and sneakers l.

That's a good questions ...

I don't own guns, but I have handle a bunch and go to the range often. I'm assuming like people collect cars and cards and sneakers l.


I have collectible rifle. It's a Henry Arms lever action. It won't do what an AR-15 can.

I will not own an AR-15. I'm going to get rid of my handguns as well.

I don't want to own something that can end multiple lives anymore.
The comparison? 19 and 20 humans were killed.

You dont even need a gun or a knife .. plenty do it with cars and fires ....

19 ppl sick and hurt is not the same as 19 kids and thats a disingenuous comparison

like comparing little league to mlb and sayin well they both play baseball

then you stretch it to cars and fires when have you heard of someone driving down a high school hallway?

burning down the high school?

so mass incidents of killings are now strawman :lol:

news flash folks, when people wanna kill, they're gonna use anything at there disposal and find da biggest population of vulnerable people... I.E.

Both male and female attackers pulled out long-bladed knives and stabbed and slashed passengers. At the scene, police killed four assailants[3][4] and captured one injured female. The incident, targeted against civilians, left 31 civilians and 4 perpetrators[1] dead with more than 140 others injured.[5][6]


and here you stretching it to more than one assailant now

and what they done this in an enclosed space?

facetious and disingenuous
so mass incidents of killings are now strawman :lol:

news flash folks, when people wanna kill, they're gonna use anything at there disposal and find da biggest population of vulnerable people... I.E.

Both male and female attackers pulled out long-bladed knives and stabbed and slashed passengers. At the scene, police killed four assailants[3][4] and captured one injured female. The incident, targeted against civilians, left 31 civilians and 4 perpetrators[1] dead with more than 140 others injured.[5][6]


I agree that people will use anything at their disposal, but you still have to do SOMETHING.

Sitting back and essentially saying "it is what it is, be careful out there" is ludicrous. We're basically accepting that we're the most violent country and have no intention of acknowledging it aside from hashtags and "prayers."
I agree that people will use anything at their disposal, but you still have to do SOMETHING.

Sitting back and essentially saying "it is what it is, be careful out there" is ludicrous. We're basically accepting that we're the most violent country and have no intention of acknowledging it aside from hashtags and "prayers."
This is my main point, but we have this discussion every time and people just get defensive.
Why is it if theres a white teen shooting, he's troubled.

But 1 black teen killing another, it's horrific gang violence that needs to end?

US is all sorts of ******.
I agree that people will use anything at their disposal, but you still have to do SOMETHING.

Sitting back and essentially saying "it is what it is, be careful out there" is ludicrous. We're basically accepting that we're the most violent country and have no intention of acknowledging it aside from hashtags and "prayers."

its da price of freedom unfortunately.
19 ppl sick and hurt is not the same as 19 kids and thats a disingenuous comparison

like comparing little league to mlb and sayin well they both play baseball

then you stretch it to cars and fires when have you heard of someone driving down a high school hallway?

burning down the high school?

and here you stretching it to more than one assailant now

and what they done this in an enclosed space?

facetious and disingenuous
I'm sorry I dont have time for your levels of incompetence today.

So now your conversation is limited to schools and able bodies... not mass killings. Got it ... have a good day sir.
Why is it if theres a white teen shooting, he's troubled.

But 1 black teen killing another, it's horrific gang violence that needs to end?

US is all sorts of ****ed.
This is what I'm sick to my stomach about ...

This is what I'm saying ....

**** everything else about gun control and ******** ... stop label the minorities as some type of savages that need to go back to their country when the whitepeople are often doing this **** and They are just sick.
y'all still engaging this idiot in adult conversations for what?
I would like to think that proper engagement with any individual is not a fruitless effort. If talking to an individual and knowing that deep down, we all have the same motives, then maybe an understanding can be reached. If that's not the case, then there is no hope for this country at all.
Why do people need to own assault rifles at home?

Know someone with an AR? talk to them. tell them what the NRA does. Tell them what voting republican does. If the government is going to be quiet once again WE NEED TO BE THE VOICE OF THOSE THAT ARE DYING.

I'm sorry I dont have time for your levels of incompetence today.

So now your conversation is limited to schools and able bodies... not mass killings. Got it ... have a good day sir.

is a school not supposed to a sacrosanct institution free from outside violence at the least as a society?

my argument isnt against all mass violence i understand not everything can be prevented

but arent schools supposed to be safe from that? at least?

but here yall wanna bring up everything and the kitchen sink to prove what point exactly?

you know all the ways to do this and that but you cant think of nothing to prevent it

but you can really condescend to tell me im being incompetent?

Know someone with an AR? talk to them. tell them what the NRA does. Tell them what voting republican does. If the government is going to be quiet once again WE NEED TO BE THE VOICE OF THOSE THAT ARE DYING.

Are Republicans the only ones that are in the bed with NRA?
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