Florida School Shooting, Over 20 Casualties

Your likelihood of being the victim of a violent crime, especially within your own home, is extremely low.

I have a BS in Criminal Justice. I had to analyze BJS, NCVS and UCR data regularly. I'm not speaking out of my a**.

Are you more likely to be killed or suffer a serious injury during a home invasion robbery or be shot in a mass school shooting?

Which one of Those 2 things are stastically more likely to happen to the average American?
This is a terrible idea.

Ksteezy in here trying to talk about guns but admits he knows nothing about them. People like him are why you guys don't succeed in trying to get the right to work with you on common sense reform

Your mistake is thinking that only a gun nut can bring up a proper argument against guns, I don’t need to know **** about guns to know the harm they cause, specially nowadays and specifically this riffle...I would love for you to look one of these massacre survivors in the face and tell them why guns are good and how much you like to shoot yours....I bet you wouldn’t have the courage to.
In case y'all didn't know, I was arguing for gun control in the US because I hate seeing so many tragedies like this repeat themselves.

I'm Canadian, I can safely say I'm not afraid of armed home invasions.

But now after arguing with some of y'all, I'm glad you are over there and I'm over here.
Are you more likely to be killed or suffer a serious injury during a home invasion robbery or be shot in a mass school shooting?

Which one of Those 2 things are stastically more likely to happen to the average American?

You fools can’t even comprehend how weak your arguments are.
Your mistake is thinking that only a gun nut can bring up a proper argument against guns, I don’t need to know **** about guns to know the harm they cause, specially nowadays and specifically this riffle...I would love for you to look one of these massacre survivors in the face and tell them why guns are good and how much you like to shoot yours....I bet you wouldn’t have the courage to.
No. Your mistake is thinking you can debate without knowing the subject you're debating and now you're trying to excuse your ignorance with "well i know they're bad!" stop.

And I would definitely explain that I like ARs and would explain the same ways I said earlier to prevent these tragedies. It doesn't take bravery. It takes knowledge, which you admit you have none of
We're not discussing gun operation. We're discussing the impact of easy availability of guns.

I don't have to be an expert in cooking crack or meth manufacturing to know their negative effects on the communities in which they're heavily consumed and distributed.

Why do you expect people to be firearm experts when it comes to the high level of gun mortality in the US?

Understanding the operations of firearms is important in discussing legislation of firearms. We should be discussing solutions on reducing and stopping mass shootings because reality is there are 300 million firearms already in circulation in the U.S.

Cooking crack or meth is a felony while gun ownership is Right according to the U.S constitution.
I mean, this all sounds good.
IN a perfect World.
Instituting Mental Health programs, ok where do you start with that and how does one qualify for that program, without enabling more dependants?
I feel like "we need..." is so similar to "thoughts and prayers"
It's forgone.........and we POUR GASOLINE on the issue once it is surfaced, with our News Coverage.
We empower the shooter with FAME.
Fame, it's a dirty drug.
It's just a ****ty World mate. It's us. WE, are the problem.
I don't see anybody signing up for eradication of the Human Race, so that we can start all over....

I'm just saying, banning Guns seems so trivial.
Arming Teachers seems so trivial.
We don't know what to do, so we will talk it through.........
I don't think anything can be done, we are f'ed.
Grim, I know.
It's perplexing.
Are you more likely to be killed or suffer a serious injury during a home invasion robbery or be shot in a mass school shooting?

Which one of Those 2 things are stastically more likely to happen to the average American?

Mass shootings are pretty rare in the grand scheme of violent crime, so I'd wager that you're more likely to be injured/killed during a home invasion since it's a much more common offense.

What's the relevance of that specific comparison?
No. Your mistake is thinking you can debate without knowing the subject you're debating and now you're trying to excuse your ignorance with "well i know they're bad!" stop.

And I would definitely explain that I like ARs and would explain the same ways I said earlier to prevent these tragedies. It doesn't take bravery. It takes knowledge, which you admit you have none of

Excuse me but you can run circles with your useless knowledge of guns, it literally means **** to Americans when these guns in the hands of lunatics who I’m sure just like you “know the subject matter” carry out massacres...at this point it becomes reallllll simple, these guns need to be banned or at least limited, they serve NO other purpose for the average American....all your knowledge is completely irrelevent....and I call ******** on you trying to “educate” a surviving victim of one of these massacres...and if by any chance you do have the audacity to defend your right to own one of these to the face of one of these people, you are as morally corrupt as I initially thought.
Mass shootings are pretty rare in the grand scheme of violent crime, so I'd wager that you're more likely to be injured/killed during a home invasion since it's a much more common offense.

What's the relevance of that specific comparison?

There is no relevance....just a deflection...
I'm trying to show realistic solutions while yall operate in the world of make believe and how you think things should be in an ideal world


The examples that support our position on guns don't come from fairy tales. They have been implemented in many different places with success.

By discarding those examples and trying to shift the debate to the technicalities of firearms, it shows that you're not really interested in trying solutions that would end up reducing the rate of gun ownership and the amount of guns available in this country, which has been proven to positively impact the level of gun violence wherever it has been implemented.
Saw this a few days ago...lmao hilarious how accurate #2 is
Yeah I can't see how the "intricacies" of guns are relevant.

We're not talking about quantum physics here.

You don't need a PhD to have a conversation about health care.

The examples that support our position on guns don't come from fairy tales. They have been implemented in many different places with success.

By discarding those examples and trying to shift the debate to the technicalities of firearms, it shows that you're not really interested in trying solutions that would end up reducing the rate of gun ownership and the amount of guns available in this country, which has been proven to positively impact the level of gun violence wherever it has been implemented.

aka BAN all guns,not happening. According to you gun ownership is a negative thing.

good luck on repealing the 2nd amendment.

The examples that support our position on guns don't come from fairy tales. They have been implemented in many different places with success.

By discarding those examples and trying to shift the debate to the technicalities of firearms, it shows that you're not really interested in trying solutions that would end up reducing the rate of gun ownership and the amount of guns available in this country, which has been proven to positively impact the level of gun violence wherever it has been implemented.

He posted solutions;
instead, focus on real change that can do something. close the gunshow loopholes. and to that notion, regulate ALL secondhand sales AND trades of ALL firearms. HEAVILY regulate them. And any violation of those regulations needs HARSH punishment. that will deter all the gray market and gunshow and illegal sales going on. the 4 shootings prevented in the days after the florida shooting, the kids ALL had illegally obtained weapons. this will cut back on it.

further, harsh punishment for negligence on whoever owns the weapon. so for the mom who knew her kid had guns in his room but said "she just wanted him to learn to be responsible" F*** THAT. Make an example out of her. for the parents who leave guns out in the open and their kid takes it and goes on a rampage? HARSH punishment. no chances.

All crimes involving a gun, HARSH punishment. automatic 3 strikes.

Raise the age of purchasing a rifle from 18 to 21. Just like this guy, 18 year olds are still in highschool often times. Theyre not mentally at a point where they need or can handle that kind of responsibility or firepower.

Ban all mods that sidestep regulation. Bump stocks like the one used in Vegas, or the firepin mods that will allow guns to shoot full auto need to be BANNED.

edit: oh yea. and improve the background checks. they cant tell the future but they damn sure can look at the signs that are already there. if ur on the no fly list, then u shouldnt be able to own a gun. if you have been baker acted, or have any mental condition giving you a predisposition towards violence, you shouldnt own a gun. if youve ever been convicted of a violent crime, no gun. its common sense.
Excuse me but you can run circles with your useless knowledge of guns, it literally means **** to Americans when these guns in the hands of lunatics who I’m sure just like you “know the subject matter” carry out massacres...at this point it becomes reallllll simple, these guns need to be banned or at least limited, they serve NO other purpose for the average American....all your knowledge is completely irrelevent....and I call bull**** on you trying to “educate” a surviving victim of one of these massacres...and if by any chance you do have the audacity to defend your right to own one of these to the face of one of these people, you are as morally corrupt as I initially thought.

Hey man I get where you are coming from, but it seems like you're making your argument from an emotional place which is understandable given the recent events. And not just you, a lot of others too. However, you can't really argue against the right that way(imo...). One, some gun knowledge is necessary if you're going to come up with a solution like restricting ownership. You know anyone that wants to keep their weapons will ask a million questions. You can't just right a law that simply says "AR's are now illegal". There are a lot of other details that need to be flushed out and you can't really discussed those details without some knowledge of weapons.... unless you flat out want all guns banned. In a perfect world that would be great, but we all know that ain't happening.

I agree with you though. Something needs happen to at least get guns out of the wrong hands since a BAN of all weapons or even just AR's isn't feasible.

One last point as a dude that has been lurking this thread and chiming in here and there, tek has stated at least a million times that he is ALL FOR stricter gun laws and if AR's became illegal he would turn his in. Whether you agree or disagree with why he has one or the facts/opinons he presents, the root of his point is the same as everyone else. That gun laws need to be change. I think Merc gave a viable solution that seems like a reasonable starting place for both sides, but everyone ignored him (eg. increase age to purchase, required background checks from private dealers, etc.)

I think the discussion should be more about what we all think about the solutions presented from both sides instead of trying to deconstruct why someone has a weapon. Just my two cents
Trump has no empathy

So you want to arm teachers? Give them special training? Meanwhile you make excuses for cops shooting people.

So a teacher is not only supposed to be responsible for teaching people, but also policing schools? Exactly how many hours of training is adequate?

Are you going to start lowering standards to be a teacher so you can get these ex-military?
I think the discussion should be more about what we all think about the solutions presented from both sides instead of trying to deconstruct why someone has a weapon. Just my two cents
They've ignore pretty much EVERYTHING said by anyone ProGun and just flat out called them all "idiots" then follow up with, "I'm all for discussion btw. I mean, I'm not going to listen to you, but let's discuss some things"

Nice post btw
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