Falsely Accused of a Car Accident


formerly nosepiker
Feb 10, 2006
Man.....I hate to post this on here, since it is a shoe forum, but I need some legal advice NT fam, if you guys can share some suggestions or opinions.

First of all, I will try to clarify this confusing situation as best as I can.

Last year in July, I was involved in an incident where I was picking up my parents from the airport and had to borrow my mom’s car for their luggage and for room to fit my mom and dad (at the time I was driving a 2 seater).

This took place in California, by the way.

Upon arriving at the terminal, I was approaching a bus that was stationed waiting for passengers. The traffic light was turning yellow and I was about to be stuck in between a crosswalk due to traffic and also arriving at the loading zone where my parents had instructed me to meet them at. In order to clear the crosswalk and traffic light, I had to station myself close behind a parked car that was also waiting in the loading zone which happened to be a Tesla Model Y. In order to have enough clearance from the ongoing traffic and crosswalk, I had to get myself close to the staged vehicle, which I did. Moments after I had parked and was giving my parents a call, the passenger approached me while I was parked and asked if I had just hit their car in which I stated that I didn’t. She then goes back inside their car and right as they move forward about 4-5ft, the driver gets out and approaches me telling me “I think you hit my car” and I repeated myself that I had already told the other lady that I had not touched the car. So she started getting really pushy, wanting my driver’s license and first pointing to damage on the passenger side and then pointing to a completely different damage on the drivers side, when the car I was driving (Toyota Celica) was a lot lower than what she was pointing at with white scratches. I refused a couple of times on giving her my driver’s license and I started to lose my cool, until I let her take a picture of my license so she wouldn’t report me with a hit and run after taking pics of the plates of the car. I kept telling her to file a police report with so many police patrolling the terminals and she said she didn’t have to. So me being eager to leave, I just let her take down the information she needed so I could leave the loading zone after I took pics of whatever damage she was pointing at and then at the exact position the vehicles were in and that there was no damage on my mom’s car shown.

A couple of weeks after I get notified from my mom’s insurance (Fred Loya) that there had been a claim submitted against me and if I was at fault and to describe the incident and also a bunch of questions for clarification in regards if permission was granted from my parents to drive the vehicle, damages, injuries, and such. Here’s the catch, I’m not a listed driver under my parent’s insurance, which is why Fred Loya dismissed it and that they wouldn’t cover.

This year in March, I received a letter from the Tesla driver’s insurance (USAA) that if I didn’t provide personal insurance coverage or personal information that I would have legal actions taken against me as far as suspension of my driver’s license if I didn’t respond back. So I give them a call and told them that throughout the whole time there was no information given to me as far as a claim number to follow up and that Fred Loya had told me that the claim was closed and even after USAA confirmed that the claim was dropped due to me not being covered under the insurance and that they would proceed and fix the damages of the “incident”.

I ended up giving them my personal insurance information (Mercury) in order to avoid any interruptions towards my driver’s license in which I contacted both insurances to be on the same page. Long story short, after both insurances made appointments for me to take the car for

measurements and pictures taken of the car at two body shops, my insurance responded back that they weren’t going to cover the “damages” because the car wasn’t registered to me. So I called USAA and told them I still wanted to dispute the claim because I was being accused falsely of pre existing damages when there was no contact made on both vehicles. This was in April, in which I also went ahead and forwarded them pictures I had the day of the incident which led to the claim going onto further investigation.

After calling USAA twice to get follow up details, I kept getting the same response that the investigation was still ongoing throughout the last couple of weeks. Fast forward to yesterday and I receive a letter from Wilber & Associates that they were handling the USAA claim and that their client is seeking reimbursement of $2960 and to either pay in full or set up a payment plan or else they would move forward to let the DMV know to suspend my driving privileges and license.

Lastly, I called both USAA and Wilber today, USAA told me that their notes still mentioned an ongoing investigation to which they asked me the whole situation to update their notes and expedite a response from the managers/supervisors handling the claim. Wilber basically told me there was nothing I could do to avoid collections, interruptions with my license unless I paid the full amount, start a payment plan, or come to an agreement of settling to pay $2100 and closing this claim because I’m being accused guilty due to not insured since neither insurance companies wanted to be held accountable.

This is frustrating because it’s been almost 2 months and I have not received any update from USAA with their final decision until I heard it from Wilber, the physical evidence, damages, and negligence of providing me with the video recording of the Tesla (if any), or pictures of the damages that they’re blaming me for, and also the other driver stated that it happened in a parking garage which her story does not match with what happened.

Now, I come here and post here to see what my options are because I am getting screwed and have no idea what to do and if to even trust what Wilber is saying to pay, without me having any evidence or proof and let alone any notice from USAA. I’m leaning towards paying the amount and ending this headache, but now I don’t know if this “accident” will be in my driving record if I pay it and close the claim. This truly sucks.
Man.....I hate to post this on here, since it is a shoe forum, but I need some legal advice NT fam, if you guys can share some suggestions or opinions.

First of all, I will try to clarify this confusing situation as best as I can.

Last year in July, I was involved in an incident where I was picking up my parents from the airport and had to borrow my mom’s car for their luggage and for room to fit my mom and dad (at the time I was driving a 2 seater).

This took place in California, by the way.

Upon arriving at the terminal, I was approaching a bus that was stationed waiting for passengers. The traffic light was turning yellow and I was about to be stuck in between a crosswalk due to traffic and also arriving at the loading zone where my parents had instructed me to meet them at. In order to clear the crosswalk and traffic light, I had to station myself close behind a parked car that was also waiting in the loading zone which happened to be a Tesla Model Y. In order to have enough clearance from the ongoing traffic and crosswalk, I had to get myself close to the staged vehicle, which I did. Moments after I had parked and was giving my parents a call, the passenger approached me while I was parked and asked if I had just hit their car in which I stated that I didn’t. She then goes back inside their car and right as they move forward about 4-5ft, the driver gets out and approaches me telling me “I think you hit my car” and I repeated myself that I had already told the other lady that I had not touched the car. So she started getting really pushy, wanting my driver’s license and first pointing to damage on the passenger side and then pointing to a completely different damage on the drivers side, when the car I was driving (Toyota Celica) was a lot lower than what she was pointing at with white scratches. I refused a couple of times on giving her my driver’s license and I started to lose my cool, until I let her take a picture of my license so she wouldn’t report me with a hit and run after taking pics of the plates of the car. I kept telling her to file a police report with so many police patrolling the terminals and she said she didn’t have to. So me being eager to leave, I just let her take down the information she needed so I could leave the loading zone after I took pics of whatever damage she was pointing at and then at the exact position the vehicles were in and that there was no damage on my mom’s car shown.

A couple of weeks after I get notified from my mom’s insurance (Fred Loya) that there had been a claim submitted against me and if I was at fault and to describe the incident and also a bunch of questions for clarification in regards if permission was granted from my parents to drive the vehicle, damages, injuries, and such. Here’s the catch, I’m not a listed driver under my parent’s insurance, which is why Fred Loya dismissed it and that they wouldn’t cover.

This year in March, I received a letter from the Tesla driver’s insurance (USAA) that if I didn’t provide personal insurance coverage or personal information that I would have legal actions taken against me as far as suspension of my driver’s license if I didn’t respond back. So I give them a call and told them that throughout the whole time there was no information given to me as far as a claim number to follow up and that Fred Loya had told me that the claim was closed and even after USAA confirmed that the claim was dropped due to me not being covered under the insurance and that they would proceed and fix the damages of the “incident”.

I ended up giving them my personal insurance information (Mercury) in order to avoid any interruptions towards my driver’s license in which I contacted both insurances to be on the same page. Long story short, after both insurances made appointments for me to take the car for

measurements and pictures taken of the car at two body shops, my insurance responded back that they weren’t going to cover the “damages” because the car wasn’t registered to me. So I called USAA and told them I still wanted to dispute the claim because I was being accused falsely of pre existing damages when there was no contact made on both vehicles. This was in April, in which I also went ahead and forwarded them pictures I had the day of the incident which led to the claim going onto further investigation.

After calling USAA twice to get follow up details, I kept getting the same response that the investigation was still ongoing throughout the last couple of weeks. Fast forward to yesterday and I receive a letter from Wilber & Associates that they were handling the USAA claim and that their client is seeking reimbursement of $2960 and to either pay in full or set up a payment plan or else they would move forward to let the DMV know to suspend my driving privileges and license.

Lastly, I called both USAA and Wilber today, USAA told me that their notes still mentioned an ongoing investigation to which they asked me the whole situation to update their notes and expedite a response from the managers/supervisors handling the claim. Wilber basically told me there was nothing I could do to avoid collections, interruptions with my license unless I paid the full amount, start a payment plan, or come to an agreement of settling to pay $2100 and closing this claim because I’m being accused guilty due to not insured since neither insurance companies wanted to be held accountable.

This is frustrating because it’s been almost 2 months and I have not received any update from USAA with their final decision until I heard it from Wilber, the physical evidence, damages, and negligence of providing me with the video recording of the Tesla (if any), or pictures of the damages that they’re blaming me for, and also the other driver stated that it happened in a parking garage which her story does not match with what happened.

Now, I come here and post here to see what my options are because I am getting screwed and have no idea what to do and if to even trust what Wilber is saying to pay, without me having any evidence or proof and let alone any notice from USAA. I’m leaning towards paying the amount and ending this headache, but now I don’t know if this “accident” will be in my driving record if I pay it and close the claim. This truly sucks.

Do you know if they notified the DMV of the accident? They were supposed to within 10 days, but it sounds like they’re just trying to scare you if they haven’t.
Do you know if they notified the DMV of the accident? They were supposed to within 10 days, but it sounds like they’re just trying to scare you if they haven’t.
They told me that they received the claim on the 11th of this month and that it's been slow due to "covid", but that by the end of the month is that they proceed to notify the DMV. So to make a decision quickly because as of now I "qualify" for the discount that they'd settle for $2100 instead of the $2960, since it has not been proceeded yet.
You shouldn't have provided your DL or insurance and had her call the police. In fact, you should have offered to call them yourself. They asked you as a form of a ? and not a definitive statement that you in fact hit their car. Then you'd have to have a witness that saw the accident. When a policy officer arrives, they would've taken the statement and interviewed both parties. You at that point could state your case and show you didn't hit their car by the height of your vehicle in comparison to their damage.

You should also have taken pictures of the damage, location and scene. However, you provided your DL, it's not a good look in the eyes of your insurance company.

Sorry you have to deal with this situation but take it a a lesson learned at this point.
They told me that they received the claim on the 11th of this month and that it's been slow due to "covid", but that by the end of the month is that they proceed to notify the DMV. So to make a decision quickly because as of now I "qualify" for the discount that they'd settle for $2100 instead of the $2960, since it has not been proceeded yet.

It doesn’t matter when they received the claim because the driver is LEGALLY required to report the accident to the DMV within 10 days since they claim the damages were over $1,000. Call (or visit) the DMV and make sure you don’t have any accidents reported. If it wasn’t reported, then you should be good. I would actually take it a step further and let the lawyer know you obtained footage from the airport that proves your car didn’t hit theirs and you’ll press charges for insurance fraud if they continue with the case.
You should've also contacted your insurance first before answering their back. Contact you insurance now and defend yourself and I just read you did take pictures of the scene.
Wilbur & Associates is not a law firm, but a collection agency. I'd contact a real lawyer who specializes in personal injury and insurance matters about this as there's a lot more info needed about this incident. Often times attorneys will provide free or low cost initial consultations.
I will start looking into that. I searched them up and I keep seeing cases online, that try a lot of scare tactics just to collect. But I will do what degenerate423 degenerate423 told me to do and see what the DMV has to say.

It doesn’t matter when they received the claim because the driver is LEGALLY required to report the accident to the DMV within 10 days since they claim the damages were over $1,000. Call (or visit) the DMV and make sure you don’t have any accidents reported. If it wasn’t reported, then you should be good. I would actually take it a step further and let the lawyer know you obtained footage from the airport that proves your car didn’t hit theirs and you’ll press charges for insurance fraud if they continue with the case.
You're the man! I'm gonna give the DMV a call asap in the morning.
Man.....I hate to post this on here, since it is a shoe forum, but I need some legal advice NT fam, if you guys can share some suggestions or opinions.

First of all, I will try to clarify this confusing situation as best as I can.

Last year in July, I was involved in an incident where I was picking up my parents from the airport and had to borrow my mom’s car for their luggage and for room to fit my mom and dad (at the time I was driving a 2 seater).

This took place in California, by the way.

Upon arriving at the terminal, I was approaching a bus that was stationed waiting for passengers. The traffic light was turning yellow and I was about to be stuck in between a crosswalk due to traffic and also arriving at the loading zone where my parents had instructed me to meet them at. In order to clear the crosswalk and traffic light, I had to station myself close behind a parked car that was also waiting in the loading zone which happened to be a Tesla Model Y. In order to have enough clearance from the ongoing traffic and crosswalk, I had to get myself close to the staged vehicle, which I did. Moments after I had parked and was giving my parents a call, the passenger approached me while I was parked and asked if I had just hit their car in which I stated that I didn’t. She then goes back inside their car and right as they move forward about 4-5ft, the driver gets out and approaches me telling me “I think you hit my car” and I repeated myself that I had already told the other lady that I had not touched the car. So she started getting really pushy, wanting my driver’s license and first pointing to damage on the passenger side and then pointing to a completely different damage on the drivers side, when the car I was driving (Toyota Celica) was a lot lower than what she was pointing at with white scratches. I refused a couple of times on giving her my driver’s license and I started to lose my cool, until I let her take a picture of my license so she wouldn’t report me with a hit and run after taking pics of the plates of the car. I kept telling her to file a police report with so many police patrolling the terminals and she said she didn’t have to. So me being eager to leave, I just let her take down the information she needed so I could leave the loading zone after I took pics of whatever damage she was pointing at and then at the exact position the vehicles were in and that there was no damage on my mom’s car shown.

A couple of weeks after I get notified from my mom’s insurance (Fred Loya) that there had been a claim submitted against me and if I was at fault and to describe the incident and also a bunch of questions for clarification in regards if permission was granted from my parents to drive the vehicle, damages, injuries, and such. Here’s the catch, I’m not a listed driver under my parent’s insurance, which is why Fred Loya dismissed it and that they wouldn’t cover.

This year in March, I received a letter from the Tesla driver’s insurance (USAA) that if I didn’t provide personal insurance coverage or personal information that I would have legal actions taken against me as far as suspension of my driver’s license if I didn’t respond back. So I give them a call and told them that throughout the whole time there was no information given to me as far as a claim number to follow up and that Fred Loya had told me that the claim was closed and even after USAA confirmed that the claim was dropped due to me not being covered under the insurance and that they would proceed and fix the damages of the “incident”.

I ended up giving them my personal insurance information (Mercury) in order to avoid any interruptions towards my driver’s license in which I contacted both insurances to be on the same page. Long story short, after both insurances made appointments for me to take the car for

measurements and pictures taken of the car at two body shops, my insurance responded back that they weren’t going to cover the “damages” because the car wasn’t registered to me. So I called USAA and told them I still wanted to dispute the claim because I was being accused falsely of pre existing damages when there was no contact made on both vehicles. This was in April, in which I also went ahead and forwarded them pictures I had the day of the incident which led to the claim going onto further investigation.

After calling USAA twice to get follow up details, I kept getting the same response that the investigation was still ongoing throughout the last couple of weeks. Fast forward to yesterday and I receive a letter from Wilber & Associates that they were handling the USAA claim and that their client is seeking reimbursement of $2960 and to either pay in full or set up a payment plan or else they would move forward to let the DMV know to suspend my driving privileges and license.

Lastly, I called both USAA and Wilber today, USAA told me that their notes still mentioned an ongoing investigation to which they asked me the whole situation to update their notes and expedite a response from the managers/supervisors handling the claim. Wilber basically told me there was nothing I could do to avoid collections, interruptions with my license unless I paid the full amount, start a payment plan, or come to an agreement of settling to pay $2100 and closing this claim because I’m being accused guilty due to not insured since neither insurance companies wanted to be held accountable.

This is frustrating because it’s been almost 2 months and I have not received any update from USAA with their final decision until I heard it from Wilber, the physical evidence, damages, and negligence of providing me with the video recording of the Tesla (if any), or pictures of the damages that they’re blaming me for, and also the other driver stated that it happened in a parking garage which her story does not match with what happened.

Now, I come here and post here to see what my options are because I am getting screwed and have no idea what to do and if to even trust what Wilber is saying to pay, without me having any evidence or proof and let alone any notice from USAA. I’m leaning towards paying the amount and ending this headache, but now I don’t know if this “accident” will be in my driving record if I pay it and close the claim. This truly sucks.
Right now you are considered an uninsured motorist to USAA for this accident. When this happens USAA can’t bill what they paid out for the Tesla to an insurance company (Mercury or Fred Loya) since they both denied coverage for your parents car.

When this is the case USAA sends the bill to a collection agency and then they bill you. Wilber in this case is the collection agency and they typically would receive proof of payment from USAA so they know how much to bill you

The only issue I’m seeing is that your parents insurance denied coverage which I feel like you need to gather more info about. Coverage seems like it should’ve been available for you, since coverage typically follows the car in use.

You are clearly using your parents car to pick them up from the airport That’s clear permission (permissive use) and if that is the case coverage should apply for the claim. You would be considered an insured driver. Your parents should’ve confirmed that with Fred loya when they spoke with them

If you think about it people borrow cars daily when people do this with permission coverage is afforded to that vehicle if something happens to that vehicle while it’s being borrowed

Did your parents tell Fred Loya you didn’t have permission? or did they ever tell you they didn’t want to use their coverage to for this? Fred Loya would have to send your parents a denial letter with clear reason why no coverage.You simply not being a listed driver is not grounds for no coverage. The reason why I’m saying this is insurance will work on your behalf whether you are at fault or not.

Essentially if Fred Loya covered the claim and found you not at fault .Fred Loya would have defended you all the way to arbitration. So this way you nor your parents get sent to collections since both insurance companies would resolve it on both drivers behalf

Only thing I can really think of is if some how determining if Fred loya made a mistake. If they did and coverage was confirmed, then USAA would then have to reverse it out of collections back to USAA then that bill sent to Fred Loya. Fred Loya then denying responsibility for the accident and then send to Arbitration because they would deny paying the bill

. Honestly it’s a long shot , but if no insurance company is backing you everything falls on your lap to pay
I will start looking into that. I searched them up and I keep seeing cases online, that try a lot of scare tactics just to collect. But I will do what degenerate423 degenerate423 told me to do and see what the DMV has to say.

You're the man! I'm gonna give the DMV a call asap in the morning.
A collection agency doesn't have the direct authority to suspend your license, but in some states it can contact the DMV in your state and possibly get it suspended in certain circumstances. I live and practice in Seattle, WA and a collection agency can persuade the DMV to suspend your license if you have no insurance, they provide evidence that you cannot/will not pay the claim, ect.
Can't teslas record this stuff If so, ask for evidence

If your story is true, you're basically being billed for something without evidence

Don't see how that is possible unless they took you giving your info as proof of "fault"
You shouldn't have provided your DL or insurance and had her call the police. In fact, you should have offered to call them yourself. They asked you as a form of a ? and not a definitive statement that you in fact hit their car. Then you'd have to have a witness that saw the accident. When a policy officer arrives, they would've taken the statement and interviewed both parties. You at that point could state your case and show you didn't hit their car by the height of your vehicle in comparison to their damage.

You should also have taken pictures of the damage, location and scene. However, you provided your DL, it's not a good look in the eyes of your insurance company.

Sorry you have to deal with this situation but take it a a lesson learned at this point.
She kept denying wanting to make a police report and for the police to be called. It was my loss for not calling them myself at the moment but, I was so confident that if she made a big deal out of it that no damage was shown on the car I was driving - now it's biting me in the ***.

Providing my DL is what might've escalated the foundation of her proving her case when she submitted the case.

I'm honestly just leaning towards paying the amount owed today and taking the L. Lesson learned for sure.

Right now you are considered an uninsured motorist to USAA for this accident. When this happens USAA can’t bill what they paid out for the Tesla to an insurance company (Mercury or Fred Loya) since they both denied coverage for your parents car.

When this is the case USAA sends the bill to a collection agency and then they bill you. Wilber in this case is the collection agency and they typically would receive proof of payment from USAA so they know how much to bill you

The only issue I’m seeing is that your parents insurance denied coverage which I feel like you need to gather more info about. Coverage seems like it should’ve been available for you, since coverage typically follows the car in use.

You are clearly using your parents car to pick them up from the airport That’s clear permission (permissive use) and if that is the case coverage should apply for the claim. You would be considered an insured driver. Your parents should’ve confirmed that with Fred loya when they spoke with them

If you think about it people borrow cars daily when people do this with permission coverage is afforded to that vehicle if something happens to that vehicle while it’s being borrowed

Did your parents tell Fred Loya you didn’t have permission? or did they ever tell you they didn’t want to use their coverage to for this? Fred Loya would have to send your parents a denial letter with clear reason why no coverage.You simply not being a listed driver is not grounds for no coverage. The reason why I’m saying this is insurance will work on your behalf whether you are at fault or not.

Essentially if Fred Loya covered the claim and found you not at fault .Fred Loya would have defended you all the way to arbitration. So this way you nor your parents get sent to collections since both insurance companies would resolve it on both drivers behalf

Only thing I can really think of is if some how determining if Fred loya made a mistake. If they did and coverage was confirmed, then USAA would then have to reverse it out of collections back to USAA then that bill sent to Fred Loya. Fred Loya then denying responsibility for the accident and then send to Arbitration because they would deny paying the bill

. Honestly it’s a long shot , but if no insurance company is backing you everything falls on your lap to pay
THIS. This is exactly what Wilber explained and ironically verbatim. I truly thank you for this response but as of now they've stuck with not being under the policy as the factor, but I will double check today if there's something written for the denial.
The way it seems honestly at this point of time, is that everything is on my lap to pay if I don't want my license suspended, which would affect my job and unfortunately I can't take that risk. So I think I'll just pay for this dumb **** and move on and never borrow a car and invest in a damn dash cam for sure.

Can't teslas record this stuff If so, ask for evidence

If your story is true, you're basically being billed for something without evidence

Don't see how that is possible unless they took you giving your info as proof of "fault"
That's what I thought also and I'm waiting on a response from USAA today to see if they can provide the footage or evidence that made them come to that conclusion that the damages were from me.

That's what I'm disputing with them billing for something through hearsay at this point, but WIlber is stating that USAA's conclusion was that I'm considered "uninsured" as lobcity lobcity mentioned above.

I hate cars and driving for all this. Put cameras everywhere i’m fine with big brother.
I hate California's traffic and idiot drivers for that matter. I agree that they should just have cameras all over. I'm definitely getting a dash cam after this ********.

All in all, NT fam, I appreciate you guys taking the time to read such a long *** thread and taking the time to respond to this. I'm truly over wasting time with making phone calls and dealing with this claim, so I may just end up paying the damages, take the loss and move on from this. It's taken a toll on me since last year with frustration and stressing over trying to fight my case without the support of insurances. I'll let karma handle that woman's actions. I appreciate you all!
^ Sorry you have to deal with scammers like this. I hate to see good people being taken advantage of and if you're willing to move on, do it. It's just not worth the time and effort to fight for it. Just make sure to learn from this incident and get yourself a dash cam for the front and rear of your vehicle.

I can't drive around without this type of protection. I wish you the absolute best in this situation.
some tesla drivers are some weirdos

you shouldn't have given her any information you are not legally obliged to

i would just deny any and all involvement

if you want NT to pay that tesla a visit send the PM with the details
Those people sound like scammers. Their car already had damage and wanted to find someone to pay for it.
Can't teslas record this stuff If so, ask for evidence

If your story is true, you're basically being billed for something without evidence

Don't see how that is possible unless they took you giving your info as proof of "fault"

Exactly what I was thinking. Tesla's have cameras on their car. Why didnt the drivers pull up or provide video of the hit?

And OP really should have got the police involved. You let them scare you into not calling them
You ole Brendan Dassey, I admitted fault so I can go home and watch Wrestlemania head ah. Liquor store clerks, TSA agents and bouncers are the only people you should willing give identification to. Never give it up to a Libby in an electric car my guy and you never let them talk you out of calling 12. I’m not trying to be too hard on it but it’s imperative you know traffic laws in your state, and if not, lawyer up. Always remember if you disagree with the assessment of the insurance adjuster, the burden of proof lies on you.
This isn’t legal advice, just practical advice:

- Make sure you are listed as a driver on the insurance for cars you drive;
- If you have a friend that’s a lawyer, they might help. It’d probably be difficult to retain a lawyer for a $3000 collection dispute absent additional facts; and
- Since you were essentially driving as an uninsured motorist, the least expensive option may be to settle with the collections folks and get a release in writing saying you’ve paid in full (maybe they’ll take $1500).

Again, this is just practical advice not legal advice. The silver lining is that you probably will learn a lot from this moving forward.
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