F1 Official Thread - Grand Prix of Britain

Vettel was on fire :rofl:

Günther bodied Magnussen :smokin
Crew worked all night to fix his car and he’s just a disrespectful *******. Zero need for Magnussen so say this publicly on the radio.
Gunther shut down that noise from Kevin.

How can you complain after crashing like that and ruining your teammates lap in the process too.

I also think Kubica's come back is not working.
Last i checked in the race he was 60 seconds behind Russell.

Gasly is on borrowed time. I think he's done at the end of the season.
I dunno which Williams it was (could have been KUB), but there was a point where he got lapped by the front-runners... AND Sainz. That's pretty bad.
I forgot to mention that.
I've never seen brakes melt a car before. It was bizzare.

Looking at the stewards report on the incident, i can now see why they gave the penalty.

I think a lot of people are extra mad because they almost had a non Mercedes winner but it got snatched away.

Vettel still needs to stop cracking but easier said than done with Lewis on your gearbox.
What’s up fam? I just “discovered” F1 after watching Senna documentary on Netflix about a month ago. Needless to say I’m hooked. Can’t believe there’s actually an NT forum on F1, but I said to myself “let me see if there is” and lo and behold, here I am! So excuse me if I ask dumb questions in here as I’m still learning about the sport.

Dumb question #1

Why all the Hamilton hate on other message boards I’ve seen? Is it something I can relate to the sport of basketball and how Jordan, Kobe & LeBron were all despised by certain core fans of the sport during their primes or are there legitimate reasons?
Welcome aboard. NT isn't huge on F1, but there are a few loyal followers!

There are no dumb questions!
Like many championship athletes, there will always be haters and stans. That's just a part of sports... and probably life in general... and it's no exception for Lewis. He will have his haters, but at the same time, he will also have his unconditional supporters. I guess examples would be like Jordan, Kobe & LeBron. I wouldn't say Lewis has particularly more haters or stans though.
I wouldn't say there are legitimate reasons for the hate, but like most superstar athletes, they'll say stuff from time to time, so perhaps that might rub off in the wrong way. I mean, it's not Lewis-specific... I'm sure MJ, Kobe and LeBron has said some dumb ish from time to time... it is what it is.

That said, while I'm not a fan of Lewis, I don't hate the guy either. It's his stans that I can't stand... there are always those on Twitter or the forums or whatever who will call it a conspiracy theory when things don't go right for Lewis... and will bash the team for being "racist" for "screwing up" Lewis' race or whatever. And as crazy as that sounds, I've surprisingly seen my fair share of those comments on the interwebz. Really, toxic 'fans' are the worst.

Anyway, hope you enjoy F1.
What’s up fam? I just “discovered” F1 after watching Senna documentary on Netflix about a month ago. Needless to say I’m hooked. Can’t believe there’s actually an NT forum on F1, but I said to myself “let me see if there is” and lo and behold, here I am! So excuse me if I ask dumb questions in here as I’m still learning about the sport.

Dumb question #1

Why all the Hamilton hate on other message boards I’ve seen? Is it something I can relate to the sport of basketball and how Jordan, Kobe & LeBron were all despised by certain core fans of the sport during their primes or are there legitimate reasons?
A few reasons.

There definitely is some racism involved being the first black or half black driver. He definitely can't get away with some of the things other drivers have done.
Lewis pushing another driver or doing what Vettel did after the last race would have sparked an outrage. Lots of people complain about him not living in the UK for tax reason while ignoring all the other drivers who live in Monaco for the same reason.

Along with being black he doesn't fit the image that some expect drivers to be. You would see him with celeb friends or in fashion shows and all that and he got criticized for it but he still keeps winning so people can't say much.
It's also what makes him the most famous because he bought a lot of new fans into the sport.

The main reason these days is the Mercedes domination. I think he's won like half of all the races since the hybrid era started in 2014.
People are getting fed up them winning and it's gotten to the point that every thing he does will annoy his haters or fans of F1 who just want to see more competition. People get angry from him congratulating fans or the workers in the factory cuz they've heard it a million times. It's not just him either. Mercedes team boss Toto Wolf is getting the same treatment now. That is why lots of people were against the penalty on Sunday because it meant Mercedes winning streak this season continues on.

When Vettel was winning, I won't like seeing that finger annoyed me :lol:

Like sinners said though, some of his fans and haters are crazy :lol:
What you need to do is find a good forum where the discussion is not that bad.
I normally go on Autosport Forums and sometimes F1 Technical.

You can't fully hide away from the crazies but Twitter, Instagram, Youtube comments are normally the worst places to go for level headed discussion but they can be funny sometimes :lol:
Thanks so much for the responses Sinner Sinner & D Double D Double !!!

Have either of you been to a race in person? I’m thinking about going to the one in Austin this year. I’m wondering if the sport might be more enjoyable on your couch than outside in the elements, lol!!
Never been to a live race but I did go to the show they had in London last year. Got to see every driver except Lewis who wasn't there.

It is an experience seeing and hearing the cars though, especially the V8's The noise was deafening.
Even the safety car which looks slow on TV was hella fast.

It is on my list of things to do but Silverstone is too busy. I hear the hotels for next year's Grand Prix get fully booked the day after the current year's Grand Prix so lots of people go camping instead and then walk to the circuit.
I'm not about that camping life.
Thanks so much for the responses Sinner Sinner & D Double D Double !!!

Have either of you been to a race in person? I’m thinking about going to the one in Austin this year. I’m wondering if the sport might be more enjoyable on your couch than outside in the elements, lol!!
I've been to two races... 2000 (or was it 2001?) Malaysia and 2004 Shanghai, China. Back when you legitimately needed earplugs!

As a new watcher, I would suggest watching a bunch of races on TV first. Learn more about the racing, the drivers, the teams... learn how to watch a race with lap times, sector times, gap times in mind. Learn about how overtaking works and race craft in general. When you get a hang of that, you'll enjoy live races a lot more. At home, you get commentators. You don't at the track. And even if you did, there would be too much going on to really be able to "follow" the race.
Thanks so much for the responses Sinner Sinner & D Double D Double !!!

Have either of you been to a race in person? I’m thinking about going to the one in Austin this year. I’m wondering if the sport might be more enjoyable on your couch than outside in the elements, lol!!

As someone who watched F1 for a while on TV and finally went to my first race in Montreal last weekend, I'll say it's pretty incredible in person. Considering going to the race in Austin too now lol
As someone who watched F1 for a while on TV and finally went to my first race in Montreal last weekend, I'll say it's pretty incredible in person. Considering going to the race in Austin too now lol
Did they have on-track commentary or devices for streaming the world feed / timing screens? I can't imagine watching a race without a timing screen now. For me, it's so hard to follow a race without it.
I remember hearing someone on the mics during qualifying and in the race.
Not sure it would have been as in depth as Brundle and Crofty but its better than nothing and at least you can get timing on your phone i think?
Did they have on-track commentary or devices for streaming the world feed / timing screens? I can't imagine watching a race without a timing screen now. For me, it's so hard to follow a race without it.

Since it was in Montreal, they had both French and English commentary, the speakers are in front of the grandstands so you can actually hear it pretty well as long as the cars aren't zooming past at that second. There's also screens in front of most of the grandstands, a little small but not hard to follow along.

I remember hearing someone on the mics during qualifying and in the race.
Not sure it would have been as in depth as Brundle and Crofty but its better than nothing and at least you can get timing on your phone i think?

Yeah I downloaded the F1 app for timings, they update in real time so it was cool to see. I was comparing the timings in the app to the timings the teams had on their boards for the drivers and the app was definitely more on top of it lol
The current timing app is a mess though. Poorly designed and just not user friendly at all. I hate that there isn't a 3rd party app. I don't mind paying for the service, but I hate that it's been downgraded from previous seasons. Can't live with it, can't live without it. You get so much more info on what's actually happening in the race from the live-timing than what you just see on TV.

And the pitboards will always be slightly behind to the live timing. They use the same point of reference over each lap.
The current timing app is a mess though. Poorly designed and just not user friendly at all. I hate that there isn't a 3rd party app. I don't mind paying for the service, but I hate that it's been downgraded from previous seasons. Can't live with it, can't live without it. You get so much more info on what's actually happening in the race from the live-timing than what you just see on TV.

And the pitboards will always be slightly behind to the live timing. They use the same point of reference over each lap.

App was free so I can't complain, the only issue was with network congestion sometimes getting in the way of updates.

I still have to go through the 800+ photos I took on Saturday :wow: hope I find some gems in there.
Well done Mclaren, locking out the third row, beating a Ferrari and a Red Bull. The comeback is on.

Thought Bottas looked stronger all weekend but Lewis showing you can never count him out. Nearly 3 tenths!
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