EXPLOSION @ Boston Marathon

I dont know what to say, but the fact of the matter is that they may have known about it before. Consequently could this be a false flag? Sure, just like other operations in which they would p
You also believe that the Middle Easterners hate us because of our "freedoms". Equally as ridiculous.

That is one of the reasons that I have stated yes but I also said their are several other factors as to why people hate us also.   Also not all middle easterners hate us.  Only a select few countries.   We also have allies in  the region.     

Answer this since you failed to answer my question from a previous comment.   Do you think we were right in hunting down Bin Laden after 9/11?

Do I think that we were right in hunting him down? :rolleyes Is that a serious question?
Do I think that we were right in hunting him down?
Is that a serious question?
Yeah it is. I want to know your thoughts on 9/11 So I know where your coming from.  
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If those pictures of people with twisted and mangled and chopped up limbs never came out, then it changes the whole perception of this event​

I disagree with this. Rich Shertenlieb from the Toucher and Rich show up here on Boston's Sports Hun 98.5 lives in the building above where the bomb went off. Before I saw any pics, he described in vivid detail what he saw when he evacuated his apartment and entered the lobby. Limbs, blood, people blown from the street INTO the building, absolute chaos. Pictures were not needed for me to be deeply effected.

You hear about bombings and attacks and it's sad and all, but you never see the actual effects . . . seeing someone's raw bone and leg meat shows you how serious this is and how it's not a joke​

Very false. In this day and age more than any time in history have we seen carnage directly as a result of the Iraq and other wars and bombings via the internet and media.

Besides, dude was already getting medical assistance​

Not in the pic I saw. He's laying on the ground in what seems like seconds after the 1st blast, missing his legs, with no medical staff tending to him (not that that matters in this instance anyways).
Yes I believe that the person or persons responsible for 911 should have been hunted down.
Ok lol.   That's all I was asking. Some people in this thread think Bin Laden is made up and that we killed our own people on 9/11.
Or he was trying to be respectful?

I could use a laugh this afternoon. Please tell me what connection you think Seth MacFarlane has with the bombing in Boston. Just give me whatever crackpot, two-bit, theory you have. What is the connection?

I have no connection..... just as i also have no idea how a cartoon predicting an identical plot as to what happened in Boston is suddenly regular.

Of all the huge events in the USA the writers just naturally picked the WORLD FAMOUS (plz detect my sarcasm) Boston marathon as something to blow up... Even tho the fictional characters live in a fictional Rhode Island.

It is a terror attack, that just happens to set off only two bombs.... Cartoons are known for being extreme why precisely two bombs.

Lastly he is on a national TV station with Bob costas.... with you guessed it a still of many bloodied & disfigured humans behind him (The image that's sprawled all across TV & Media right now... Even ESPN feels they have two let you know

something detailing EXACTLY how a situation turned out before it happened in such an specific manner makes it hard to believe it's just a coincedence.... Everytime their is some kind of huge tragedy they're is ALWAYS some kind of eerily similar showing of it before hand and it's ALWAYS a coincedence.
Even after the actors said they had 'WMDs"?
That whole s**t was a lie!  Bush Jr. wanted to finish off what his dad started.  That war is what stopped me from joining the Marines.   I pulled out at the last minute because I knew I was gonna get sent to that war and I didn't believe in it.  

“My dear son Martin has died from injuries sustained in the attack on Boston. My wife and daughter are both recovering from serious injuries. We thank our family and friends, those we know and those we have never met, for their thoughts and prayers. I ask that you continue to pray for my family as we remember Martin. We also ask for your patience and for privacy as we work to simultaneously grieve and recover. Thank you.” -Bill Richard on the death of his son, Martin Richard, 8
I have no connection..... just as i also have no idea how a cartoon predicting an identical plot as to what happened in Boston is suddenly regular.

Of all the huge events in the USA the writers just naturally picked the WORLD FAMOUS (plz detect my sarcasm) Boston marathon as something to blow up... Even tho the fictional characters live in a fictional Rhode Island.

It is a terror attack, that just happens to set off only two bombs.... Cartoons are known for being extreme why precisely two bombs.

Lastly he is on a national TV station with Bob costas.... with you guessed it a still of many bloodied & disfigured humans behind him (The image that's sprawled all across TV & Media right now... Even ESPN feels they have two let you know

something detailing EXACTLY how a situation turned out before it happened in such an specific manner makes it hard to believe it's just a coincedence.... Everytime their is some kind of huge tragedy they're is ALWAYS some kind of eerily similar showing of it before hand and it's ALWAYS a coincedence.
maybe some wack job who saw the episode decided to act it out.  
Even after the actors said they had 'WMDs"?

That whole s**t was a lie!  Bush Jr. wanted to finish off what his dad started.  That war is what stopped me from joining the Marines.   I pulled out at the last minute because I knew I was gonna get sent to that war and I didn't believe in it.  

You don't get to pick and choose which wars you participate in when you are in the military. A soldier does as he is told and doesn't ask questions. You weren't cut out for it. Not everyone is.
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I am being dead serious. How do we know Bin Laden is who they told us he was?

How do we know that he wasn't just a character that was created to be a scapegoat for all of the madness that went on during that time period?

“My dear son Martin has died from injuries sustained in the attack on Boston. My wife and daughter are both recovering from serious injuries. We thank our family and friends, those we know and those we have never met, for their thoughts and prayers. I ask that you continue to pray for my family as we remember Martin. We also ask for your patience and for privacy as we work to simultaneously grieve and recover. Thank you.” -Bill Richard on the death of his son, Martin Richard, 8
lil dude lived 5 blocks from where im from :frown:

been reading and just now posting in here. this hurts. i am boston. its all i know. even though i live in LA, Boston will forever be who I am.
it was tough. trying to contact all my friends and family. had a couple of people i know in the marathon. they finished before the bombs went of luckily. my cousin works for brinks in that area. he was ok. and my moms BF was called immediately to go to the scene (hes a fire fighter), he texted me he was ok. but even after i found out those i knew were ok, there was still this feeling. and ill man up and tell yal, I teared up. its because like i said earlier. boston is my home. every bostonian is family to me. its my city

i feel for NY(9/11), denver(massacre) even foreign tragedies but this one released all types of emotions. i feel so helpless being 3000 miles away.
sorry for the rant NT famb but just wanted to share something somewhere

Stay safe out there guys, dont let _____ deter us from our everyday lives

That whole s**t was a lie!  Bush Jr. wanted to finish off what his dad started.  That war is what stopped me from joining the Marines.   I pulled out at the last minute because I knew I was gonna get sent to that war and I didn't believe in it.  

Gotcha, not trying to argue or be a smart *****, but isn't that the same as the government killing our own? Sending thousands of young men to die for a lie?

I know many people don't want to believe our government would do something like that, however there's been numerous cases of the government backed terror around the world. I don't see how can anyone give the benefit of the doubt with all the information that's available.
I have no connection..... just as i also have no idea how a cartoon predicting an identical plot as to what happened in Boston is suddenly regular.

Of all the huge events in the USA the writers just naturally picked the WORLD FAMOUS (plz detect my sarcasm) Boston marathon as something to blow up... Even tho the fictional characters live in a fictional Rhode Island.

It is a terror attack, that just happens to set off only two bombs.... Cartoons are known for being extreme why precisely two bombs.

Lastly he is on a national TV station with Bob costas.... with you guessed it a still of many bloodied & disfigured humans behind him (The image that's sprawled all across TV & Media right now... Even ESPN feels they have two let you know

something detailing EXACTLY how a situation turned out before it happened in such an specific manner makes it hard to believe it's just a coincedence.... Everytime their is some kind of huge tragedy they're is ALWAYS some kind of eerily similar showing of it before hand and it's ALWAYS a coincedence.
Yesterday two bombs exploded at the Marathon, in the cartoon he drove his car through the runners ...how are those two "EXACTLY" the same scenario?

Sure you can draw some sort of coincidental, asinine, tenuous "link" between them, but you could just as easily do that with ANY two situations.

To now state that they are exactly the same as if it's a fact just goes to show the ridiculous way conspiracy theorists think.
You don't get to pick and choose which wars you participate in when you are in the military. A soldier does as he is told and doesn't ask questions. You weren't cut out for it. Not everyone is.
I agree lol that's why I didn't join.   I'm not gonna  fight for something I don't believe in.
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Gotcha, not trying to argue or be a smart *****, but isn't that the same as the government killing our own? Sending thousands of young men to die for a lie?

I know many people don't want to believe our government would do something like that, however there's been numerous cases of the government backed terror around the world. I don't see how can anyone give the benefit of the doubt with all the information that's available.
I agree.  
So what about the numerous examples of the Twin Towers having planes run through them before 9/11 even happened? Was that coincidence from crazy people too?

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