Evelyn Lozada Vol. Chad Johnson winning?

^ Thanks.
Ive seen pretty much all the basketball wives EP, and yeah, Evelyn does carry herself as a ratchet, non motheru******g factor *** female, but that's what Chad liked about her, he KNEW that, and he KNEW what he was getting into. I still believe Evelyn provoked that ***** to go ham on her forehead. Probably all in his face, yelling, screaming, pointing, probably put her finger on his forehead and pushed it (I HATE THAT ****) and Chad just went in.
Sucks, but yo, we got room in San Fran Chad, reup with us, we about that chip this year :pimp:

Please no, and no we don't have any room
Not sure what's the full story on that, but that's you....that would never happen to me. I've only choked chicks from hitting me in the head in which they knew they were in the wrong trying to get to me and I made them apologize. I don't talk much as it is so i've never had a chick all in my face arguing and hitting me. I wouldn't touch her elbows either. Have no reason to.

lol alright man I hope you never go to jail unless you deserve it.
Not sure what's the full story on that, but that's you....that would never happen to me. I've only choked chicks from hitting me in the head in which they knew they were in the wrong trying to get to me and I made them apologize. I don't talk much as it is so i've never had a chick all in my face arguing and hitting me. I wouldn't touch her elbows either. Have no reason to.
lol alright man I hope you never go to jail unless you deserve it.
In what other case would he go to jail then?
what's silly about it

"But that's you...that would never happen to me." Classic case of thinking you're invincible things that eventually will happen. You're not impervious to felonies/jail-time just cause it hasn't happened yet. Also from that entire post, it seems like you deal with weak-minded lapdog chicks anyway if they do roll over and apologize (even if they were wrong). I'm really just saying the wrong chick will get you into trouble that thought you were immune to if that's how you normally handle things.
you guys do know you always have to option to leave a relationship where a woman feels its ok to hit you right?
Lazada taking this righteous stand for domestic violence is purely comical and appalling. That ho needs to be canceled. Horrible role model and example for young girls. :smh:
Lazada taking this righteous stand for domestic violence is purely comical and appalling. That ho needs to be canceled. Horrible role model and example for young girls. :smh:
As long as you dudes (not saying you) sit and watch her and shows like it and let these fools think they have an audience people like them will continue to be praised. Stop giving them an audience.
this is all chad fault for wifin her in the 1st place when her antics have been clearly displayed on tv. i could understand maybe messin wit her a lil bit but actually marrying her seemed dumb to me anyway. just another case of a women bein a mans downfall...she must had sum of that good
I can't stand Jemele Hill, I had a twitter war with her a couple years ago.

The fact that she wrote that ridiculous column some years back saying that Kobe was better than MJ made me not like her. I swear she did it for her own publicity gain. Not that she cant have her own opinion, but her premises were all disturbing.
Do people honestly believe EVERYTHING they see on "reality tv"?
What can you say man, marketing works. 

Why do you think people are so worried about Rick Ross being real, Glenn Beck saying this is the scariest moment to be a Christian-American or WWE causing kids to power-bomb their baby siblings. 

Not everyone has a grasp on reality or is able to see things for just what they are. The term "entertainment" flies over many of our heads when even we think we're immune to it. 
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It's a tricky situation since it is self defense but the public will still think you beat up women. It might not be fair but that's how people think and it's hard to change their minds.

True. My momma taught me: "Don't hit a woman, but if she hits you, walk away. Now if she continues to go after you, defend yourself at all costs.....point, blank, period."

I wouldn't care about what people would say/think about me if that scenario happened. If my lady had a weapon and was going to use it to harm me = my life is on the line. Therefore:

She would be put down with the quickness.
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Why do you think people are so worried about Rick Ross being real


Of course you would go there. It's almost creepy how much you obsess over this and refer to it in threads that have nothing to do with the man.

I can't even take your opinions on other people seriously. Look at the master troll level rate at which you post. How much actual interaction with people could you possibly be having?
this is all chad fault for wifin her in the 1st place when her antics have been clearly displayed on tv. i could understand maybe messin wit her a lil bit but actually marrying her seemed dumb to me anyway. just another case of a women bein a mans downfall...she must had sum of that good
Yup, it must of been some heavenly type **** to wife her ignorant - childish ***.
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