Eminem Retro 2: Flight Club Exclusive

They mentioned them on the radio in Milwaukee, when talking about his new album...

surprised me...
Originally Posted by r00m112

Everyone needs to calm down. If you count the number of heads in this thread who actually want them, it seems to be under 100. Then you got sites like ISS, another 100 there probably. Remember one thing, the information about this release was never released to the general public. So if you don't read these websites or any blogs, you have no idea about this release for the most part unless you heard through someone.

I'm just saying, Jordan might have made things a little easier on us. It still might be tough tho.

Ahhhh....come on man. There's gonna be more than a few hundred people trying to get these.
^^lol of course there will be
there is alw ays more than a "few hundred" people trying to get ANY jordan
flight club is going to be a MESS today
if you just type jordan eminem retro 2 into google there has been information posted on them on so many blogs its ridic. trust me...more then 313 people aregoing to try and cop.
Originally Posted by MILLION DOLLAR STACKS

garbage just like eminem.
need some attention

more then 313 will be trying to cop...you have to consider ones that dont post and ones who check sites like sneakerfiles, jumpman23, kicksonfire, etc.
Obviously there will still be alot of people trying to cop. But it's not going to be like say if they released a highly celebrated countdown pack orsomething in these numbers. I'm telling you, they did this on purpose with not letting much of the word out in order to keep the hype lower than normal.
Originally Posted by Poofyo101

^^lol of course there will be
there is alw ays more than a "few hundred" people trying to get ANY jordan
flight club is going to be a MESS today

Yes...that's basically what I was saying. The person I quoted thinks there will only be a few hundred.
I DO understand what you are saying, and I thought about it being that way myself. I asked myself how many people really know about this? While I agree it isnot XX3 or CDP levels, it is more than just niketalk and iss dudes...
You've also got the factor of the people buying only being flight club members. you average person who just found out about the release wont have themembership..... that might help
^^alot more people know about it than you think
i heard it was posted on many of the hip hop music blogs also
I called just to make sure of the time and they woulnt be up early. and you should hear the answers i'm getting.. i talked to 3 different people and theyall told me somthing different about the times
Originally Posted by freshxxx2death

I called just to make sure of the time and they woulnt be up early. and you should hear the answers i'm getting.. i talked to 3 different people and they all told me somthing different about the times

What? seriously? that aint cool
Originally Posted by freshxxx2death

I called just to make sure of the time and they woulnt be up early. and you should hear the answers i'm getting.. i talked to 3 different people and they all told me somthing different about the times

I believe it. What did they tell you?
HELLO NT .... READY for the 7 second race .. hope we all manage to get our pairs .... GOOD LUCK
Originally Posted by RICO7JT

HELLO NT .... READY for the 7 second race .. hope we all manage to get our pairs .... GOOD LUCK

Good lookin cause we going to need it. Trust me there are alot of people tryna get these. Just imagine all the people that come on Niketalk who are not evenmembers. I know I used to do that before I got excepted. That's how I knew about all the releases like the black laser 4's. So yeah good luck guys hopeya'll get yours.
Im sure at least 10 dude from NT well walk away with their pairs .... wish I could be one of them ...
Well, damn, man .... I'm about to go to work for few and I will return rather soon, so I'm hoping these joints dont sell while I'm away. That wouldreally suck!
^^^ That would brother ....

Why dont they have a picture up yet on the site " COMING SOON " ???? I need to know where to click at .....
Originally Posted by RICO7JT

^^^ That would brother ....

Why dont they have a picture up yet on the site " COMING SOON " ???? I need to know where to click at .....

I was just about to ask the same thing. I was told there was info about this release on the site, but I don't see anything.
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