Eminem droppin the ether on mariah & nick...DAMN

so i hear this song yesterday and im mad hyped dat my dude em went in... i was like dang em went in outta nowhere then i talked to my boy and he was like nahhe knew em would reply cause of the mariah obsessed vid... i hadnt saw the vid yet i kept ignoring it cause their beef stupid to me and didnt care to watchr&b vid... So im like man it mustve been serious if em went in this hard sounded kinda heated and hit up worldstar to see 4 myself.... lmaoooooetherrrrrrrr im sorry but mariah bodied em with that song/vid wowwwwww

Em lookalike = ether
Em lookalike rocking hoodie following her = ether
Mariah singing obsessed while posing while lookalike blow drying her = ether

Gucci Man adlibs on remix video = etherrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr lmaooo BURRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR
Originally Posted by sofly4life88

so i hear this song yesterday and im mad hyped dat my dude em went in... i was like dang em went in outta nowhere then i talked to my boy and he was like nah he knew em would reply cause of the mariah obsessed vid... i hadnt saw the vid yet i kept ignoring it cause their beef stupid to me and didnt care to watch r&b vid... So im like man it mustve been serious if em went in this hard sounded kinda heated and hit up worldstar to see 4 myself.... lmaooooo etherrrrrrrr im sorry but mariah bodied em with that song/vid wowwwwww

Em lookalike = ether
Em lookalike rocking hoodie following her = ether
Mariah singing obsessed while posing while lookalike blow drying her = ether

Gucci Man adlibs on remix video = etherrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr lmaooo BURRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR
So the video was either and this song wasn't? What if Em releases a video of the song?
Originally Posted by J Burner

M16 wrote:

That's why if you some pop singer and clown ###+$ whipped comedian you don't "diss" a rapper with some !+#$%@ R&B pop song.

What's gonna happen next ? Another long crying blog post ? Maybe another garbage "diss song" with Mariah singing to us.

Pathetic what people will do for media attention. I really think Em is too shook to talk about real rappers after what Canibus did to him.


Look at the history of who EM beefs with. It's always celebrities, or complete joke of rappers. Dude is too {{}} to go at anyone after Canibus ripped himto shreds over and over again

I can't say I blame him though. If Canibus dropped Dr. C PHD on me, I would probably be too scared to ever diss a real rapper again too.
track is comedy-

and if anybody thought Em was just gonna sit back and do nothing after the song/video then your an idiot-

i only heard it thru once and read thru the 1st couple pages of this thread so maybe i missed some stuff but couple points-

to the people saying obsessed will get more airplay...umm yea...one is a poppy track with sublims that alot of people can relate too...the other is astr8 lashing with direct references, threats and not to mention every other word is a swear....i can hear the radio programmers now...yea lets get that rightinto rotation....

2) Em is justified in going at them for the stuff they are saying...i mean she is completely denying they even know each other
again did anybody think he was gonna sit back

i was hoping this would wake him up so we can hear so "old" em...and it did...the next few weeks should be funny since mariah HAS to saysomething...and then it will just escalate

also did i miss anything or did Gucci get a pass? i really thought/hoped em would go in on him too
he is just as guilty as mariah for throwing shots at em and cosigning like heknows the situation
I still don't get why people keep bringing up how Mariah made a video/single towards him.


Em has been calling her out since The Eminem Show.

Of course by doing so, she was setting herself up to get merked on wax, and she did, but, Em really is looking 'Obsessed' through this whole thing.

Who saves voicemails and such from 5+ years ago?

Don't get me wrong, as, I hope Mariah or Nick does say something, so we can see Em release the pictures. And if they do respond in any way, and Emdoesn't release the pictures? Big time L for Em
Originally Posted by franchise3

I still don't get why people keep bringing up how Mariah made a video/single towards him.


Em has been calling her out since The Eminem Show.

Of course by doing so, she was setting herself up to get merked on wax, and she did, but, Em really is looking 'Obsessed' through this whole thing.

Who saves voicemails and such from 5+ years ago?

Don't get me wrong, as, I hope Mariah or Nick does say something, so we can see Em release the pictures. And if they do respond in any way, and Em doesn't release the pictures? Big time L for Em
My questions is why now off all times to release a song and video?

And word back then was that Eminem left messages on Mariah's answer machine or whatever too and it became a mutual agreement that neither would release themessages. The cold war of voicemails.
IDK why all y'all thought he would diss Gucci, Em probably understand he just an up and comer tryna get paid...
That's the thing though. Em gets a pass all the time for releasing video singles dissing other acts to hype up his album, but when Mariah drops'Obsessed' to hype up her album, she gets laughed at.

Like I said, it's not the wisest of choices to go after Em, but, I guess the Bagpipes Over Baghdad pushed her and Nick over the top.

Regardless, Nick needs to man up and make a diss track to prolong this beef. However corny it is.
Can't hear this cause I am at work but am lookin' forward to it, especially after the Vibe article I read about his problems the other day. Plus, Ijust saw MC's new video and realized she was takin' shots at him in it. Crazy...
Originally Posted by M16

Originally Posted by J Burner

M16 wrote:

That's why if you some pop singer and clown ###+$ whipped comedian you don't "diss" a rapper with some !+#$%@ R&B pop song.

What's gonna happen next ? Another long crying blog post ? Maybe another garbage "diss song" with Mariah singing to us.

Pathetic what people will do for media attention. I really think Em is too shook to talk about real rappers after what Canibus did to him.


Look at the history of who EM beefs with. It's always celebrities, or complete joke of rappers. Dude is too {{}} to go at anyone after Canibus ripped him to shreds over and over again

I can't say I blame him though. If Canibus dropped Dr. C PHD on me, I would probably be too scared to ever diss a real rapper again too.
Seriously doggie, you sound stupid as hell. I bet you was one of them Eminem D riders back when he was "underground" and spittin on theWake Up Show but now that he's "popular" your !*$%%$ #@% thinks he's not "cool" no more. Damn i hope Vnnie Paz and the wack #@%Jedi Mind Pricks blow up so you can start fronting on them for being "too known."

I ain't even a big Eminem fan like that, hell i WAS one of Canibus' biggest fans back then. Bet i can recite more lyrics of his then your littleunderground self, but you're a idiot if you think Can-I-!$%#% didn't ETHER Canibus.

Em's Canibus Diss >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Canibus's Em diss.

He straight up called Canibus out on ALL the %#!@ Canibus be talking.

This right here ETHERED my boy Canibus:

"Meanwhile me and Dre are tryin' to conversate
Just tryin' to find a reason for the constant hate
And tryin' to figure out what happened to 'Germaine Propaine'
"He couldn't have fell off that hard" Ain't no way
"What happened to the way you was rappin' when you was scandalous
That Cannibus turned into a television evangelist"
Plus he raps with his regular voice [BOOSH! BOOSH!]
[BOOSH! BOOSH!] (What was that?) Pet Shop Boys
So we pull up to the bridge where he last was spotted
His corpse was still movin' but his #@% was rotted
He kinda smelled a little like Courtney Love
I figure if I stick him with a fork he's done
So I stabbed him twice, kept jabbin', Christ
He won't die, this guy's like a battered wife
He's like Kim, he keeps comin' back for more
But he won't fight back, I cracked his jaw
Hold up, 'Bis quit foldin' up!
Punch me in the chest! Make my shoulders touch!
Do somethin'! At least one punchline
C'mon till the meter reads 9-9-9-
ty-nine percent of my fans are blonde
'Bis c'mon answer me man respond!
Tell me 'bout the sun rain moon and stars
Intergalatical metaphors from Mars!
Raw to the floor, raw like Reservoir Dogs
Bite another line from Redman's song! "

Seriously man, just stop with HipHop...go listen to Rock or something cause you obviously don't know %#!@.
Really ? Those two trash bars on that corny song sealed the deal for you ?

Let me quote Vinnie Paz: "I feel sorry for any rapper think he equal to 'Bis"
Originally Posted by M16

Really ? Those two trash bars on that corny song sealed the deal for you ?

Let me quote Vinnie Paz: "I feel sorry for any rapper think he equal to 'Bis"
No fool...that WHOLE verse...

I just especially liked those two lines because that's Canibus's WHOLE style.

Talking about "intergalatical biological entities with infinite energy battlin for world supremacy" but of course you like that weird underground#+*@...oh of course until they get famous or too popular where more than 10 people know who they are
Really ? Intergalacitcal stars ?

Look at what Em said about Canibus before they beefed:

"NiTRoNeOX: Eminem ,why do u think canibus is so ill?

Eminem: NitroNeoX, cause I mean str8 up he is more than a battle MC, if you heard the track on Bulworth called "How come"and his delivery to me is ill...just listen to him. If you don't like him then you shouldn't be listening to rap... He is the MC at the moment.."

Then they battled and Canibus decimated him.
Originally Posted by Thousandaire

IDK why all y'all thought he would diss Gucci, Em probably understand he just an up and comer tryna get paid...
enh going off the model that they (50) always follow dudes who just associate themselves with the "enemy" get dissed ...and they donteven have to speak on the person...this dude Gucci was talking about em like he knew what was up...i mean if he dropped a verse or whatever yea it dont matterbut son got at him

this is just a light jab by em anyways..im sure there will be more...

and go -------------------------------------> way with all this canibus talk
hes star gazing somewhere and yall still debating who won....
Originally Posted by M16

I really think Em is too shook to talk about real rappers

exactly. Dudes a joke and I cant even grasp how dudes are so hyped about his career in regards to dissing people.

he's a joke in my book...and not even a funny one.
This dude is a clown. Mad cause a chick denied him to the PRESS 8 yrs ago (what celeb runs to the press about a relationship that's not even serious)!?& they dated for 6 MONTHS & he ONLY HIT ONCE!!!
Originally Posted by emmanuelabor

Originally Posted by M16

I really think Em is too shook to talk about real rappers

exactly. Dudes a joke and I cant even grasp how dudes are so hyped about his career in regards to dissing people.

he's a joke in my book...and not even a funny one.

some of you guys dissing Em are losing your hip hop credibility.

it's one thing to maybe be against his antics and "personality" or w/e. but you can't deny this man has skills. some of you guys are juststraight haters
I'm loving this. Em is still that dude. LOL at the haters. He has a way of clowning you in way thats both comical and embarrassing. The mariah single wasfull of things that didn't make sense. She's a corporation? Please, last time I checked, Em didn't have any movies or mainstream albums thatbombed. Her career is no where near as good as it was during the 90s, and her albums are slowly becoming home to too many rappers.

I remember it being mentioned several years ago that she threatened to sue em if he released/ made a song out of the answering machine messages.
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