ELITE ZIONIST CONTROL OF EVERYTHING VOL. if you dont know now you know..

Originally Posted by ReliantJ

^Nice self control there kid,
Damn, there goes my Matisyahu CD
yeah I did OD a little....

This whole thing is just a shame... everyone feels like they have to back their people, but both sides are wrong. But hey you start calling people DOGS thisand that and posting biased articles people eventually spazz out. You don't see zionists starting threads with biased articles and claimingmuslims/palestinians are dirty disgusting people who don't deserve a right to exsist on this planet do you?
Originally Posted by steven42lh

Originally Posted by repinqueens

Originally Posted by SpuddyGuNz

why has israel refused all foreign press access to gaza?

because those dogs dont want the world to see whats really going on.

Israel must cease to exist in order for there to be any peace, mark my words.
word wanna call us dogs? okay I'll stoop to your level

how about even if you dirty monkeys ever did get control of israel the land would be 30 times worse because all you people do is know how to have babies, pray, and blow $!+ up
you really want to talk about peace??? you people don't want peace... sunni's killing Shiites, sadam killin his own "muslim brothers" with mustard gas, all the fighting muslims do in the world and you wanna claim there would be peace in israel without jews???

but I'm not worried because you people aren't smart enough to get the land.
15 million jews world wide and STILL HAVE ISRAEL ON LOCK.

feels good don't it??? DOG
Originally Posted by SpuddyGuNz


And I pity you folks who are trying to disregard me as ignorant or something to the like of but guess what im the opposite and it scares you, and so does the problem in palestine but the zionists have tried to contain and keep it irrelevant but we know.

reppinqueens? really wild monkeys im calling the ones in power dogs but you are starting to convince me that all jews are think just like you
.. smfh and where in queens you reside homie watch out..?
watch out?? are you serious?? To answer your question I live in forest hills, queens a predominantly russian/buckharian/jewish neighborhood.
Originally Posted by repinqueens

Originally Posted by SpuddyGuNz


And I pity you folks who are trying to disregard me as ignorant or something to the like of but guess what im the opposite and it scares you, and so does the problem in palestine but the zionists have tried to contain and keep it irrelevant but we know.

reppinqueens? really wild monkeys im calling the ones in power dogs but you are starting to convince me that all jews are think just like you
.. smfh and where in queens you reside homie watch out..?
watch out?? are you serious?? To answer your question I live in forest hills, queens a predominantly russian/buckharian/jewish neighborhood.
You aren't scaring a single person. You are just an E-Thug. Talking smack and telling your fellow NTer to watch his back? Really? You are aserious lame.
Originally Posted by chitown85

Stop hating on jews for real. Jews have lasted so long despite being hated for all of time because they value education, family, and achievement. People are so jealous of Jews because they are successful in so many ventures. The Isarelis fought for and won that land and have won again and again in wars. Palestinians should give it up already. They were offered so much but still refused and are a bunch of stubborn babies who dont accomplish anything. Maybe if they learned from jews they could step up their game and realize learning and achievement is more important than jihad and terror
Yeah okay Shlomo

Don't forget to add that they are God's "CHOSEN" (scoff) people too
Originally Posted by steven42lh

Originally Posted by repinqueens

Originally Posted by SpuddyGuNz

why has israel refused all foreign press access to gaza?

because those dogs dont want the world to see whats really going on.

Israel must cease to exist in order for there to be any peace, mark my words.
word wanna call us dogs? okay I'll stoop to your level

how about even if you dirty monkeys ever did get control of israel the land would be 30 times worse because all you people do is know how to have babies, pray, and blow $!+ up
you really want to talk about peace??? you people don't want peace... sunni's killing Shiites, sadam killin his own "muslim brothers" with mustard gas, all the fighting muslims do in the world and you wanna claim there would be peace in israel without jews???

but I'm not worried because you people aren't smart enough to get the land.
15 million jews world wide and STILL HAVE ISRAEL ON LOCK.

feels good don't it??? DOG

Damn Bigotry at its best...

dude did get some shots in though...

but very very bad...
Wow, the sheer ignorance in this thread, the hypocrisy and prejudice is just astounding. I am talking about both sides here. Some of you are accusing the otherside of prejudice and then in the same breath you say racist and prejudice comments yourselves. No matter what point you are making, when you throw aroundracist/prejudice comments like that, automatically any point you make becomes invalid and there is no substance to what you are saying. Where is the civilityand mature discussion?
Originally Posted by ObiWonGinobili

SpuddyGuNz how about you keep your radical muslim beliefs out of a shoe forum...i consider myself a zionist and you don't see me posting propaganda all over niketalk talking about how your palestinians and fellow radical muslims are a bunch of savages that act like animals therefore need to be dealt like animals. you wanna post something then, post the 2 sides of the coin then. Why don't you post how Israel has offered to give up half of Israel to Palestine in exchange for peace and Palestine refused it. Why don't you post that Israel never attacks Palestine unless they are attacked first. Or how Palestine kidnaps Israelis in exchange for Terrorist Prisoners and when we oblige they return dead bodies. Or how about you provide anything good that ever comes out of Palestine???
yeah, i guess youre right. those blasted animals, they should all pack up there bags and go back to....ohhh damn.
you shouldnt call a people animals because they have different, or even opposing ideoligies. flat out makes you seem like an idiot..and dont be quick to callpeople radical muslim because they have strong viewpoints that radical "muslims" tend to agree with. Thats like saying im a Cavs fan because i likeLeBron.

we can argue your points for days, Why would palestinians want some of thier land back, when ALL of its is thiers.Israel never attacks palestine? they dont need to, they control everything around them, even the flow of water. As far as those "terroist prisoners"more than half of those cats ARE innocent, and none of them are being tried. Finally, i guess your right again, nothing good comes out of palestine,they're all wastes of life.

Zionism controlling everything nah, but maybe alot. i guess you can say there are media groups that do project biased news because they have strong ties andaffiliations with powerful jewish people, AIPAC being on of the strongest lobbiest groups in America, the amount of $$$ we give to Israel, the fact we stompon ANY rising economic or military power in the mid east EXCEPT Israel, how all politicians are in support of Israel in the very arguable current situation inPalestine/Israel...

oh and BTW, OP, good post, you got people debating, hopefully some of us will look into this mess and learn a little about Both sides, but damn son you need torelax a little.
A lot of you have a lot of hatred in your hearts and you guys need help. This hatred is the reason this will never get solved.
Originally Posted by repinqueens

Originally Posted by SpuddyGuNz

why has israel refused all foreign press access to gaza?

because those dogs dont want the world to see whats really going on.

Israel must cease to exist in order for there to be any peace, mark my words.

how about even if you dirty monkeys ever did get control of israel the land would be 30 times worse because all you people do is know how to have babies, pray, and blow $!+ up


Originally Posted by repinqueens

Originally Posted by SpuddyGuNz

why has israel refused all foreign press access to gaza?

because those dogs dont want the world to see whats really going on.

Israel must cease to exist in order for there to be any peace, mark my words.

how about even if you dirty monkeys ever did get control of israel the land would be 30 times worse because all you people do is know how to have babies, pray, and blow $!+ up

you're racist. no, sorry youre a religousist ha. okay maybe both.
how about this both Israel and Hamas (don't care what anyone says Hamas in this case = a democratically elected entity.) are wrong and it is a conflict theU.S. has little to no control over because wars between Middle Eastern countries have been going on forever and will go on forever. Only thing to hope for is apeace treaty that will be broken by one or the other side within 5 years.

Hamas level of terrorism to the U.S. is minimal. But this latest problem is partly our gov't fault (yes I know this conflict has been going on forever).G.W. kept pushing for the election while everyone was telling him don't do it Hamas will easily win. Does G.W. listen no he doesn't fair election heldHamas wins. G.W. craps all over democracy and refuses to recognize Hamas as the leaders and stages a Koo.. It fails . Now their is a cluster @++@ that we haveto get in the middle of AGAIN.

But in all due respect this zionist label thing is getting way out of hand.
I'm a racist because the original poster makes a thread based on biased videos and calls Israelis DOGS and If Jews are in Israel there will be no peace?really?

if so I'm fine with that i guess....

This guy made this post just to get attention and people fighting, well I obliged
NT at its most, how shall i say, moronic.
I understand this is a shoe forum, but people please do try to behave calmly. For some of you its much to easy to reveal your true racism. Is a shoe forumreally the place to display these emotions? Nope. If people are not able to create threads of intellectual matter while sustain intelligent and peacefuldiscussion (hmm...) then do not bother making the thread. What can one expect of a place where the majority of the constant posters are a bit younger...
Jews and Muslims are good people. Hamas and the Israeli gov... not so much.

Hit the nail on the head.

This thread is full of ignorance.

Also, just because some does not agree with Zionism does not make the an anti-Semite, however the OP is clearly a bit extreme with his views.

If you want to do research, read books, don't trust everything you see on Youtube, it was probably made by someone thats just as crazy as you. (In general,not directed toward anyone.)
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