Elementary School Shooting: Newtown, Connecticut. 28 confirmed dead, 18 were children

All these shootings just don't feel right man.

I can't be the only one feeling like all these events are by design to do away with the 2nd Amendment.

Too many shock and awe type shootings have happened lately.

*Double flame suit ready*

It's always somebody else's fault when these crazies start shooting up people. Always.

Because never could a person misuse a gun right?
The government would never be involved in something like this, huh?  Just like 911, Project MKUltra, and the FEMA Camps.  I hope the bubble you're living in never bursts.  Some of you dudes are so naive, it's ridiculous.  Have you ever wondered why the UK is never far behind when the US decides to invade a country?  Why the Federal Reserve has never been audited?  Why it's private and not government owned?  Shouldn't a country own their own money?  Who was the last president to try to get rid of the Federal Reserve?  Who was the last president to get assassinated?

Either way, my thoughts and prayers go out to the families that lost loved ones, RIP
The government would never be involved in something like this, huh?  Just like 911, Project MKUltra, and the FEMA Camps.  I hope the bubble you're living in never bursts.  Some of you dudes are so naive, it's ridiculous.  Have you ever wondered why the UK is never far behind when the US decides to invade a country?  Why the Federal Reserve has never been audited?  Why it's private and not government owned?  Shouldn't a country own their own money?  Who was the last president to try to get rid of the Federal Reserve?  Who was the last president to get assassinated?

Either way, my thoughts and prayers go out to the families that lost loved ones, RIP
Don't forget "Crack"... that was all the government imo.....
i get upset since columbine when there is a shooting and we make the shooter famous.......can we please start a movement to get these losers no coverage at all
RIP to all those lost

agreed 1,000%

these dudes were bullied or ignored their whole life, they love the negative attention and these fools give it to them so the next one follows suit.
Just saw on CNN that the Police lieutenant had to announce to the parents shortly after the events, that if they hadn't already been reunited with their children, they wouldn't be. Couldn't even imagine that scene...

agreed 1,000%
these dudes were bullied or ignored their whole life, they love the negative attention and these fools give it to them so the next one follows suit.

That didn't happen in '99 so you know it won't happen in 2012

It's acceptance and finding the solution in the time
I just went out to dinner with a few friends, and it hit home seeing mothers/fathers with their younger children. There are parents in Connecticut right now that can never do that again.

Sad, sad world we live in. Nothing but prayers and condolences for all the victims.
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This fool Ryan needs to also be arrested and see a psychiatrist because if his twitter posts are any indication, he is also dangerous. Dude is a ticking time bomb. Lock him up.

This isn't Minority Report, though.

another question I had: Why was it so easy to get onto the campus? At 1st I thought it was because they staff knew his mom was a teacher, but she was just an aid? You don't ignore a man wearing basically combat gear at an elementary school...
This isn't Minority Report, though.
another question I had: Why was it so easy to get onto the campus? At 1st I thought it was because they staff knew his mom was a teacher, but she was just an aid? You don't ignore a man wearing basically combat gear at an elementary school...

I don't know where you're from bro, but these middle-upper class suburban schools have little to no security. When I used to go to school in Ann Arbor, MI just about anybody could walk in the front door and roam as they please. The only "security" was the Assistant Principal and whatever gym teachers was off-duty (and they were just looking for tardy students). Mind you this was a overcrowded middle school with 800+ kids. Anybody could've walked in their in taken out 50+ students with no problem.
The government would never be involved in something like this, huh?  Just like 911, Project MKUltra, and the FEMA Camps.  I hope the bubble you're living in never bursts.  Some of you dudes are so naive, it's ridiculous.  Have you ever wondered why the UK is never far behind when the US decides to invade a country?  Why the Federal Reserve has never been audited?  Why it's private and not government owned?  Shouldn't a country own their own money?  Who was the last president to try to get rid of the Federal Reserve?  Who was the last president to get assassinated?

Either way, my thoughts and prayers go out to the families that lost loved ones, RIP
i mean i spoke on it a lil earlier but didnt want to elaborate for lack of maybe seen as brash...But really... ppl act like this country wasnt founded and built on corruption and evil. Isnt this the same country who endorsed slaves...done experiments on groups of races... flooded neighborhoods with drugs... intentionally gave ppl dieases etc...just to see the effects.. so on and so forth... A country who has done this amongst other horrific acts. which has killed 100's 1,000's millions of ppl.. yet they wouldnt do something like 20-30...

Yeah sounds about right... Also i find it ironic that pretty much anytime the general public questions major moves the govt.. do, or major events that impact the nation as a whole.. Events like this just conviently always happen.

Im not trying to steer the thread, nor am i some huge conspiracist... but you have to think why is it pretty much anytime some major event that impacts our nation, or anytime something scandalous goes on with the govt... And the general public ask question.. A event just happens to occur that completely take the general publics attention and divert it away to some events/moves they are doing and it goes undetected/unnoticed because the general public attention is focused on tragedies..or pop culture events.
Aight..time for a recap.
What we know:
- The shooter is ADAM Lanza, 20, who is dead. It's suspected he committed suicide because SWAT fired no bullets inside the school.
- Adam Lanza's mother was a Teacher's aid at the school.
- The Mother was killed at her house by Adam Lanza before he went to the school. 3 weapons used were also registered to her :x :smh:
- Ryan Lanza (the guy who's photo was getting plastered everywhere) is Adam Lanza's older brother. He lives in NJ in an apt. with 2 roommates. He was brought into questioning however he was NOT at the scene of the crime.
- Adam Lanza was carrying his brother's (Ryan Lanza) ID at the time of the shooting. Hence the initial reports that Ryan was the shooter.
- There's 26 victims at the school. 20 of which are believed to be children
What we don't know:
- How Ryan Lanza was updating his facebook status while he was in police questioning.
- Who the guy was in a black jacket and fatigues that was put in handcuffs on the SCENE of the crime. (Obviously it wasn't Ryan Lanza because he was at his house.)

Thank you for posting this.

Wasn't able to watch on t.v so all i had was ppl telling me what happened, which was a different story by each person.
how the **** you shoot up an elemetary school?
This. I can understand
Your Job
Home of People you hate
Place of work of person who wronged you

ITS A ELEMENTARY SCHOOL. WTF. He was looking for easy targets.

Gun Laws need to be changed were you need psych evaluation to get a gun.

Not sure if this is posted in the thread already or not, but I have chills that I cannot get rid of.
View media item 171559- A letter a student wrote that was found on the scene.

The Kid knew it what was happening and that he might be next. :smh:
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That letter...that just put face value on the whole situation. Things like this needs to stop being brushed off after a few days. When will gun control become an issue after all these shootings?!??! Forget the 2nd Amendment, how about preserving humanity? :smh: :frown:
Why did i keep hearing "it was the video games" from people?

Did they say he was a video game junkie or is it something people are using to blame it on.

BTW, anyone have the video of Obama talking about this? I heard he could barely talk.
good update post. repped. seems to me ryan having an ipdated fb while in custody means sum1 else has his pw etc. time to ip investigate.

can ne1 post his or his brothers tweets/fb posts? i mean that stuff is public record, right?
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