ELECTION DAY 2008:........... Barack Obama, the next President of the United States of America

Originally Posted by non flammable

so is obama a lock to be the next president?

= Obama on Nov 4th
Well, this picture is completely irrelevant but I thought it was funny - and a pretty good job.


And I like that clip above about the halloween candy - I had heard the story but I didn't see the interviews with the neighbors - I like how the guy saidthat anyone could have candy in retaliation - rather than the knee-jerk response of only allowing Obama supporters to have some. Makes the woman just lookreally mean.
That video is not far from my house.....hahahah.......keep an eye on michigan people, its the redneck capital of the north.........
Originally Posted by non flammable

so is obama a lock to be the next president?
Nothing is a lock in politics. IMO this race will come down to PA. McCain is making a real strong play in PA.
Originally Posted by aepps20

Originally Posted by non flammable

so is obama a lock to be the next president?
Nothing is a lock in politics. IMO this race will come down to PA. McCain is making a real strong play in PA.
Suppose that Barack Obama were to concede Pennsylvania's electoral votes. Literally, concede them. Throw 'em back, like a Chase Utley home run at a Cubs game. How often would he still win the election?

...89.0% of the time, according to our most recent run of simulations, along with another 2.4% of outcomes that ended in ties. This is because in the vast majority of our simulations, Obama either:

a) was winning at least 291 electoral votes, meaning that he could drop Pennsylvania's 21 and still be over 270, and/or

b) was winning at least 270 electoral votes, while already being projected to lose Pennsylvania in the first place.

(a) was much, much more common than (b), obviously.
these Republicans are doing anything these days when it comes to the election...its funny how earlier this year they said Jesse Jackson n Al Sharpton would bethe ones doing all the talking and stuff but i havent heard from them dudes in a long time

Originally Posted by SchruteFarms

Originally Posted by Biggie62

Remember the Delegates chosen for the electoral college don't have to vote for who wins the state.
yes they do if they want to have a job. the one time a delegate went against the rest of the delegates from his state (i forgot which election this was) the republican party excommunicated him and his political career was over. i'm tired of hearing this argument against voting.

True enough, and I'm def not trying to tell people not to vote. I'm just trying to say, it doesn't matter in presidency elections really. Andwhat you are stating is from the 1900s, in the 1800s crazier stuff happened. Plus the president doesn't do that much in this country. People think Bushis the reasn for a lot of the things that have happened under his reign. If it wasn't for the Senate (which we actually do decide by the popular vote)passing all these weird and dumb laws, we wouldn't have lost all these freedoms that we enjoyed pre-Bush. President is a figure head, like the queen ofEngland ATM, with just a little more to say. If you really want to make a difference in this country vote for your local Senate and House of Representativeelections. Those are the controling powers. Or have people forgotten that that if the president doesn't sign a Bill, the Senate has to push a 75% pasingvote to make the presidents vote useless? People get hyped up over the face of a country way too much. Becaue that's exactly what the next president willbe whoever it is, just a pretty face to be on TV.
Originally Posted by Th3RealF0lkBlu3s

Originally Posted by Biggie62

LOL I love how people get hyped up about the popular vote. Remember the Delegates chosen for the electoral college don't have to vote for who wins the state. Popular vote is useless for presidency in this country. When will people finally realize this. And trust me I don't want this changed, when 1/3 of our country can't read or write, than these people should have no business voting because they def haven't done the research on any particular candidate. The rules were setup by our founding fathers in order to protect some charismatic hitler (I know he wasn't born yet but if u watched some of his videos you would see how great of a speaker he really was) type from becoming president.
Come on fam, no need for ridiculous hyperbole.
It doesn't operate as bleakly as you put it.
I just can't wait for the possible voting scandals etc etc.

This won't be an easy win or loss for neither of the candidates.
From talking with people who are for Obama, I get the impression that they view him like you would a best friends older brother or a cool older dude from theneighborhood, who cleaned up his act and became principal of your school. Since you know him, you think he is going to let you slide and bend the rules foryou, but you get upset when he does his job and enforces them.

One positive is IMP, that if he becomes president that sets the standards higher for black men to achieve success. Blaming the "Man" because they area failure in life will seem like more of a copout than a fact of life.
In 2 days, everyone will be voting.
Dang we are getting close.
And I'm getting excited.

I really think this is going to be closer then people think.

I don't know if I'll be able to sit & watch in front of the TV though

Might just go play basketball and/or do homework when the east coast results start rolling in.
Or go to a local campaign rally for our local candidates.
Originally Posted by DAYTONA 5000

From talking with people who are for Obama, I get the impression that they view him like you would a best friends older brother or a cool older dude from the neighborhood, who was always a good dude and is showin them that there is a way. Since you know him, you think he is going to let you slide and bend the rules for you, but you get upset when he does his job and enforces them.

One positive is IMP, that if he becomes president that sets the standards higher for black men to achieve success. Blaming the "Man" because they are a failure in life will seem like more of a copout than a fact of life.

I've learned from the GOP and their polling that Pennsylvania and Iowa are now in play and McCain has a very legit chance at winning eitheror both. Both have been considered locks for Obama up until the past week or two. Just letting everyone know so when all the major television newsorganizations are like "I can't believe Iowa, Pennsylvania, and Colorado are this close" (even if Obama does win each state)

Tuesday is going to be very interesting.

Here are pretty much the toss up states you're going to need to watch for come Tuesday

Only 11 states, all the tan states.

T-Bone, you've been saying that you think Obama is going to win.

but do you REALLY think so? or you were just throwing that out there to protect yourself if McCain lost?

...i get the feeling that you still have a dream of McCain winning
i'm excited to be a first time voter and I dont trust all these polls about Obama being in the lead, I'm making sure I line up early w/ my license,passport, a letter with my address, everything so i can't be turned away.
Originally Posted by DAYTONA 5000

From talking with people who are for Obama, I get the impression that they view him like you would a best friends older brother or a cool older dude from the neighborhood, who cleaned up his act and became principal of your school. Since you know him, you think he is going to let you slide and bend the rules for you, but you get upset when he does his job and enforces them.

One positive is IMP, that if he becomes president that sets the standards higher for black men to achieve success. Blaming the "Man" because they are a failure in life will seem like more of a copout than a fact of life.
what the hell are you talking about? Obama worked to get to where he is but he was alreaady born into wealth
the "man" can still be blamed
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