ELECTION DAY 2008:........... Barack Obama, the next President of the United States of America

Originally Posted by knightngale

you would be right at home in those McCain rallies with the rest of the uninformed

Bush went to IRAQ and ignored going at BIN LADEN and AL QAEDA. 911 attacks were under Bush and Republicans

you know whats
... the fact that you KNOW those things for a fact ...however theres only a few things i can say POSITIVELY WITHOUT A DOUBT 100% ... one of those things is that we havent been attacked since 9/11 ...

Hey how come Clinton doesn't get the same credit. There was a terrorist attack in 93 and Clinton kept us safe for the remaining 7 years. I don't know if you know but its the President's JOB to protect our national security. Bush isn't getting paid overttime to protect our safety he's actually doing whats required of him as a Pesident
however you wanna say it say it ... and when did i say clinton doesnt get credit?
I hate the argument that "we haven't been attacked since 9/11". You know how many civil liberties we've given up in the past 7 years thatpeople would be dying to protect 30 years ago?

This is what happens when we live in fear. When the media makes us feel like at any moment we can be blown to smitherines. When the threat level is shooting upand down from day to day. This is what they want. They want us to all huddle un a corner behind out "elected" officials and beg that the protect usno matter what freedoms and rights they have to strip us of.

"They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety." -Benjamin Franklin

Its sickening to see people voting based on fear. Trust that if someone wants us blown up, it'll happen.

"I'd rather be poor and alive than rich and dead". This is what its done to us. We'd rather just stay comfy in our %@%%*% situations (whichisn't even close to guaranteed) than strive for something better. Our generation is in a serious rutt. My parents and their parents would have donesomething. We, on the other hand, wait for something to be done.
Not so fast on people giving McCain props. His campaign release another statement to get people (republicans) to hate Obama so much that will quite possiblyinsight attacks (God forbid)


From NBC's Mark Murray

Earlier today, Obama remarked on recent outbursts of "Traitor!" "Terrorist!" and "Kill him!" at McCain campaign events."It's easy to rile up a crowd," Obama said. "Nothing's easier than riling up a crowd by stoking anger and division. But that's notwhat we need right now in the United States."

In response, McCain senior adviser Nicolle Wallace released this statement, NBC's Kelly O'Donnell reports. "Barack Obama's assault on oursupporters is insulting and unsurprising. These are the same people obama called 'bitter' and attacked for 'clinging to guns' and faith. Hefails to understand that people are angry at corrupt practices in Washington and Wall Street and he fails to understand that America's working families arenot 'clinging' to anything other than the sincere hope that Washington will be reformed from top to bottom."

"Attacking our supporters is a new low for the campaign that's run more millions of dollars of negative ads than any other in history."

*** UPDATE *** McCain campaign spokesman Brian Rogers adds in another statement: "Barack Obama's attacks on Americans who support John McCain revealfar more about him than they do about John McCain. It is clear that Barack Obama just doesn't understand regular people and the issues they care about. Hedismisses hardworking middle class Americans as clinging to guns and religion, while at the same time attacking average Americans at McCain rallies who areangry at Washington, Wall Street and the status quo."

Man just when McCain was being honorable he then goes back to this
What the hell dude needs to put his people in CHECK and get everyone including himself on the same page.
LMAO ... your parents and their parents would have done something? LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL ... be real, stop with the spirited replies ... what did they doabout the depression? specifically i would like to know ... what did they do about vietnam and ww2? specifically i would like to know ...

If giving up civil liberties is necessary for my safety then so be it ... i dont have the arms to fight an attack from another country and therefore imcounting on my governemnt to do that for me ... its not like it hasnt happened before ...

Last thing, how have your lives changed since 9/11? Besides the small tax ... what really are you doing differently? It has not affected me one bit except wheni go to cancun in the summer they checked my bag once out of 4 times ... wake up
The Mccain camp didn't even acknowledge the fact they were yelling "Kill him!" and such. As if the crowd were just innocent
individuals when the evil Barack Hussein Obama verbally assaults THEMin the media.

Spin at it's finest.
Originally Posted by HarlemToTheBronx

I hate the argument that "we haven't been attacked since 9/11". You know how many civil liberties we've given up in the past 7 years that people would be dying to protect 30 years ago?

This is what happens when we live in fear. When the media makes us feel like at any moment we can be blown to smitherines. When the threat level is shooting up and down from day to day. This is what they want. They want us to all huddle un a corner behind out "elected" officials and beg that the protect us no matter what freedoms and rights they have to strip us of.

"They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety." -Benjamin Franklin

Its sickening to see people voting based on fear. Trust that if someone wants us blown up, it'll happen.

"I'd rather be poor and alive than rich and dead". This is what its done to us. We'd rather just stay comfy in our ++$*!@ situations (which isn't even close to guaranteed) than strive for something better. Our generation is in a serious rutt. My parents and their parents would have done something. We, on the other hand, wait for something to be done.


Furthermore, guess what? The people who attacked us.....they are still out there. We toppled Saddam Hussein's regime and ignored Osama Bin Laden.

The reason of us not being attacked has little to do with what we've done, but more to do with what the terrorists haven't done....yet.
Originally Posted by LilStarZ07

pretty much all you need to know about the election ...

#1 Obama is nothing more than a strictly left wing presidential candidate
#2 Mccain goes against his party way more often than Obama but still not enough to say hes "out for the people"
#3 Neither know how to save the economy
#4 Biden speaks better than Obama Mccain and Palin, but theres a reason he was never nominated as the dem candidate
#5 Everyone is promising things they will never even come close to realizing
#6 The media is a joke

... that being said ... this election comes down to one thing for me, id rather be alive and poor than be rich and die ... i dont feel obama has the experience on foreign relations and i am genuinely worried about our country being lead by someone who has very very very little experience in this field ... no matter what you say about Bush we havent been attacked since 9/11 and in my opinion its because countries see that we actually made an effort to do whatever it is we are doing in iraq ...
LOL how many wars have been faught with democratic presidents? How many times were we attacked when Clinton was in Office, or when Carter was inoffice. I'm sorry but if all republicans say all the time is "Strong military" I want to feel safe, yet all of there presidents have gotten usinto on conflict or another. Learn history, Obama kills in 90% of speeches and Biden is that piff. Outside of that last little tidbit McCain was coming off as"anti-obama" Lack of experince, his degree is in international relations, so I'm sure he has some experince.
at republicans wanting to be safe...by fighting.
answer my questions much? or run out of spirit ... lol ...

voting on fear, or voting for the best candidate on the most important issue TO ME?

What people fail to realize is over 98% of people in the states have 0 problems with this "mortgage crisis" and are paying their mortgages on time... why is the governemnt, or the american people for that matter worried about the others who cant? O because thats patriotic right ... and without the richceos the government doesnt function ... get outta here ... why am i concerned about the ill advised lending practices of corrupt banks? if that seems harsh,lemme explain ...

from personal experience, i have watched friends who were at one point living in apartments, suddenly make the move to a 3 level house that towered over myfolks house like it was nothing ... now no offense to my friends but my folks money > their folks money ... so what in all bloody hell made them think theycould afford a house like they just purchased? How can you let someone swindle you so easily into thinking you can go from paying 1200 a month for an apartmentand all of a sudden get a damn near mansion for damn near the same price? it doesnt even make logical sense to me ... people keep blamming the banks for givingout bad loans and conning buyers, yet no blame is being placed on the people who knew damn well they couldnt afford that big !!+ house and were just blinded bythe american dream ... its backwards
Originally Posted by HarlemToTheBronx

I hate the argument that "we haven't been attacked since 9/11". You know how many civil liberties we've given up in the past 7 years that people would be dying to protect 30 years ago?

This is what happens when we live in fear. When the media makes us feel like at any moment we can be blown to smitherines. When the threat level is shooting up and down from day to day. This is what they want. They want us to all huddle un a corner behind out "elected" officials and beg that the protect us no matter what freedoms and rights they have to strip us of.

"They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety." -Benjamin Franklin

Its sickening to see people voting based on fear. Trust that if someone wants us blown up, it'll happen.

"I'd rather be poor and alive than rich and dead". This is what its done to us. We'd rather just stay comfy in our %@%%*% situations (which isn't even close to guaranteed) than strive for something better. Our generation is in a serious rutt. My parents and their parents would have done something. We, on the other hand, wait for something to be done.

Originally Posted by LilStarZ07

If giving up civil liberties is necessary for my safety then so be it ... i dont have the arms to fight an attack from another country and therefore im counting on my governemnt to do that for me ... its not like it hasnt happened before ...

Last thing, how have your lives changed since 9/11? Besides the small tax ... what really are you doing differently? It has not affected me one bit except when i go to cancun in the summer they checked my bag once out of 4 times ... wake up
Sounds like you're the one who needs to wake up...

Originally Posted by Xtapolapacetl

no matter what you say about Bush we havent been attacked since 9/11
I seem to remember a big attack ON 9/11, nine months into the Bush presidency.

so we've established that you cant comprehend english ...


7 dictionary results for: since

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/sɪns/ Pronunciation Key - Show Spelled Pronunciation[sins] Pronunciation Key - Show IPA Pronunciation
-adverb [table][tr][td]1.[/td] [td]from then till now (often prec. by ever): He was elected in 1978 and has been president ever since.[/td] [/tr][/table][table][tr][td]2.[/td] [td]between a particular past time and the present; subsequently: She at first refused, but has since consented.[/td] [/tr][/table][table][tr][td]3.[/td] [td]ago; before now: long since.[/td] [/tr][/table]-preposition [table][tr][td]4.[/td] [td]continuously from or counting from: It has been warm since noon.[/td] [/tr][/table][table][tr][td]5.[/td] [td]between a past time or event and the present: There have been many changes since the war.[/td] [/tr][/table]-conjunction [table][tr][td]6.[/td] [td]in the period following the time when: He has written once since he left.[/td] [/tr][/table][table][tr][td]7.[/td] [td]continuously from or counting from the time when: He has been busy since he came.[/td] [/tr][/table][table][tr][td]8.[/td] [td]because; inasmuch as: Since you're already here, you might as well stay.[/td] [/tr][/table]
yall keep quoting but no one has answered any question i brought up
... typical NT, bunch of co-signing followers
What we have LOST

1. Our economy going down the tubes because the way Bush reacted to 9/11 and pushing for shopping and the regulations he has created.
2. Our safety to military attacks is no safer then it was 9/10/01
3. Wiretapping
4. Senseless wars
5. We were a unified country now we are more separated then ever.
6. Our standing within the world has gone downhill
7. People living in fear (racism towards people of Middle Eastern Decent, people looking at airplanes differently, people unwilling to fly)

And 100's of more

Face it we lost Al-Queda won. All because we didn't stick to what made America GREAT....
Originally Posted by LilStarZ07

yall keep quoting but no one has answered any question i brought up
... typical NT, bunch of co-signing followers

pose your question in a clear way. And I'll see if I have an answer, not saying I will but i will try.
@The McCain .gif.

LilStar, I didn't mean to come out harsh, and if you took offense to my tone I apologize.

I'm not too wrapped up in the mortgage crisis, but when big banks start eating small banks like appetizers, I think we'll see an effect sooner orlater. Just because it's not effecting us now doesn't mean we won't be effected when this $700B kicks in. When the economy gets this bad, we'llall be effected in one way or another. But again, I'm not super wrapped up in the mortgage crisis. There are plenty other things about McCain that turn meoff. To me, the negatives with McCain outweigh the positives (which I have a hard time finding since I disagree with him on damn near all the issues).

We obviously have completely different opinions on this topic though, so I'll just agree to disagree. I respect your opinion. The great thing about votingis, as crazy as it sounds, no one can take away our ability to vote based on whatever we find important. It's what the right to vote is all about.

*extends hand*

There's no reason to try and reason with you...I don't need to give answers to someone who's proven himself to be a nimwit time and time again...

How have our lives changed since 9/11? Really?...

I'll give you one...fear.

I'm willing to bet that before 9/11 you would NOT have said you'd be willing to give up your liberties for"safety".

I'm not going farther than that because it's all around you...You're naive if you think "small tax" is all that's changed...
Originally Posted by HarlemToTheBronx

@The McCain .gif.

LilStar, I didn't mean to come out harsh, and if you took offense to my tone I apologize.

I'm not too wrapped up in the mortgage crisis, but when big banks start eating small banks like appetizers, I think we'll see an effect sooner or later. Just because it's not effecting us now doesn't mean we won't be effected when this $700B kicks in. When the economy gets this bad, we'll all be effected in one way or another. But again, I'm not super wrapped up in the mortgage crisis. There are plenty other things about McCain that turn me off. To me, the negatives with McCain outweigh the positives (which I have a hard time finding since I disagree with him on damn near all the issues).

We obviously have completely different opinions on this topic though, so I'll just agree to disagree. I respect your opinion. The great thing about voting is, as crazy as it sounds, no one can take away our ability to vote based on whatever we find important. It's what the right to vote is all about.

*extends hand*

naw its cool ... and if you are voting becasue you disagree with mccain and agree with obama (for whatever reason
) i cant say anything about that ... its just those people that vote because ofmedia, their friends, race, creed, and whatever else that doesnt sit well with me ...

i guess ill extend my hand as well, but if i have one of them lil eletric shock joints in it, donts ay i didnt warn you lol

There's no reason to try and reason with you...I don't need to give answers to someone who's proven himself to be a nimwit time and time again...

How have our lives changed since 9/11? Really?...

I'll give you one...fear.

I'm willing to bet that before 9/11 you would NOT have said you'd be willing to give up your liberties for "safety".

I'm not going farther than that because it's all around you...You're naive if you think "small tax" is all that's changed...

Boy ... it really gets tiring arguing with people who dont say anything of substance yet SWEAR they have a clue ... so what you just did with thatpost is the following ...

said i was a nimwit without giving any reasons, which by the way i thought was a bannable offense for name calling ... lol

then i guess you said our lives changed and your reason for that was ... "really

then you said how about fear .... .... ..... did you not just understand what your fellow people have been saying? that you shouldnt vote on fear, and if youdo vote on fear, the only way you could possibly look is towards Mccain because he has more foreign policy experience ...

then you stated the obvious, and im not quite sure what you were getting at with that statement? .... ... care to explain ...

and then you went back to saying a lot has changed, without giving an example ... ... ... ... i mean seriously i could understand disagreeing or posting evenfunny .gifs about me ... but the lack of intelligence you just displayed in this post is without a doubt disgusting ... you basically wasted however manyminutes of your life typing nonsense ... it would have been better if you just quoted me and posted a stoneface, at least then you wouldnt have exposedyourself ...
Lilstar I legit want to hear your question posed again, i couldn't decipher it from your last post.
LilStarZ07 wrote:
naw its cool ... and if you are voting becasue you disagree with mccain and agree with obama (for whatever
) i cant say anything about that ... its just those people that vote because of media, their friends, race,
creed, and whatever else that doesnt sit well with me ...

that is the problem with McCain supporters they find it impossible anyone can vote for Obama on intellectual decision making and laugh at it. You ARE A JOKE GO SIT DOWN.
New York absentee ballot for "Barack Osama"

Some are calling it a Freudian slip. Everyone's calling it a big mistake.

Hundreds of absentee ballots sent to voters in New York State's Rensselaer County, near Albany, were printed with Barack Obama's last name spelled as"Osama," the Albany Times Union reports.

County elections officials tell the newspaper that it was a typo that made it by three rounds of proof-readers. They also said the error affected just a fewhundred voters, and that they will re-send corrected ballots on request.


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