ELECTION DAY 2008:........... Barack Obama, the next President of the United States of America



Tbone showed up a few times in the thread. very gracious and courteous.
Despite differing views & beliefs,
He's a stand up dude, and stand up dudes are rare nowadays.

Class is shown in defeat more than winning and Tbone is a class dude in my book
I honestly cried. Thinking about what people have gone through to make it to this point. It is a beautiful thing.
What a night this was! I voted early this morning and was pretty much glued to the TV all day watching election coverage. I'm so very proud to be a part ofsuch an historic election.

I am from Arizona and I voted for Obama, while Senator McCain has my respect because of his service to this country and because of his military background, Ifeel that Barack Obama is the better of the two candidates. Both men delievered awesome speeches (I was extremely dissappointed in my state when the McCainfaithful booed the mention of Barack's name), Senator McCain was very cordial and compassionate in his, and accepted defeat in an extremely humble way.President Elect Obama delivered an extremely powerful speech that had to at the very least capture the attentions and minds of every man/woman,republican/democrat who was watching. While this nation may not agree on everything, I feel we can all at least agree that regardless of your race, partyaffiliation, gender, age, or anything else that divides us... this election LITERALLY defined the commonly overrused phrase "anything is possible." Iam now a firm believer in this theory.

Congratulations Senator Barack Obama on becoming the 44th President (elect) of this great nation.

Like he said, the road is only just beginning, but the energy and hopes of this nation have to be an extremely encouraging sign.

Yes we can!
THE END of Apathy. I loved the line Obama used to talk about the young people of America. My first time voting and im very happy. This isnt just for us, butfor the planet Earth. Now I will try EXTRA hard to be that Diplomat/Ammbasador I want to be. The United Nations is getting shook up, cause this young black manis coming for ya..... Thanks Barack Obama, america.............and Sarah Palin lol
Originally Posted by GUNNA GET IT

Tbone showed up a few times in the thread. very gracious and courteous.
Despite differing views & beliefs,
He's a stand up dude, and stand up dudes are rare nowadays.

Class is shown in defeat more than winning and Tbone is a class dude in my book


he been here all night for the record anyways
While I'm keeping tempered expectations for his presidency, I'm allowing myself to awe in what just happened...tonight at least.
Originally Posted by Bigmike23

Originally Posted by GUNNA GET IT

Tbone showed up a few times in the thread. very gracious and courteous.
Despite differing views & beliefs,
He's a stand up dude, and stand up dudes are rare nowadays.

Class is shown in defeat more than winning and Tbone is a class dude in my book


he been here all night for the record anyways
Thank you.
I appreciate it.
Originally Posted by 6demonbag

Originally Posted by blackmagnus514

to all my fellow Black Men,

take notes. we did it!!!!!!

to ALL my fellow Americans....all creeds, colors and races... take note.....we ALL did it
I hate that freaking attitude, and hate is a strong word, but I hate it. This is a victory for all people, for all minorities that live in theUnited States and are American Citizens. It isn't just for black people. This mind set needs to stop....IT NEEDS TO CHANGE! It isn't just a victoryfor "fellow black men", What the @!@+ does that mean? If the McCain would have won and somebody would have spewed a "This is a victory fellowwhite men!", #%$# would have popped off in here. Calls of racism would have been thrown around.

I have friends of different creeds, ethnicities, religious backgrounds, etc and none does more to alienate other minorities than African Americans. They seethis as a victory for themselves, when it should be a unifying victory, for all people, not placing value on background or skin tone.

One reason I decided to vote for Barack Obama, is that throughout his campaign, he talked about the American people. He looks at himself as an American, and Isee that, and I respect him for that. He didn't see himself as the black presidential candidate, he saw and ran his campaign as a presidential candidate(If that makes sense, I know what I'm trying to say,

So please, if you are black, I ask, respectfully and humbly, that this is more than a "black victory". It is much bigger than that. Barack Obamawon because he was the best candidate, not because of the color of his skin. He received over 50 million votes, and they all didn't come from blackpeople, to call it a "black victory" sounds ignorant and is a statement made in bad taste.

, we will see what the next four years will bring.
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