ELECTION DAY 2008:........... Barack Obama, the next President of the United States of America

41 electoral votes left for my dude (im including california and going off of CNN current count)

this is getting closer to becoming a reality .... FL would be such a come up
Fox News has it 163-81.

Of course it would be closer than everyone else.

I just watched FoxNews for the first time, about 3 minutes. This dude with the glasses, elderly gent. I wanted to change it 15 seconds in, but I forced myselfto watch more of it. This dude mumbles, his yokel voice, his mannerisms, MY GOD WHO CAN SIT THROUGH THIS?!
Even Karl Rove is predicting a blowout via his website

The final Rove & Co. electoral map of the 2008 election cycle points to a 338-200 Barack Obama electoral vote victory over John McCain tomorrow, thelargest electoral margin since 1996. All remaining toss-up states have been allocated to the candidate leading in them, with Florida (27 EV) going to Obama,and Indiana (11 EV), Missouri (11 EV), North Carolina (15 EV), and North Dakota (3 EV) going to McCain. The two candidates are in a dead heat in Missouri andNorth Carolina, but they go to McCain because the most recent polls conducted over this past weekend show him narrowly ahead. Florida, too, could end up inMcCain's column since he's benefited from recent movement in the state.

You might as well add 55 more EV's to that 174 Number because California will go democrat. So Obama only needs 41 more EVs to win the Presidency.
Originally Posted by dkd4life

so all the first time voters? how did you feel about it?
I went around 8 trying to avoid lines and it was nice and easy.
Electronic voting was hella smooth
same here, woke up around 6:50...got to polls around 7:25...waiting in a line that was wrapped around inside + extended outside...was done by 10.


glad I was apart of history being my 1st time voting (i'm 19)...this is fun to watch.
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