ELECTION DAY 2008:........... Barack Obama, the next President of the United States of America

I'll panic when McCain officially gets New York, California, or Florida.
With this early deficit, I foresee a comback like the Celtics against the Lakers in Game 4.
Originally Posted by JPZx

I'll panic when McCain officially gets New York, California, or Florida.
If McCain gets any one of those states, then it's the time to get shook.
Originally Posted by USABasketball08

time to panic yet!?
Nah, mostly all the southern states are always going to be red. But if Obama holds his lead in FL, that will be a big blow to McCain. I reallywant to see what Virginia areas have reported, is it just the rural areas, which seems to be what's happening right now, see Indiana.
People need to relax. McCain is winning states he's SUPPOSED to be winning. WV, KY & SC.

The fact that red states like Georgia, North Carolina & VA are to close to call is somewhat of a good sign.
Damn what a comeback!!! 77-34!!! Kobe came through in the clutch.
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