ELECTION DAY 2008:........... Barack Obama, the next President of the United States of America

Originally Posted by TBONE95860

Someone asked for my thoughts on tonight in a PM....

So I figured some people might care, so I'll also post it in here.

Tough of course.
Doesn't feel good haha.
But I kind of expected this all along... the situation was just right for Obama to win.
Many had their doubts because he was black... but it was way more then that. (meaning the situation was way bigger then that)
As an American, he's my President. I'll be rooting for him to do good things because I don't want him to mess up our country.
So my prayers will be with him in likely difficult times.

I have the USA in my sig for a reason.
I love this country way more then I could ever hate a political candidate.
So in the end that's what matters.

Wish more conservatives people thought like you. It's a damn shame when people are blindedby hate for a political party.
White/Indian folks in my area were clearly Obama supporters because they all shooting off a couple of shots, police around here ain't used to all that atall. This place ain't as quiet as I thought it was.
Originally Posted by AR Guy

Originally Posted by TBONE95860

Someone asked for my thoughts on tonight in a PM....

So I figured some people might care, so I'll also post it in here.

Tough of course.
Doesn't feel good haha.
But I kind of expected this all along... the situation was just right for Obama to win.
Many had their doubts because he was black... but it was way more then that. (meaning the situation was way bigger then that)
As an American, he's my President. I'll be rooting for him to do good things because I don't want him to mess up our country.
So my prayers will be with him in likely difficult times.

I have the USA in my sig for a reason.
I love this country way more then I could ever hate a political candidate.
So in the end that's what matters.

Wish more conservatives people thought like you. It's a damn shame when people are blinded by hate for a political party.

Props to TBone for this
Originally Posted by CAFinest23

victory!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm in tears I never thought in my lifetime I'd see a black president

i agree was just talking to pops and he said the same thing. just got back from the store with some bubbly to celebrate. i'm glad he won because i votedfor him.... but i do not envy him he is going to be scrutinized for every move he makes. I wish him and our country all the best. We need some positive changeand i really hope he can deliver it.

Why would you lock my ballot measures post?


Create state lottery. APPROVED.


Repeal new taxes on beer, wine and soda. APPROVED


Ban dog racing. APPROVED

Repeal state income tax. DEFEATED

Decriminalize possession of an ounce or less of marijuana. APPROVED


Allow medical use of marijuana. APPROVED


Allow the state's first casino. DEFEATED


Eliminate legislative term limits. DEFEATED
YESSSS!!!!! Too pumped to do homework now haha.
And someone's gotta enlarge that "hope begins" picture, gotta make it my wallpaper.
"We won" because for so long our "we" didn't count.

"We won" because my kids have somethin to aim for.

"We won" because since we were given the right to vote "we" have been voting for white men while white men wouldn't vote for"us"

Yes, "we won"
"We" are seein the fruits of "our" parents, grandparents, and great grandparents labor

"We won" because most of the country no matter race chose barack obama to be our president.
So yea, "we won" on a whole as a society, no division here. If anything this is more about unity.
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