ELECTION DAY 2008:........... Barack Obama, the next President of the United States of America

Originally Posted by LilStarZ07

Originally Posted by lilfeet47

Originally Posted by LilStarZ07

people actin like if they were in palins shoes they would talk to every media outlet lol ... she got a promotion, the best thing to happen to someone in any corporate setting, and luckily she is the VP not the president so therefore she has time to grow and mature, Obama will be learning on the job and thats not a good look for the president

Lets hope Mccain doesn't roll over and die during that time that Palin has to grow and mature.

she will be ready by november ... they dont have to teach her to dictate policy from her heart cuz thats inside her, they just need to give her the information she needs to be successful as a VP and eventual president

damn shame.....dont even know what a vp does
yeah cuz every vp in history has been studying their whole lives to be VP ... every VP in history has had a smooth transition ... by information i meanadministrative things ... things that no one knows unless they have been a VP
Originally Posted by LilStarZ07

Originally Posted by lilfeet47

Originally Posted by LilStarZ07

people actin like if they were in palins shoes they would talk to every media outlet lol ... she got a promotion, the best thing to happen to someone in any corporate setting, and luckily she is the VP not the president so therefore she has time to grow and mature, Obama will be learning on the job and thats not a good look for the president

Lets hope Mccain doesn't roll over and die during that time that Palin has to grow and mature.

she will be ready by november ... they dont have to teach her to dictate policy from her heart cuz thats inside her, they just need to give her the information she needs to be successful as a VP and eventual president
but what about all the things she's done to show that the "heart" she dictates policy from is suitable? she got her brother in lawfired simply because her sister was divorcing him, she lives as a contradiction to the fact that she is anti-sex education, and she is in the pocket of oilcompanies? She didn't even live in the capital when she became governer, and opted to stay in her small town because she was trying to run her family. This sounds like she's not only a puppet but a very self-obsessed one. Where on the resume for vice president does "runner up ms. alaska" go?
let's get back to topic please, it seems like some republicans on nt are only concerned about everything other than what this presidential election isabout. instead of all this bs, i want to hear your arguments on why obama should not be president and why you fervently back mccain and palin despite the factthat 90% of mccain's policies (it's incredible how some people ignore/deny this) are in line with bush's and his running mate has yet to make heropinions known to america. it's painfully obvious that bush's administration is the worst we've had in the history of the u.s, almost every majordecision that he has had to make he's failed miserably with and his policies have left alot to be desired (to say the least). it has gotten to the pointnow where i seriously question whether bush is really deciding for himself on certain matters and if outside influences are deciding for him, but that isneither here nor there for this topic. now i know i can't say entirely it will be "more of the same" if mccain wins the election, but i seriouslyhave my doubts that mccain's ideals are going to foster the change that we need right now. in a different time i think mccain could be a good president,but i think in the end he fall victim to the failures of the bush administration and the place and time we find ourselves in now because of them.
Originally Posted by eNPHAN

Actually the RNC was shown on 2 LESS channels, nice try though.
you ever consider that more dems tuned into the RNC than repubs tuned into the DNC?

i watched to laugh at the stupidity that was the RNC.
"WASHINGTON IS BROKEN...-whisper-weve controlled it for more than the past decade-whisper-"

Apparently some did, as well as independents....
Because Obama was winning BEFORE the RNC.... and now MCCAIN is winning AFTER the RNC

This +#%$ is ridiculous! I'm telling you afterMcCain is selected and +#%$ stay the same, I'm gonna personally smack whoever complains. America Is +@@*#+# Stupid.
Originally Posted by knowledgebones72

but what about all the things she's done to show that the "heart" she dictates policy from is suitable? she got her brother in law fired simply because her sister was divorcing him, she lives as a contradiction to the fact that she is anti-sex education, and she is in the pocket of oil companies? She didn't even live in the capital when she became governer, and opted to stay in her small town because she was trying to run her family. This sounds like she's not only a puppet but a very self-obsessed one. Where on the resume for vice president does "runner up ms. alaska" go?
this is what kills me about people i seriously chuckle every time i see things like this ... what in the world is Palin trying to do? climb up theladder of her political party and become more successful at her job which is politics ... i cant stand when people act like its so crazy for someone to be outfor themselves
... like thats such an unacceptable idea ... if yoursister was divorcing a dude who you had the power to fire cuz he was cheating on her, wouldnt you do it? in my eyes thats just lookin out for family, which iswhat many people in power do ... if im president ima throw a job out to my cousin, i dont know what it will be but he will be on my payroll so he doesnt haveto worry about a thing ... self-obsessed puppet because she stayed in her own town to take care of her family? what ............... ?
Honestly part of me doesn't care if Mccain wins. You Republicans got us into this mess so MAYBE given another four years you guys can get us out. But in myopinion the likeliness of that is rare. I don't want to risk or waste another four years learning tough lessons before change is brought. And the sayinggoes, you can't expect different results when you keep going about things the same way. If the results of the last eight years have been beneficial towardsyou then by all means vote for the Mccain ticket, I don't blame you because this is the logic I'm using to decide my own vote. What does piss me offthough is when people are letting media created issues be the deciding factor.
Originally Posted by knowledgebones72

Originally Posted by LilStarZ07

Originally Posted by lilfeet47

Originally Posted by LilStarZ07

people actin like if they were in palins shoes they would talk to every media outlet lol ... she got a promotion, the best thing to happen to someone in any corporate setting, and luckily she is the VP not the president so therefore she has time to grow and mature, Obama will be learning on the job and thats not a good look for the president

Lets hope Mccain doesn't roll over and die during that time that Palin has to grow and mature.

she will be ready by november ... they dont have to teach her to dictate policy from her heart cuz thats inside her, they just need to give her the information she needs to be successful as a VP and eventual president
but what about all the things she's done to show that the "heart" she dictates policy from is suitable? she got her brother in law fired simply because her sister was divorcing him, she lives as a contradiction to the fact that she is anti-sex education, and she is in the pocket of oil companies? She didn't even live in the capital when she became governer, and opted to stay in her small town because she was trying to run her family. This sounds like she's not only a puppet but a very self-obsessed one. Where on the resume for vice president does "runner up ms. alaska" go?


she stayed at home and still couldnt control her kids
Obama will be learning on the job and thats not a good look for the president
Every President learns on the job. The presidency is not something you can have experience in. The members of George W. Bush's cabinet hadcollectively spent more than a century of their lives serving in federal government. That didn't prevent them from bankrupting the treasury or standing bypassively as a hurricane destroyed New Orleans.

As for McCains running mate... come on now let's call it like it is. First off ol' girl was a NO BODY until they announced her as VP candidate. I gettheir reasoning for picking her... I mean a woman on the Republican ticket says they are trying to think outside of the box and bring a little change of theirown to the table. Then they picked a woman that is attractive, has a real family and deals with real family issues. Daughter is prego (which they did try tohide at first.), Husband is a hard working man in the... now get this... "OIL INDUSTRY", Son going to the military, young school aged daughter andspecial needs child. They are clearly looking for women to see that they have a "Working Mom" a "Multitasker" that almost EVERY mother inthe United States can relate to because EVERY mother is a multitasker. Real talk if this lady was mixed with anything but white she could have ran herself forPresident.

I know McCain is old, but I doubt he is going to just die while in office. But for argument sake say he does... is this woman the person you want to take over?

Asked about rumors the Alaska governor was being considered as McCain's running mate, she told CNBC: "As for that VP talk all the time, I'll tell you, I stillcan't answer that question until somebody answers for me what is it exactly that the VP does every day?"
Originally Posted by LilStarZ07

Originally Posted by knowledgebones72

but what about all the things she's done to show that the "heart" she dictates policy from is suitable? she got her brother in law fired simply because her sister was divorcing him, she lives as a contradiction to the fact that she is anti-sex education, and she is in the pocket of oil companies? She didn't even live in the capital when she became governer, and opted to stay in her small town because she was trying to run her family. This sounds like she's not only a puppet but a very self-obsessed one. Where on the resume for vice president does "runner up ms. alaska" go?
this is what kills me about people i seriously chuckle every time i see things like this ... what in the world is Palin trying to do? climb up the ladder of her political party and become more successful at her job which is politics ... i cant stand when people act like its so crazy for someone to be out for themselves
... like thats such an unacceptable idea ... if your sister was divorcing a dude who you had the power to fire cuz he was cheating on her, wouldnt you do it? in my eyes thats just lookin out for family, which is what many people in power do ... if im president ima throw a job out to my cousin, i dont know what it will be but he will be on my payroll so he doesnt have to worry about a thing ... self-obsessed puppet because she stayed in her own town to take care of her family? what ............... ?
you do realize that elected officials are suppose to represent those that elected them, don't you? so what sense does it make to defend apolitician who is "out for themselves", they are public servants
[h1]Obama on Palin: 'You can't just reinvent yourself'[/h1]
Not long after the Obama campaign signaled it wouldn't go directly after Sarah Palin, the candidate goes right at her.
Well, how about Gov. Palin? She's you know, an up and comer from Alaska. She - they're starting to run an ad now saying she opposed the bridge to nowhere. Well now, let's get the facts clear here. When she was mayor, she hired a Washington lobbyist to get earmarks - pork barrel spending - all the things that John McCain says is bad, she lobbied to get! And got a whole lot of it. When it came to the bridge to nowhere, she was for it until everybody started raising a fuss about it and she started running for governor and then suddenly she was against it!

You remember that? For it before you were against it? I mean you can't just make stuff up. You can't just recreate yourself. You can't just reinvent yourself. The American people aren't stupid.

It's unusual to see the presidential nominee so focused on his rival's running mate, and a sign that her wattage is changing the race a bit.

On the other hand, Obama may have felt compelled to go at her directly in part because Palin is now starring in a McCain ad that touts, and overstates, her opposition to the "Bridge to Nowhere." After supporting the project, and seeing it founder, she decided to spend the money elsewhere.

Focusing on Palin is the WRONG strategy..... but hey, do what you'd like

Originally Posted by Barack 0drama

Why is a newspaper endorsing a candidate?
You do realize nearly EVERY newspaper endorses a candidate before every election right?
Its not about the mess the Republicans have gotten us into. It is about who can get us out of this current mess, (which, frankly, isn't all that bad whenyou put it into historical perspective). These polls are showing that the American people are intelligent and capable of making good decisions, no matter howhard professors, celebrities and the media, try to affect us. Americans are showing that they can see the smart choice is McCain and not Obama. Specifically,not Obama.
I just hope women know it's bigger than having a woman in office or a black man...... Women make some stupid decisions with their emotions.....
Originally Posted by pleasesaythe4th


she stayed at home and still couldnt control her kids

again ... why is this lady (or anyone running for political office) held to such a high standard
? 50% of my friends arent controlled by their parents and their mom isnt a damngovernor lol .. ... ........ like its OUTRAGEOUS for a kid to be a rebel and loose lolololololol ... people can relate to her and that will get votes
Originally Posted by back1ntheday

you do realize that elected officials are suppose to represent those that elected them, don't you? so what sense does it make to defend a politician who is "out for themselves", they are public servants
yeah cuz EVERY elected official is for the people
...pull the wool from ove ryour eyes theres been maybe one or two presidents in history that didnt have their own agenda, and believe me Obama or McCain is notgoing to add to that list ...
Originally Posted by tylerdub

Its not about the mess the Republicans have gotten us into. It is about who can get us out of this current mess, (which, frankly, isn't all that bad when you put it into historical perspective). These polls are showing that the American people are intelligent and capable of making good decisions, no matter how hard professors, celebrities and the media, try to affect us. Americans are showing that they can see the smart choice is McCain and not Obama. Specifically, not Obama.
and your reasoning for making the "smart choice" in mccain is based on....? (i just want to hear your argument, i'm not saying hedoesn't have some legitimate presidential qualities) and let's not belittle those that support an opposing candidate with the idea that somehow theyare less intelligent and less capable of making good decisions, that's just ignorant

yeah cuz EVERY elected official is for the people
... pull the wool from ove ryour eyes theres been maybe one or two presidents in history that didnt have their own agenda, and believe me Obama or McCain is not going to add to that list ...

im not being naive, i'm just saying that it doesn't make it right regardless of who you support
Originally Posted by tylerdub

Its not about the mess the Republicans have gotten us into. It is about who can get us out of this current mess, (which, frankly, isn't all that bad when you put it into historical perspective). These polls are showing that the American people are intelligent and capable of making good decisions, no matter how hard professors, celebrities and the media, try to affect us. Americans are showing that they can see the smart choice is McCain and not Obama. Specifically, not Obama.

Ok lets FORGET Iraq. Forget soaring HIGH ENERGY COSTS. Forget the HomeMortgage Crisis. Lets forget all the things that the Republicans did to put us in this mess so we can elect another Republican that will somehow save us eventhough the candidate voted in line with Bush and his Republican party 90% of the time.
Dumbest logic ever.
Originally Posted by tylerdub

These polls are showing that the American people are intelligent and capable of making good decisions, no matter how hard professors, celebrities and the media, try to affect us. Americans are showing that they can see the smart choice is McCain and not Obama. Specifically, not Obama.

Swing and a miss
No, these polls are actually showing us what i, and others have known all along and thats that most of America, Especially everything in between California andNew York (minus a couple of the bigger cities) are blind leading the blind idiots. Nobody can tell me anything different. I travel A LOT, and i mean A LOT. Isee everything this country has to offer first hand, i dont get my info from the TV or my favorite political blog. What i see is a country full of people thati am embarrassed to say i am countrymen with. When it comes to going overseas, you might as well say you are from canada because the rest of the world holds usin contempt. I wont even entertain a rebuttal because frankly, there is nothing anyone on here can tell me different. A huge percentage of americans ,booksmart or not are dribbling idiots when it comes to real life and real life scenarios. I for one and not surprised in the least bit with the polls leaningin McCain's favor, for this is the America i have grown to be a custom too and it sure is embarrassing.
Originally Posted by tylerdub

Its not about the mess the Republicans have gotten us into. It is about who can get us out of this current mess, (which, frankly, isn't all that bad when you put it into historical perspective). These polls are showing that the American people are intelligent and capable of making good decisions, no matter how hard professors, celebrities and the media, try to affect us. Americans are showing that they can see the smart choice is McCain and not Obama. Specifically, not Obama.

I feel that a lot of the Republicans here (not all, but a vast majority) are focusing on people and not the issues. You keep saying Obama can't do it, butWHY? Inexperience is not a sufficient answer.
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