ELECTION DAY 2008:........... Barack Obama, the next President of the United States of America

Originally Posted by Craftsy21

a lot of random thoughts...

People hated on christians (self included) for voting based on "morality" issues which had little to do with true politics and governing a country which is supposed to be free of religion in the state - i feel people who voted for Obama just because he's black are just as guilty in this case.

I think it's been funny listening to many republicans come up with reasons to hate Obama which have nothing to do with his actual policies... people working at McDonald's crying about this term that's been raped lately, "redistribution of the wealth" - like uh, hey... it's not going to hurt you bud, not sure what you're crying about.

I think this entire election was SO devoid of actual policies being talked about, and that's kind of scary. I heard so many less people the past few weeks talking about actual issues-driven voting than I did who they "liked" better as a speaker or who trashed who better. I will admit I didn't follow things too closely this time around because I sort of learned my lesson about doing that the last two elections - but I followed it closely enough you'd think I would've heard more people talking about actual issues, and they just didn't... any issues they spoke of were just buzz words being put out by campaigns. Voters seemed relatively MORE uneducated than they normally are, in my experience.

Sarah Palin making it as far as she has now in politics is about equally as sad as Obama being elected is hopeful. Maybe this just goes to truly show how little the president actual means at this point, beyond being a figurehead.

Despite many people feeling like Obama getting elected is a sign of progress in this country, I can't help feeling like we are MORE divided as a country today than we were 4 years ago, and it will only get worse the next 4 years.

Lastly - I hope someday I can feel as hopeful and inspired by a candidate as some of you (the ones who truly followed him and believe in him, not just cheered him because he was black) did/do by Obama - somebody who actually stands for all the things I believe in. I really am envious of that sort of hopeful feeling for the world.
x 10 Trillion ( shouts out to the deficit.)

This was an election won by the media. It was funny how all of them were patting themselves on the back last night.
It's sad how people can so easily be persuaded by empty rhetoric when we live in an age where information is widely available.

Ron Paul. Baldwin. Heck even Nader or Kucinich.
Yall are so cynical and pessimistic and it kills me.

[color= rgb(255, 255, 0)]Cats are 20 years old talking about how this country has done this that and the other andthey're sitting in the suburbs with a fridge full of food, lights, water, new clothes and probably a new car in the driveway.[/color]

Originally Posted by haiti5

our country is bankrupt..taxes were getting raised anyway
dont play yourselves

and its funny hearing these conservatives now saying "well he's 1/2 white 1/2 black"

last week yall was calling this man a monkey and every other racist term coined at blacks....yall are pathetic....
Originally Posted by RockDeep

I hope everyone realizes, its not ALWAYS taxation that pays for everything. Its fiscal spending in other areas of government that can be scaled back to provide for other well needed programs.

Like I don't believe in certain types of welfare for those who don't attempt to find a job and keep having children. I say tie their tubes and MAKE them get a job or put those kids in foster care where they might be better off.

Put money in Foster Care even to make those kids who didn't have a choice be productive members of society instead of scared with reasons to be less than what they can be. There are soo many things we can redistribute as far as spending goes, not just people's paychecks. I think soo many people take that term and run with it. I say Tax Lottery Money more than it is, cause its money that you wouldn't have won otherwise.

Virginia makes Gillions in Lottery tax every year, yet they have to cut back jobs due to budget problems?? WHAT? How does that happen and they say a good portion of that goes to Virginia Schools? Not the one's I have visited.

I think before crucifying the work of a man who isn't even in office is the wrong thing to do. How about you give him the same chance for 4 years that you all made a mistake giving a man who had 8 years to make your life the way it is now.

As a matter of fact, take responsibility for the good stuff you have done on your own and as well as bad... Bush didn't make you all buy those extra pair of sneaks or Big Screen TVs.. He just made our Petro Purchases suck for years..

Give a Brotha a Chance. Literally.

P.S. Marley that wasn't directed at you bruh.. lol.. Just using your words to make a point.

rock i have connections "on the inside" if you ever thought about running for office in maryland ... i would say i agree with you about 99% of thetime you post (save that 1% for them bum $## skins lol) ... your race alone gives you the ability to speak on both sides without restraint ...

i understand that taxes dont pay for everything, but lets not forget obama isnt exactly cutting the budget ...

fiscally sound spending is ideal, however perfect ideas like the one you suggested for welfare will never pass because there is always that fear of not gettingelected again ... as sad as it sounds, you not only have to balance the budget, but you also have to balance the people ...

and this is the fundamental problem that i have with the president we just elected ... its not that i dont think he will be better than bush, its not that idespise a black man in office, its not that i etc.. etc... its that he was elected for all the wrong reasons ... he got votes mainly because people hated bushso much, he got votes because of his skin color and he got votes because he was a very good speaker ...

i just wish people would wake up and see that its a very good possibility that the election of this man will do nothing major to our country ... if hecontinues to stay far left and operates under a democratic agenda, we as a people will be worse off ... if he doesnt change the plans he ran on, the countrywill suffer ... there is already talk about Obama working with republicans, which will turn his party agaisnt him and will have hillary running in 12' ...although the election is monumental in terms of significance, lets not forget he has a country to run ...
I'm in my politics class right now and my professor is salty.

Everybody came in all excited and he quickly shut it down and said we need to stay on topic to prepare for the final.
I stood in line for two .



You can hate us now , but we won't stop now .
Originally Posted by MarleysProtege

Originally Posted by RockDeep

I hope everyone realizes, its not ALWAYS taxation that pays for everything. Its fiscal spending in other areas of government that can be scaled back to provide for other well needed programs.

Like I don't believe in certain types of welfare for those who don't attempt to find a job and keep having children. I say tie their tubes and MAKE them get a job or put those kids in foster care where they might be better off.

Put money in Foster Care even to make those kids who didn't have a choice be productive members of society instead of scared with reasons to be less than what they can be. There are soo many things we can redistribute as far as spending goes, not just people's paychecks. I think soo many people take that term and run with it. I say Tax Lottery Money more than it is, cause its money that you wouldn't have won otherwise.

Virginia makes Gillions in Lottery tax every year, yet they have to cut back jobs due to budget problems?? WHAT? How does that happen and they say a good portion of that goes to Virginia Schools? Not the one's I have visited.

I think before crucifying the work of a man who isn't even in office is the wrong thing to do. How about you give him the same chance for 4 years that you all made a mistake giving a man who had 8 years to make your life the way it is now.

As a matter of fact, take responsibility for the good stuff you have done on your own and as well as bad... Bush didn't make you all buy those extra pair of sneaks or Big Screen TVs.. He just made our Petro Purchases suck for years..

Give a Brotha a Chance. Literally.

P.S. Marley that wasn't directed at you bruh.. lol.. Just using your words to make a point.

rock i have connections "on the inside" if you ever thought about running for office in maryland ... i would say i agree with you about 99% of the time you post (save that 1% for them bum $## skins lol) ... your race alone gives you the ability to speak on both sides without restraint ...

i understand that taxes dont pay for everything, but lets not forget obama isnt exactly cutting the budget ...

fiscally sound spending is ideal, however perfect ideas like the one you suggested for welfare will never pass because there is always that fear of not getting elected again ... as sad as it sounds, you not only have to balance the budget, but you also have to balance the people ...

and this is the fundamental problem that i have with the president we just elected ... its not that i dont think he will be better than bush, its not that i despise a black man in office, its not that i etc.. etc... its that he was elected for all the wrong reasons ... he got votes mainly because people hated bush so much, he got votes because of his skin color and he got votes because he was a very good speaker ...

i just wish people would wake up and see that its a very good possibility that the election of this man will do nothing major to our country ... if he continues to stay far left and operates under a democratic agenda, we as a people will be worse off ... if he doesnt change the plans he ran on, the country will suffer ... there is already talk about Obama working with republicans, which will turn his party agaisnt him and will have hillary running in 12' ... although the election is monumental in terms of significance, lets not forget he has a country to run ...

you should wait to see what happens...
his election alone has already changed the world whether you see it or not.
Craftsy21 wrote:
Despite many people feeling like Obama getting elected is a sign of progress in this country, I can't help feeling like we are MORE divided as a countrytoday than we were 4 years ago, and it will only get worse the next 4 years.

Lastly - I hope someday I can feel as hopeful and inspired by a candidate as some of you (the ones who truly followed him and believe in him, not just cheeredhim because he was black) did/do by Obama - somebody who actually stands for all the things I believe in. I really am envious of that sort of hopeful feelingfor the world.

I don't know about being more divided because a lot of white people voted for Obama as well, but I do agree with your second point very much. I did notvote because I was not turned on by either of the candidates at all. In my opinion, it was a bad candidate vs. a worse one. And the people that you aretalking about really don't exist in large numbers because most young people who voted for him were either a minority or said we need change. Whoeverdoesn't know that we need change is an idiot. Obama won mostly because people were tired of the Republicans running the White House for 8 years. Needlessto say, Barack has A LOT of work to do and this change he preaches so well might not even take place in this term, if he is even re-elected in the first place. This election was very important and it's sad that it was mostly driven by race instead of the issues.
You know its funny, I was never one to try to cheat the system and find loopholes, etc. I paid what was dure and did not try to get all fancy.

Rest assured, if Obama really does play with the taxes in any way, I will be going out, hiring the best accountant I can find and implementing a way to shelteras much as possible and pay as little taxes as possible.

I was never about cheating the govt but if they are going to target me like this, then they can go screw themselves.

Rockdeep....my house cost $935,000, but thanks.
Originally Posted by HarlemToTheBronx

So much damn cinicism.

Why should I be optimistic?
Simply because Obama is not white and is a slick talker?

Nothing from his career in politics or his campaign leads to me to be anymore optimistic than I was when Bush went into office.

Clinton was similar. Look what we got; NAFTA, GATT, Balkan involvement, derivatives bubble, housing bubble
You know its funny, I was never one to try to cheat the system and find loopholes, etc. I paid what was dure and did not try to get all fancy.

Rest assured, if Obama really does play with the taxes in any way, I will be going out, hiring the best accountant I can find and implementing a way to shelter as much as possible and pay as little taxes as possible.

I was never about cheating the govt but if they are going to target me like this, then they can go screw themselves.

Rockdeep....my house cost $935,000, but thanks.

Someone get this man a violin. Ol' cry me a river, Alex Keaton, Scrooge McDuck lookin'boy..

Originally Posted by therealjondoe

you should wait to see what happens...
his election alone has already changed the world whether you see it or not.
o believe me i will be following his actions closely, not because i am waiting for him to fail, but because i want to see if he stays his courseor turns right and becomes more centrist ...

you have to understand, obama is one of the furthest left politicians ever ... if he continues to vote the way he has and implements far left policies, thiscountry will suffer ... thats not my opinion, that is historical fact ...
Originally Posted by youngin33

Craftsy21 wrote:
Despite many people feeling like Obama getting elected is a sign of progress in this country, I can't help feeling like we are MORE divided as a country today than we were 4 years ago, and it will only get worse the next 4 years.

Lastly - I hope someday I can feel as hopeful and inspired by a candidate as some of you (the ones who truly followed him and believe in him, not just cheered him because he was black) did/do by Obama - somebody who actually stands for all the things I believe in. I really am envious of that sort of hopeful feeling for the world.

I don't know about being more divided because a lot of white people voted for Obama as well, but I do agree with your second point very much. I did not vote because I was not turned on by either of the candidates at all. In my opinion, it was a bad candidate vs. a worse one. And the people that you are talking about really don't exist in large numbers because most young people who voted for him were either a minority or said we need change. Whoever doesn't know that we need change is an idiot. Obama won mostly because people were tired of the Republicans running the White House for 8 years. Needless to say, Barack has A LOT of work to do and this change he preaches so well might not even take place in this term, if he is even re-elected in the first place. This election was very important and it's sad that it was mostly driven by race instead of the issues.
Agreed - all this talk about "change" is just funny to me. "... you think we need change? Really? What a thought. Maybeyou're onto something here."

But yeah - i do feel like we're more divided... racially maybe this is good, but this certainly doesn't make racism any less present today than it wasyesterday. The people who still treat different races poorly (in their hearts and in their actions) are still going to be that way, and maybe more so now thatthey resent their president.

But I mean more divided politically.

In reality, this country is a fight between the corporations and the average man... but the media and politicians have us all fighting amongst ourselves as thecommon man, and has most of us confused as to who the real enemy is here. I think they've never had us as confused in that struggle as they do right now.
[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]This election hit me even harder today. I was raised in the south so I was exposedto above average racism and I honestly cannot express how happy I am to see this happen. I thank God for this and am glad the world can share our enthusiasm.The first FUNCTIONAL African American family in the White House. I thought to myself if we had lost, that'd be it because he was the best that minoritiescould put up for election, from an educational standpoint. I am proud of America, we ARE the greatest nation in the world and we WILL prosper.

Clinton was similar. Look what we got; NAFTA, GATT, Balkan involvement, derivatives bubble, housing bubble
[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]What did we get with GWB? At least a n' was cakin' and not worrying about goingto war when Clinton was running thangs'[/color]

I can't wait until he announces his cabinet and his advisor's.

[color= rgb(255, 255, 0)]Me either.[/color]

[color= rgb(0, 102, 0)]My-T.[/color]
Yo Kneesh, I've been walking around midtown Manhattan looking for papers, and I just got lucky with the Post and the Daily News. No New York Times.
Originally Posted by MyTsharp

Clinton was similar. Look what we got; NAFTA, GATT, Balkan involvement, derivatives bubble, housing bubble
[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]What did we get with GWB? At least a n' was cakin' and not worrying about going to war when Clinton was running thangs'[/color]

That's not an excuse.
"Oh Bush was worse...".
Hitler was worse than Stalin. Does that make Stalin any better?

The current financial problems can be blamed just as much on Clinton's admin. as on Bush's.

It's hard talking to folks who are stuck in the left/right, liberal/ conservative *%*##%%%.
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