ELECTION DAY 2008:........... Barack Obama, the next President of the United States of America


Because people are ignorant. Because people follow the hype and vote for a person based on the color of his skin. Because people are happy to follow the hype by listening to ignorant idiots like Young Jeezy who are nothing but street thugs that couldn't even name the parts of the American government system....

^^^ There are not a lot of people voted for Obama because he is black. I can't stress that enough.
Originally Posted by Baller23217

Originally Posted by GrizztheBoss

Originally Posted by Baller23217

Can someone lay out exactly why you're so excited for Obama to be our president? I don't follow politics at all so can someone just spell out in simple terms why I should be happy with America's decision?

You can repeat his slogan over and over. It doesn't really mean anything. What's he gonna change?
thank you. everytime i ask Obama supporters that they just gimme the
and slowly walk away from the conversation.
Originally Posted by knightngale

kerry and gore did better in the south

the south is still racist

In a way, it can be seen as racist just to vote for Obama because he's black...
Originally Posted by TheFoteenth

was anyone else scared when watching obama's acceptance speech? i promise you i thought homie was going to get sniped right there on national tv.

but he didnt... obamanomics baby.

- "get yo hand out my pocket!!" ran through my head twice.......i chuckled, then started paying more attention to the crowd.
Originally Posted by UrbenYouth


Because people are ignorant. Because people follow the hype and vote for a person based on the color of his skin. Because people are happy to follow the hype by listening to ignorant idiots like Young Jeezy who are nothing but street thugs that couldn't even name the parts of the American government system....

^^^ There are not a lot of people voted for Obama because he is black. I can't stress that enough.

Coincidence or not?
All i can say is wow...

The historical nature of tonight is TREMENDOUS..

Never thought I would see the day that a black man will be president of the united states.

Jesse Jackson in tears just shows what this means to millions and I wish people like MLK and Malcolm, Jackie, Rosa, etc. could have seen this.

The struggle of blacks, whites, Hispanics, Asians, middle eastern for this country has been voiced tonight.

Tonight is the night where I have officially been inspired to do whatever I can to not only change my own life but hopefully in the course of this journey oflife, influence someone else for the better.

Never will I feel this proud to be a part of this country and hearing Obama trying to unite this country and this world under one page is truly soul shaking.

I thank Barack Obama for proving that any person no matter how big or small, how dark or how light, how privilledged or however disinfranchised can make it,regardless of what the haters,critics or pundits say. If you believe in what you are trying to do, if you fight regardless of what they say, if you give ityour all you can do it.

I never believe the American Dream was real until Obama won this election.

I will remember 11/4-11/5/08 forever

I am so honored to be one of the 50 some + million votes for Obama..

btw I am part of the 5% of whites to vote for Obama.. Lol just kidding on the 5% but I am white.

Can someone lay out exactly why you're so excited for Obama to be our president? I don't follow politics at all so can someone just spell out in simple terms why I should be happy with America's decision?
Because people are ignorant. Because people follow the hype and vote for a person based on the color of his skin. Because people are happy to follow the hype by listening to ignorant idiots like Young Jeezy who are nothing but street thugs that couldn't even name the parts of the American government system....
Salty Republican.

Maybe because people are finally starting to realize that we don't need to be in Iraq, tolerance is more beneficial than imposing, and that the Southern'Bible Belt' way of doing things is doing more harm than good.
stop being Salty GoVols your just mad 57 million people as of right now voted for Obama i can guarentee a majority didn't vote because Young Jeezy saidso..... I supported Obama last December and still support him now.. And I can bet you know nothing about politics and the correct policy for a falteringnation.
Originally Posted by 23ska909red02

Can someone lay out exactly why you're so excited for Obama to be our president? I don't follow politics at all so can someone just spell out in simple terms why I should be happy with America's decision?
Because people are ignorant. Because people follow the hype and vote for a person based on the color of his skin. Because people are happy to follow the hype by listening to ignorant idiots like Young Jeezy who are nothing but street thugs that couldn't even name the parts of the American government system....
Salty Republican.

Maybe because people are finally starting to realize that we don't need to be in Iraq, tolerance is more beneficial than imposing, and that the Southern 'Bible Belt' way of doing things is doing more harm than good.

I'm not salty. I'm worried....scared even for the future of the country.

I don't understand why we're still in Iraq after all this time so that's fine. I'm more concerned with not having a choice about how my ownhard earned money is distributed...
Originally Posted by Baller23217

I'm not salty. I'm worried....scared even for the future of the country.

I don't understand why we're still in Iraq after all this time so that's fine. I'm more concerned with not having a choice about how my own hard earned money is distributed...
i implore you to read the issues and make up your own mind

Originally Posted by Essential1

stop being Salty GoVols your just mad 57 million people as of right now voted for Obama i can guarentee a majority didn't vote because Young Jeezy said so..... I supported Obama last December and still support him now.. And I can bet you know nothing about politics and the correct policy for a faltering nation.

http://online.wsj.com/art...opinion_main_commentaries Readand talk to me in 4 years. Simple economics. Sorry I don't equate factual economics with buying blue lambo's and supporting ridiculous causes. Golisten to young jeezy and dream about your lambo's.
Originally Posted by Baller23217

Originally Posted by knightngale

kerry and gore did better in the south

the south is still racist

In a way, it can be seen as racist just to vote for Obama because he's black...

it is probably safe to argue that white people vote more for obama in non south states

what you say is true but it is irrelevant
Originally Posted by SiMPLYDiMPLY

Originally Posted by Baller23217

I'm not salty. I'm worried....scared even for the future of the country.

I don't understand why we're still in Iraq after all this time so that's fine. I'm more concerned with not having a choice about how my own hard earned money is distributed...
i implore you to read the issues and make up your own mind


I'd rather not get the info from such a biased source...
My Campus was in PANDEMONIUM tonight. We formed a couple groups and stormed into the libraries on central campus shouting Obama and other chants, then ran ontowest campus and raided the dorms chanting, then the north campus dorms, then there ended up being a few parties lol. OBAMAMMAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA
obama got to prove himself now, can he really make a change? will you turn on him if he dosent come through on what he promised? If he messes up does he ruinit for the other races who want a chance at presidency? I dunno alot of thoughts going on in my head
As a white guy I'll break it down..

Being white voting for a white guy because you dont want a black man in office = Racism
Being black voting for an unqualified black man ex: Al Sharpton = Racist
Being black voting for a qualified black man ex: Barack Obama = Not racist at all
Originally Posted by Baller23217

Originally Posted by 23ska909red02

Can someone lay out exactly why you're so excited for Obama to be our president? I don't follow politics at all so can someone just spell out in simple terms why I should be happy with America's decision?
Because people are ignorant. Because people follow the hype and vote for a person based on the color of his skin. Because people are happy to follow the hype by listening to ignorant idiots like Young Jeezy who are nothing but street thugs that couldn't even name the parts of the American government system....
Salty Republican.

Maybe because people are finally starting to realize that we don't need to be in Iraq, tolerance is more beneficial than imposing, and that the Southern 'Bible Belt' way of doing things is doing more harm than good.

I'm not salty. I'm worried....scared even for the future of the country.

I don't understand why we're still in Iraq after all this time so that's fine. I'm more concerned with not having a choice about how my own hard earned money is distributed...

To answer your question basically I think alot people are happy because they feel if will be a return to the Clinton years as opposed to the Bush years. Alsofor Black people they are excited because they feel finally equal.

Also about the redistribution don't buy into the propaganda. Obama is not going "Peter Pan it" any more than Bill Clinton did. It would take 20plus years of Liberal rule before real "redisturbting" ever takes place.
fox news was hilarious tonight! it was like someone died up in that mug....And I swear Olberman was drunk, they were happy as heck
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