eBAY auctions won...don't post live links

Originally Posted by HustlinFlip

Originally Posted by chubbz301

Originally Posted by HustlinFlip

No shoes, but I finally pulled the trigger on a nixon watch I've kept my eye on...

$75 shipped sounds good to me

I really like this watch. Do you know the model number for it?

It's called "The Sentry" by Nixon. View it here: http://www.nixonnow.com/mens-watches/

Retail, depending on colorway, ranges from $130 - $170.

Glad I got mine for the price I got.

that is definitely a very dope watch
Originally Posted by ArtStranger

just won these!
I will post more pics
when i get them home and clean them up

Not bad for $7.25 Shipped!!!
even at 7.25, why would you pick these up? I have a hard time understanding most of the purchases in this thread.
Originally Posted by ebpo

Not mine, but I was wondering what are those!

It seems like a good deal, but I don't know that shoes!

these are team conventions, if i am correct...
120 usd is an ok price... although you could find pairs in a better condition for that pice
but colorway is rather rare then the better known blue conventions

nevertheless, good stuff
am i the only one that stops and realizes that there is SO MUCH stuff on ebay...you can essentially spend an entire morning or afternoon browsing
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