E3 2015

Game of the Show

  • Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain

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  • Fallout 4

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  • Star Wars Battlefront

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  • Uncharted 4: A Thief's End

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  • Horizon: Zero Dawn

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  • Super Mario Maker

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  • Street Fighter V

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  • Cuphead

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  • Rise of the Tomb Raider

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  • The Division

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  • Gears 4

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  • Dreams

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  • XCOM 2

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  • The Last Guardian

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  • Just Cause 3

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  • Deus Ex: Mankind Divided

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  • For Honor

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  • No Man's Sky

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  • Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon: Wildlands

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  • Butt Sniffin Pugs

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Further, our technology now supports multiplatform development. Since the release of The Order, we have been very hard at work to advance our engine and technology to a place where we can deliver our games on PC, Xbox One, PS4 and one other unannounced platform that you will soon find out about.


After seeing this and the Project Cars dev comments, sounds like Nintendo will announce something hardware related at E3.
Nintendo already said theyre not talking about their next hardware at this e3
We'll see.

Nintendo are known for not always being truthful with this stuff. I can't see who else it would be to enter the console game.


I'm a Nintendo of America Employee that is currently cutting the Nintendo Digital Event that will air on Tuesday June 16th 9 a.m PT. Nintendo will show some awesome Stuff at E3, so even if it cost me my job I must share it with you!

The Digital Event starts with a Mashup of 30 years of Super Mario Bros. Games that will end with a new Trailer for Mario Maker. Just like the New Super Mario Bros. series it will have a 4-Player Multiplayer (Characters: Mario, Luigi, Peach and Toad). There is also a 5-Player Multiplayer where the GamePad Player can change the Level while the other Players play the Level. The Game will be released on September 13th 2015.

Next up: Iwata talks about the Super Gameboy for the SNES and the Gameboy Player for the Nintendo Gamecube. They where bridges between handheld and home console. Iwata will introduce such a bridge for Nintendo 3DS and WiiU: The New GamePad!
The New GamePad is smaller and lighter than the original GamePad, while it's remains the same screen size of 6.2 inch. The New GamePad comes with New 3DS Hardware wich allows you to use the New Gamepad without the WiiU. It comes with a DS/3DS and MicroSD Port. It is a Tablet sized Handheld. In Standalone Mode you can also use the full WiiU-Menu and applications like the eShop, the Miiverse and even the Internet Browser. If you start a WiiU Game the WiiU will turn automatically on. You also can play our favorite DS and 3DS on the TV. If you have an 3D compatible TV you can play 3DS Games even in 3D! The New GamePad follows the design of the New 3DS. That means SNES styled Buttons, Coverplates and WiiU-Menu Designs to personalize your GamePad. WiiU-Menu Designs will also be available for the original GamePad. The New GamePad won't just work with a direct connection to the WiiU like the original GamePad. You can also connect through your local Wi-Fi Router and even the internet.
The New GamePad will launch this Fall. You can get it as a Standalone Version for $199 and as a new premium bundle for $349 The original GamePad and WiiU remains as a $249 starter pack.
With the New GamePad you will be able to play supportet Games with two GamePads on one WiiU.

The new Star Fox Game will be one of the first games that supports two GamePads.
Speaking of Star Fox. The new Star Fox will be a reboot of the series and is simply called Star Fox. It is a classic Star Fox 64 like Star Fox. Just like Star Fox 64 you can play through it really fast but there a many routes and hidden secrets. The GamePad shows you a Cockpit View, while you see a classic view on the TV. The Game features a local and online Co-op Multiplayer. You can play online with up to 3 friends and local with one friend (with two GamePads). There will also be a competitive Multiplayer. The Game will be released this Fall.

Project Giant Robot and Project Guard will be released in the eShop, later this year. Project Giant Robot also comes with a 2-GamePad Player Multiplayer.

Now Iwata wants to share new information on the new online system from DeNA. The new System will start in September together with an update for WiiU and 3DS and a official Nintendo App for iOS and Android and Windows 10 that will be released on the same day.
With the new Online System all your games will be based on your account and not the Hardware. That means if you have more than one 3DS you can now have your games on all of them. You can register up to 5 devices of the same type.
The online system uses your already existing Nintendo Network ID so that you don't have to create a new account. The official Nintendo Application allows you to browse the eShop and the Miiverse. You can buy Games on your mobile device or computer and they will be downloaded automatically to your 3DS or WiiU. The all new voice party and achievement system will also be usable from the app.
With the new Voice Party System you will be able to talk to your friends. This feature will not be able on Nintendo 3DS, but 3DS Players can use the official Nintendo App to communicate with each other.

The new achievement system is based on Puzzle Swap from the 3DS Mii Plaza. Every compatible Game will feature a Puzzle. Each Puzzle piece is a achievement, if you complete all achievements of a game you can view the Puzzle in Fullscreen. There can also be goodies like gear for your Mii and more.
The new Online System also replaces the Club Nintendo. For every game that you purchase in the eShop you will get Coins. You can use these coins in the official Nintendo App to get digital and physical goodies. But this will not be the only use for the coins. If you buy much and have many Coins you get discounts in the eShop! You can get up to 50% discount.
The first mobile Nintendo Game will come this Fall. It's a 2D Super Mario game. If you play it you can get a 50% discount on every Super Mario Game on Nintendo 3DS and WiiU!

Reggie shows up and presents some 3DS Games:
-Metroid Fusion 3D will be released in October 2015. It's a remake of the Game that was originally released on the Gameboy Advanced. It will feature 2.5D graphics and a new epilog.

-Final Fantasy Explorers will coming to the West.

-Animal Crossing: Happy Home Room Designer. Amiibo Cards will be feature three cards in one package. One package will cost $3.

-The new Fire Emblem Game has finally a name: Fire Emblem If (just like in Japan). The North American Release is based on the Hoshido side of the Game. If you want to play on the Nohr side you can purchase a DLC. There will also be a special edition like in Japan that features all stories. Fire Emblem if will be released in Spring 2016.

-Pokemon Zero X and Pokemon Zero Y will be released worldwide on February 27th 2016. It's a prequel to Pokemon X and Pokemon Y. The games take place in South-Kalos and for the first time in history of Pokemon there will be new Pokemon in a Special Edition. There will be about 60 new Pokemon and also new Mega Evolutions. The 6. Generation Starters are now able to perform the Mega Evolution. The Game is compatible with all 3DS Systems but if you play it on the New 3DS or the New GamePad Pro you can switch at any time to a third person view. There are also rumors that the champion of the Kalos Region will be invited to the grand opening of something that is called the Battle Frontier of Hoenn...

Next up is a Mashup of eShop indie games that are coming to 3DS and WiiU.
Now Reggie wants to show some WiiU Games:

-Shin Megami Tensei x Fire Emblem will be called Persona FE in North America and Europe. A new Trailer also shows a famous feature of the Persona Series: The S-Links will be part of the Game. The Game will be released in 2016.

-Mario Kart 8 will get two new DLC Packs! The first one comes this November and will be Star Fox themed. New drivers a Fox McCloud and finally Captian Falcon, the third new driver is still a secret. The second one will be Kirby themed and will be released in spring next year. Kirby and King Dedede will join the Mario 8 Roster. Both packs come with 8 new courses.

-A new Animal Crossing Game will come next year to the WiiU. It will be called Animal Crossing: Metropolis. This time you will be mayor of a small town. Can you turn it to the biggest Town of the World?

-Devils Third and Project Treasure will be shown at the Treehouse Live @ E3

-Sakurai shows up. He reveals the last round of Super Smash Bros. Amiibos and the next Update for Samsh Bros. that brings the tournament mode. But there is one more thing:

-Tales of Super Smash Bros. This Game will be are Crossover between the Tale of.. series and Super Smash Bros. It will feature all the Super Smash Bros. Characters and Lloyd from Tales of Symphonia will also come to Super Smash Bros. for WiiU. It is a full RPG experience with the Super Smash Bros. Battle System. All Amiibos of the Super Smash Bros. Series are compatible and allows you to build the party you want! Tales of Super Smash Bros. will be released 2016.
Reggie comes back and remind you to watch the Treehouse Live @ E3 Stream, there will be more announcements at the show floor.
But before you go...

-Metroid V
developed by Retro Studios. It's 3D like the Prime series. Plays after the events of Metroid Fusion that is also known as Metroid IV. The Game will be released in 2016.


I'm a Nintendo of America Employee

That's from Reddit, and the first 15 comments were calling it fake, so.... 

If it was somehow true though, that would be amazing.
BTW some of that info is SPOT ON. I'm calling it at least half true.

Explorers is getting announced. So they got that right. Don't want to comment on other things I know to be true in that dump.

The exclusion of Zelda is very bothersome. It doesn't make sense they wouldn't show something from Zelda. I know it's not going to be on the floor but they should/will have a new trailer.
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Im telling yall
Don't underestimate nintendo
U see se moved there presentation
They know what's up
Going to the ps event at the movie theater. I'm in there for the goodie bags
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That Nintendo list :lol:

I wish it was all true but I don't believe it. I think the biggest thing for me is Tales of Super Smash Bros. I would think it would have been announced at Tales of Festival a few days ago.

New gamepad? Why? It ain't gonna cause the Wii U to sell anymore units. Why take another L? It does sound cool tho and would make my wife happy since my son never shares his currnt gamepad. I'd love to play my 3ds titles in the big screen too.
Really? Almost positive sony confirmed that game being scrapped. But still would explain what team ICO has been doing.
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