Dudes callin with that "You #@*++!! my girl doggy?!" UNAPPRECIATION.

Apr 7, 2008
I dont know if any of yall remember my post about the older chick that I was thinkin about gettin serious with, but if you do, this is about the same female. So She calls me on the phone the other day like "If Omar calls you on the phone asking you if we ever +++#$+ tell him we never did anything, ever." So I'm thinking, ok, but this dude isnt really gonna call... A 40 year old man callin some 22 year old talkin bout "you was doin my ex while we wastogether?!"
Suuure enough, about five minutes pass, and I get a call from some out of state area code.
So I pick it up and this dude start goin on this rant about "I'mtalkin to you man to man." and "I'm not tryin to hear your lies because I know you and that #+%%* are both liars..." "the only reasonI'm callin you is because you was all up in my face..." bla bla bla and hangs up the phone. I didnt say @*@@ but "I never +++#$+Stephanie." before he hung up. There were plenty of lulz after he hung up, but this guy deserves a

Thing is.. I never did his girl... While they were together.

Dude is a 6'10" 300lbs ex NFL, so scrappin is the last thing I'm tryin to do, but if it comes down to it....

Cliff Notes:
- Messed with this older chick
- We stopped messin around
- She got a man
- Broke up with the man partly because he thought she was doin me
- 40 year old dude calls me askin if I did his ex

Tip: If you're suspicious of your girl cheating on you, just DEAD HER and leave it alone! Dont go callin the dude and all that extra... Word to Track 10on Come Home With Me...
She said you gotta get drunk, but I can ##%* her better sober,
you get 20 grams and think you +!+!%#$ Eric Sosa.

Female Bill Clintons FTW!
Funniest, yet scariest call ever. I got a ring from a dude my freshmen year in college....Dude threatin to kill me...If its over the chick I think its over, Icould see why.

...If any of you guys ever resort to that behavior, you lost in life.
I remember this dude hitting me on FB with that BS.

"You took my girl. Wait til I see you."
Originally Posted by JustScoreda100

Originally Posted by MR MONDAY NIIGHT

Originally Posted by Do Be Doo

Originally Posted by NewZ05

pics of the girl??
and also RIP

Originally Posted by Snake201

Pics of the girl. and the team that dude played in.

Originally Posted by MR MONDAY NIIGHT

Originally Posted by Do Be Doo

Originally Posted by NewZ05

pics of the girl??
and also RIP

Originally Posted by Do Be Doo

Originally Posted by NewZ05

pics of the girl??
and also RIP

Originally Posted by NewZ05

pics of the girl??

Originally Posted by UNtroubled YOUTH

what team did duke play for?

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