Driving Pet Peeves

when people merge in front of me and press the damn brake!
Originally Posted by SoleWoman

Originally Posted by FrenchBlue23

Geez if you think it's that bad in d.c....

Imagine driving around L.A.

I hate:

- Bicyclist thinking they have the same traffic rights as the automobiles on the road, I mean stay on the right side!!
- When you get into right lane to make a right turn, and the car in front of u is actually going straight so I have to wait until the light turns green

- When drivers put on their turn signal and don't wait even a few seconds, and just merge right in front of you

trust me i have. im from l.a. have u driven in dc? md? or va? la is a tad bit better

No kidding?......

Never been to dc, md or va.

The #1 I'm sure, is the fact that people don't pay attention to the traffic lights, and signs, plus they think they're all alone on the road.
Originally Posted by piczon1983

when people merge in front of me and press the damn brake!

Just this morning I was driving, and an SUV merged right in front of me, stomped on the brakes (no turn signal) and went into a gas station.

Originally Posted by you right

when someone in front of you stops at a yellow when ya'll both know u both could make the light.

i rear ended a guy for this mess...def unappreciated. people who want to merge/change lanes but just slow down/stop and wait for all cars to clear drivers notbeing courteous to other drivers people talking on their cell phones while driving
- ppl that dont signal
-ppl that slow down to 5mph to turn
-ppl that drive 65 in car pool lane
-ppl that tail gate you
Originally Posted by SoleWoman

- when cops are coming the opposite direction and decide to make a left turn (theirs) and your driving straight. Then they sit in the middle of the traffic lane where you cant go straight. Theres nothing you can do either (ive learned the hard way that its not best to honk or flip them off)
- bicyclists who drive in the middle of the street and dont obey traffic laws, sometimes i just want to tap the back of their wheel and see what happens
- when people in front of you are driving slow to turn and you miss your chance to turn
- sitting through a light twice because people dont pay attention

yes i'm mad. I just drove in downtown dc


i hate these dude i swear to god. one guy had the nerve to tell me if you see me on the bike dont you think you should give me the right away?

i gave him the
. & told him who the F told you to ride a bikeScwhin F'n Armstrong.

i cant stand these dudes.
Originally Posted by 2g00d4u

When you go to your car and put your folder that has EVERYTHING from two of your classes on top of your car, unlock the door, open the door, start the car, and then drive off the parking lot not knowing that your freaken folder just went bye bye. This happened an hour ago and twice already. I'm heated Niketalk, heated!!

I did that to some DVD's i rented. I hate when people stop and puton there Emergency lights on a one lane street. even worse when they pull over to the side a little like there is actually room to go by.
-people that leave huge gaps in traffic
-People who are tooo generous and let everybody merge in.
-People who don't use their signals when turning into a driveway
- another one...people in dc DO NOT CARE. they will dart out in the middle of the street not giving a care in the world...thinking they own the world...theyare lucky there is a crime called manslaughter with a vehicle because in my world car vs. human...car always wins. meaning i always have the right away!
Originally Posted by J d0t c0medy

- Mopeds, Cyclists, & Slow drivers should be murdered.

- Get off your phone, or put it on speaker.

- Trucks with High beams on 24/7, I can't see @%% (So I drive slower you can honk your horn but my music is pretty loud)

- I don't understand why people aren't just happy with their cars I hate driving and seeing Year 1998 & below Honda Civics with...
- Loud exhaust : You ain't getting anywhere quicker.
- Body Kits : All that money you spent on parts & labor you could have bought something better.
- Tv's in the headrest: Really? It's a 94 Civic Hatchback...SMH
- Horrible sound systems(rattling, buzzing too much, making horrible noises) : I don't think your Reggaeton should be sounding that bad Papi.

4 shizzle. I just SMH when ever I see a 94' Civic with a butt load of things on it. Since latinos/hispanics are usually driving I look over and giggle. Notbecause their car sucks, but because they feel cool because you can hear their exhaust from a billion miles away.

Another one of my pet peeves while driving:
-When I'm about 200 yards from a red light and I'm slowing down yet the idiot behind me is two feet away even though the red light isn't changinganytime soon. To annoy them I just slow down to 2mph, then when the light turns green, I speed up and leave them in the dust. Try to tail me now moron.

-When people cut me off for no reason. What's funny is that they get no where, I usually end up passing them not long after.
when someone in front of you stops at a yellow when ya'll both know u both could make the light.

When people think it's okay to go all the way down the freeway and then merge over at the last second. They know the lane's going to end because there's a freaking sign that say "Lane must exit in 1 mile", but they decide that it's okay to drive all the way down and basically cut in front of everyone (sometimes even crossing two white lines). I don't see why people think it's okay - just because you're in a car. It's not like you would do that at a basketball game and cut in front of someone waiting in line at the hot dog stand! Oh, and people who don't use their blinkers.

when people merge in front of me and press the damn brake!image


whenever there's a decent amount of traffic, i hate the dudes that keep zooming around across lanes trying to find a gap and get ahead. they'll go tothe left lane, then when the middle lane starts moving they switch back, then to the right lane when that starts moving, then back to the middle, etc etc. calmdown fool, this aint a video game

i just stay in the same lane the whole time, and i still end up passing them after they did all that work. i always look sideways at em like "thats right*#%+%" and zoom ahead
When youre bumping and then you pull up next to someone who's bumping their music too. It ends up being a who has a better speaker/subs competition. I turnmy radio up, he turns his up, on and on til someones speaker gets blown out. LOL
-People who drive the speed limit in the fast lane.

-people riding on the brakes

-women drivers

NC, DMV has to have the worst drivers ever...I use to love driving in LA bc people drove faster then the speed limit

I understand road rage now that I'm older bc after a 8 hour shift and then gettin into traffic with terrible drivers. My temper is always at the boilingpoint.
- Being in the left lane at night on a highway, and the cars on the incoming direction decide they want to have the sun in their headlights, it's blindingfor those few seconds.

- Michael Schumacher's in their 90's era Civics.

- Idiot's
Originally Posted by Angryostrich

- Being in the left lane at night on a highway, and the cars on the incoming direction decide they want to have the sun in their headlights, it's blinding for those few seconds.

- Michael Schumacher's in their 90's era Civics.

- Idiot's
1. People who don't merge at the speed of traffic.

2. People who get on the freeway and get off at the next exit, thus never leaving the merging lane (that can be almost a half mile long sometimes) and neverbreak 45 mph because apparently that doesn't "count" as actually being on the freeway.
2B. People who anticipate the freeway exit and slow down to 45 mph (or less) a quarter mile before the exit.

3. People who don't pull out into the intersection when waiting to turn left, thus not letting people behind go around. I got stuck behind someone who satthrough three green lights once waiting to turn left because he just stayed behind the cross walk waiting for no oncoming traffic. It was at that point Istrongly considered installing a minigun on my car to blow idiots like that through the intersection.

4. People who drive in both lanes on arterial streets (with no distinct lane designation) during rush hour when "No Parking 3-6 pm" is in effect,thus defeating the purpose of the no parking. It's two lanes, ******s, not more room for you to drive at your %!%*+ speed. And they are a bunch of *******,because the people who do it never drive more than the speed limit. And even worse is when people want to actually get by that lead car in the extra lane, butapparently you've offended the driver of the lead car, so they drift over t prevent anyone from passing, thus holding up traffic.
when cops dont follow the rules they pull you over for.
no turn signals
not watching where you are at
female drivers
people that get pissed at you because they did somthing wrong
just dumb drivers
eh..female drivers? at least insurance companies think we're the better, safer drivers
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