Dressing Better Vol 2.0

sarteaga0408 - I definitely like the look FreshFeet suggested, that would be a fun one to try. I also think you could do a really cool black/white outfit with it.

Something like this. I've always loved this picture I found on tumblr **not my picture/outfit**

Obviously your wasitcoat is completely different color/texture/pattern but I thought that photo could provide some cool inspiration.

This is great reference! Thanks guys! Will try to attempt it this week, if not maybe next week...wifey and I took out our clothes for the week already (makes it easier when you wake up at 5am and have to leave your house by 5:45am to get to work on time) and that's not one of the items taken out. I might be able to still make it work and do a quick ironing of navy trousers.
Thats a GREAT pic. The fit and background.

Makes me want some xmas kds 8)

Thanks, man. Took it around my girl's area. Used the gorilla pods :lol:

I really like the KDs, especially at $115. I guess it was meant to be. I picked up the pair 2 weeks ago from the local Footlocker when I went in to buy Nike Frees. They found the former manager stashing pairs in the back and took them out to be sold. The other pair was the Xmas Lebrons, but I don't really like those.
Been super busy today, here's today's:

That's definitely the same way I wear sneakers now. It's like an afterthought and never matching the colors of the outfit. One guideline I like to follow, wear just one stand out piece.
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If it was done incorrectly, can't you return it?

It works a little different when it's bespoke as it was specifically made for me and made in my measurements. Because it was their error they are letting me keep it, I didn't even ask, my stylist bagged it up for me and handed it to me but the one that was supposed to be ordered they ordered right then and there and at no cost to me. Which is even more awesome! Could I return it sure but if they are going to let me keep a waistcoat that would cost me $420 to order if I wanted it the future at no cost, then I'm definitely going to keep it. Especially when all that'll happen is that the waistcoat would end up in their sample sale and sold for about $20-30.

Aren't you trying to lose weight?

why are you spending $420 on a bespoke waistcoat?
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can we bump this #pleaserespond ... heard h&m got $20 sweats like this but nvr investigated ... need some 

HM had these for 20 or 30 bucks. The pic is from about a month or two ago though so I don't know if they still have them. I think they had a couple styles, but if I remember correctly these were the closest they had to what you posted.
For today:

Also posted up Jerald's pic on the group blog. Holding off on Vlad for tomorrow and Tuesday.
Thanks! Just post the ones you feel are worth it, I threw in a bunch of options...

Also, UNKNWN, some nice fits on that forum, I like the fact that both here and there you can see urban fits, with sneakers and such, but upgraded to a modern fitted look. I mean, you can't always go out in a DB jacket with monks on.

PS: Happy birthday to your girl, she's gonna love that gift
Hey fellas,

JCrew has a 30 off clearance sale going on (which I'm sure most of you know they seem to run semi-regularly), but for the first time in a while I see a Ludlow jacket on sale that's actually included in the deal.


Comes out to like $260 ish, figured maybe someone wants to jump on it.

If the matching pants were slim fit, and I hadn't just dropped bread on some footwear, I'd cop. It's flannel but still a good deal, no?
Aren't you trying to lose weight?

why are you spending $420 on a bespoke waistcoat?

One, I am loosing weight and that's exactly one of the reason why I wanted to get it. Two, I had actually bought the trousers at their sample sale this past August and wanted to get the matching waistcoat so considering the trousers would usually be $500-600 and I got them for $20 at the sample sale, dropping $420 on the waistcoat wasn't too big of a deal. Plus with bespoke you pay 50% at the time of order and 50% at completion so I see it as a $210 and $210 purchase at the different times. Three, free alterations! I'm honestly trying to drop another 2-3 inches the chest area, something that I know can be altered on the waistcoat, believe me it's something I checked in on before I ordered. This is why I haven't ordered another bespoke suit though, not until I get to where I want to be. Lastly, why not I've worked hard to get to where I am, I understand the why spend the money when you're trying to drop weight but at the end of the day, it is my money and it is just that, money. Honestly after ending up in the hospital for 5 days in January perspective changed, a lot. It's good to have money and save but it's good to splurge on yourself here and there, after all who knows what tomorrow may bring.
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can we bump this #pleaserespond ... heard h&m got $20 sweats like this but nvr investigated ... need some 

H&M had these un a few colors in their basic collection some months back for like 20$ should still have some


Btw I usually just walking into a running store around my way and get the flyknits, really no way to get a discount in these unless you know an employee..
Bought a pair of h&m sweats yesterday, which I'll be returning. The ones with cuffs are too slim and the one without are too baggy.
shopping in nyc: woodbury, jersey gardens, garden state plaza mall, soho, 5th avenue.

i have all my basis covered ? any other areas that are cool to check out ?
copped from target

Man target has some nice clothes lol. Some of my favorite shirts are from there.
Whenever someone is like "where did u get that? "
Im not even ashamed to say target.

Merona 8)
Not a fan of anything from Target really. Well I mean I did get my umbrella from there...

I do regret not getting that Rag and Bone cardigan. Now that I look back at it it was very nice.
copped from target

Man target has some nice clothes lol. Some of my favorite shirts are from there.
Whenever someone is like "where did u get that? "
Im not even ashamed to say target.

Merona 8)

This guy knows.

Of course, you have Zoom Flight Gloves too, so I should've known... :lol:
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For today:

Also posted up Jerald's pic on the group blog. Holding off on Vlad for tomorrow and Tuesday.
Thanks! Just post the ones you feel are worth it, I threw in a bunch of options...

Also, UNKNWN, some nice fits on that forum, I like the fact that both here and there you can see urban fits, with sneakers and such, but upgraded to a modern fitted look. I mean, you can't always go out in a DB jacket with monks on.

PS: Happy birthday to your girl, she's gonna love that gift

Thanks man!

I'll let her know my dude Vlad said happy b day :smile:
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Man target has some nice clothes lol. Some of my favorite shirts are from there.
Whenever someone is like "where did u get that? "
Im not even ashamed to say target.

Merona 8)

Which reminds me for those looking to add a little color by way of socks, Target had them at 4 for $12, or $4 each (regular price). If it wasn't that I already have a lot of socks I would have scooped up a few.
Man target has some nice clothes lol. Some of my favorite shirts are from there.
Whenever someone is like "where did u get that? "
Im not even ashamed to say target.

Merona 8)

Which reminds me for those looking to add a little color by way of socks, Target had them at 4 for $12, or $4 each (regular price). If it wasn't that I already have a lot of socks I would have scooped up a few.

I used to do this. I was in target the other day and tried on a merona button down that i actually really liked....but it was $24.99. Now i know that isn't expensive but i can get j.crew factory shirts for about that price when sales hit.
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