Dressing Better Vol 2.0

This spring i’ll just be rocking jean jackets and short sleeved hoodies.
Short sleeved hoodies

This spring i’ll just be rocking jean jackets and short sleeved hoodies.
Short sleeve hoodie is the equivalent of chicks wearing shorts, tank top, beenie and Uggs.

Makes no sense unless your walking into the ring or Belichick.
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They’re good for that 60-65 degree weather. It’s brisk but not that cold.
I only do it when I'm warming up before playing basketball
I’m guilty of a long sleeve under a short sleeve polo. Not much of a fan of cutoff anything. Jeans, sweats, flannels, etc
Anyone recommend some good dress shirts? I tried a SuSu shirt and it’s nice and all but I feel like it’s not worth the money.
its really all about the collar, maybe not worth the $$ but SuSu collars are on point
So one of the worst possible things that can happen to anybody's wardrobe like us guys who dress better is when you reach for a suit in your closet/wardrobe and there are holes eaten through the thing. I made a horrible discovery yesterday where a brand new Sandro Paris suit (not superb construction but decent and price was cheap) had a massive hole eaten through the back of it. I truly don't know what my exact options are because I was obviously and frantically going through my closet trying to remove pieces and search for a culprit. I'm extremely tidy and I always vacuum, dust and clean my room on a regular basis. It's definitely not a hygiene thing and it's not a problem that I've encountered except for the past maybe two-three years.

I think I may have realized that it wasn't moths, but actually an invasive house pest called a carpet beetle. The horrific thing about these ****ers is that they don't only eat wool. They eat basically friggin anything and could actually be eating your cotton shirts and even leather. I thought this would be a post to help some others to just check your items regularly. This was a completely brand new suit which was never worn with retail tags still on it, so clearly it's not like the thing was feasting on something with body residue or food particles or smell on it. I don't put anything away for extended periods without it being completely clean and laundered (heard in the past this was the best way to avoid moth issues and also storing in garment bags or air tight containers). The scariest part though is that all you can really do is launder your items and try to kill any larvae that may be on or in the garment. It's the larvae that get onto the clothes and eat it, not fully grown beetles or moths or whatever it is.
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BR is having a sale on most things. For those who wanted some chinos. Try their rapid movement Fulton's
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