Dressing Better Vol 2.0

...TGIF and a long weekend coming up

Thinking about heading to the city on saturday for the hell of it. Any of the famb free to meet?
Appreciate it didn't know if there was a US based sight or secondhand retailer. After conversion they are what about $215? I'm assuming shipping is expensive too

That sounds about right. Serg would know for sure though

Thanks guys repped for the replies

Got a wedding in October...these are on the short list of shoes for my suit (navy suit). Should probably hurry up and decided since it may take a while to get here. Heard Nordstroms is having a shoe sale too gonna go check that out today see whats up
And lastly interesting article on the Wall Street Journal about how to dress on Wall Street: (personally I thinks some of the suggestions are ridiculous)


Ridiculous is an understatement. This had me :rofl: though:

Forget all about Hublot. It’s a great way to tell people that you’re an idiot who has more money than taste. Hublot was a second-rate brand with third-rate craftsmanship until about 15 years ago when they arbitrarily doubled the price and started paying celebrities and sport figures to wear them. It's been a marketers wet dream.

I'm not sure how familiar you guys are with the Goldman Sachs Elevator (@GSElevator) but it's mainly a satire account. It's supposed to be outlandish, extremely pretentious and comedic yet is mildly offensive and insensitive to some. The lulz are bottomless, though.
This had me dying...

#1: Hermes ties are like Air Jordans for white people.
Yo where's Glen and Rob, UNkNwn, and the other regulars at?

School just started, been extremely busy with school work and moving into my new apartment. I'm here though, no worries. :smile:
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GSElevator is hilarious sometimes.

My favorite tweet from him is "If you're going to be good at one thing, be good at lying. Because then you're good at everything"
They are dope...

True indeed, they looked like scaled leather, similar to the Yeezys, if that's the case I'll get them..
Hey guys,

I stay lurking this thread and now I finally got some reasons to "dress better". I just got an internship with an investment group, the dress is pretty business casual(dress pants/slacks, golf shirt/sport shirts/dress shirts, and dress shoes).

I'm looking to get two more pairs of pants, a few shirts, and a pair of shoes any recommendations?

The shoes I'm looking for are something similar to these http://www.jcpenney.com/dotcom/juni...ss+shoes&colorizedImg=DP1213201217005160M.tif

I'm open to any suggestions, I just need some pointers/places to look. Not looking to spend >350 total, I know I'm on a small budget but I am saving to study abroad.

Thanks in advance!
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